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My 2 cent to improve multiplayer experience

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After seeing how easily a couple of morons can ruin the online experience of +60 players, I came to these suggestions in the vote system for kicking teamkillers and electing admins :

All this already exists in many other games (Quake and... BF)

- first give us an indicator of the remaining required votes to kick or elect someone !!!

Something like "There are X votes of Y required to kick/elect PLAYER"

And also an indicator to tell us if vote is disabled on this server.

- second make the vote easier - especially the kick one - with a one-button-vote, something like "Press 1/F1/PgUp to vote YES or press 2/F2/PgDown to vote NO"

With some rules such as every player can call for a (kick) vote every X minutes to prevent abuse, and also a timeout.

- - you can also make the vote smarter to go further than any other game : TKer is kicked if (50% of total players) OR (60% of his team) vote YES

Because usually the opposing team "forgots" to vote.

I am sure that because of the lack of feedback returned by the console after a vote many players just dont bother to participate cuz they think it's useless/not working.

More ideas :

- show an indicator on the server browser screen next to servers with present admin. Something like (A) or ADMIN near their name.

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Even easier -- don't play on servers with no admin!

From my experience of other games it's a waste of time trying to convince enough people to join in a votekick, especially in a team game where the other side don't really care if your team has some retard team-killer f*cking up your game.

BTW not wishing to create an international incident, but is it me or are Tkers usually French?huh.gif? controversial i know but true for my experience (conversely I have never seen a German one in Arma or OPF or any other game ever come to think of it). LOL who says national stereotypes are never accurate.... rofl.gif

LOL, time to strap on hard hat and seek nearest bunker.... goodnight.gif

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I only play on servers with admins and in the few occations I don't I accept the situation. I don't know what's worse the TKer or them people playing on the server, who're just playing in their own little world, clueless of ongoing votes against the Tker.

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The voting could be easier but it shouldnt be intrusive.

One example would be BF2 (oh no, not again!wink_o.gif) where the voting text pops up and blocking the view, people just press either yes or no just to get rid of the text. I for one like to have as little text onscreen as possible.

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I added some more ideas to the main post.

To ppl who think that problem is solved by playing only on servers with PW or admin, this is leading nowhere.

There are so few admins mostly because electing an admin is such a pain with the actual vote system.

I and the 60+ players of a server with ONE TK dont want to play only on the 10% of clan servers which can afford to have an admin 24/7

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I'm almost certain that there are scripters out there with the talent to make a voting interface. A simple dialog box on the lower right hand side that can both display info on counts and total the numbers (maybe even make the call to the server to boot the noob)

I'm thinking there needs to be a standard 'housekeeping' set of scripts that handles this and is distributed with every map

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Even easier -- don't play on servers with no admin!

Yeah, that's so easy to know before you join the server. Jeez, I played ArmA online twice now and I've only seen massive TKing or destruction of the vehicles by one smartass, ruining the mission.

The only good MP expirence I've had was with the demo and that was just by chance that I ran into a good group of people that cooperated.

Besides that, I would like to join a clan for some nice gaming, but eh, how do you tell the bad ones from the good ones? Some also taking gaming way too seriously, it's just a game, miss one pratice and you're out. Seesh.

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It's easy, you join the server, but before you enter the mission you look at the player list to see if anyone has (Admin) after their name...

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Yeah, but still, sometimes you just don't want to play with 4 guys and an admin being a jackass.

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i thought arma already came with a roe script ?

i use it for ai if they shoot a team mate they goto jail.

i am sure there is a variable for servers to use globroerun

maybe its for the campaign , but it would be a piece of piss for any mp mission scripter to utilise, the just need to change the titeltext to glbal chat .

anyway heres a test i was doing on myself and ai

go to jail you nasty teamkiller smile_o.gif

the script inside the engine ROE.sqs

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