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USA players get your ArmaA now!

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I don't know if this was posted before, but this is for US/Canada players. GoGamer.com is selling 505 version of the ArmaA, fully english. I ordered mine on Sunday night and got it on wendnesday (priority mail) in a nice little DVD case, i'm not sure if they are selling Australian of UK versions, but it comes patched to 1.04, so GoGamer.com is acting like a middle man.

Well upon receiving the game upgrading it to 1.05 and playing it a little i'm impressed and i don't understand other peoples view about it. I have a dual core and run it on full setting well not "very high" but on "high" settings it runs fine and smooth. I think that this game is a lot different then OFP. It maybe based on its engine but it feels so different, i don't know i haven't played OFP for more then a year. But its a lot better its huge leap forward from flashpoint, and i love the textures and new sounds i think everything is much better the any addon that was ever released. I love the new island, the game is more realisitic then OFP, it makes OFP looks arcade i mean even soldiers walk a lot like real people now. I mean i've noticed there is a couple single player missions that are exact the same as in OFP well this is just to show you how ArmA is an improvement. I do love the campaing its different having no central character i think it gives you a bigger feel for the battle, also i think its a big hint for how Game 2 is gonna be i doubt there'll be a central character there.

Well the only negative things that i've experienced is that its very difficult to spot an enemy i have distant view set to like 2000 but still a lot of time i get shot and not see where the enemy is. Also it a lot harder to shoot and aim, the recoil got very real life feel to it. And the enemy always shoots at you at full auto and i don't think they expirience a recoil which is kinda frustrating they all very good shot from big distances 150-200 meters. One bug that i have frustrations with is how AI can see through bushes and tall grass and use it to kill you. Other then this i like the game.

BIG QUESTION: How do i unlock the locked single layer missons.

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By completing them opens other ones up, Also i think ill wait for a while on my copy. I have the demo and i dont play it hardly at all but i play OFP still everynight. biggrin_o.gif

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Yes you are warned. This game, as it stands now, is not in release condition yet. Many people cannot even get to the loading screen.

Myself, I live in Wisconsin, bought the English version last Friday online, downloaded it and installed it, but has not been able to figure out how to get through their activation screen, and 7 days after the purchase, I got ONE customer support reponse which directs me to a totally unrelated direction to check for issues, LOL

Here is the thread:


I would recommend U.S. folks be patient to wait for a stable release. I know the game itself is hot and we have been waiting for almost 3 years, but it is sad to see the poor customer service and crappy front end activation process and UI - worse than those free-download wares.

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Yes you are warned. This game, as it stands now, is not in release condition yet. Many people cannot even get to the loading screen.

Myself, I live in Wisconsin, bought the English version last Friday online, downloaded it and installed it, but has not been able to figure out how to get through their activation screen, and 7 days after the purchase, I got ONE customer support reponse which directs me to a totally unrelated direction to check for issues, LOL

Here is the thread:


I would recommend U.S. folks be patient to wait for a stable release. I know the game itself is hot and we have been waiting for almost 3 years, but it is sad to see the poor customer service and crappy front end activation process and UI - worse than those free-download wares.

I think that has more to do with the fact it's a downloaded version, maybe if you tried redownloading it, the problem would get solved.

I don't know how luxurious you feel, but maybe even getting a hard copy would work...

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- 3 WinXP reinstalls

- 3 Internet Explorer 7.0 reinstalls

- Downloaded it 5 times, each time matches the MD5 checksum

over 20 emails sent

- 7 days after the purchase

Still cannot see loading screen yet!

All I have to say is - worst support in my past 20 gaming experience. Numerous games run perfectly fine on my PC, but this one, cannot even get through the activiation window, because that windows is so crappy programmed - many free download wares are much better.

Yeah, if you think a hard copy will skip the activation window, then go ahead try it. Maybe it will work. I don't have the luxury to get a hard copy, since I have already wasted $44 bucks.

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A hardcopy DVD version definitely doesn't need to go through all the activation nightmare.

Thank god I've not been forced into all that to install and play ArmA.

I feel for you Sprocklet users sad_o.gif

Keep it up, hopefully it will be sorted. ED had some similar issues with their online distribution of Flaming Cliffs addon, and it is going better now. Crossing fingers for BI to follow the same path.

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I bought mine from that seller on EBay (Startup Software) and, it took me 3 days to get it from UK to Canada. Above all, he sells at very good price.

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I bought mine from that seller on EBay (Startup Software) and, it took me 3 days to get it from UK to Canada. Above all, he sells at very good price.

<a href="http://search.stores.ebay.ca/Startup-Software_armed_W0QQfciZ6QQfclZ3QQfsnZStartupQ20SoftwareQQfsooZ2QQfsopZ3QQftsZ2QQsa

selZ32565579QQsofpZ0" target="_blank">http://search.stores.ebay.ca/Startup....QsofpZ0</a>

Now I just need to figure out how I can get my $44 back from that shitty Sprocket.

If you guys have posted all these channels to get DVD version of the game, I would be playing ArmA right now, instead of whining here. banghead.gif

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Yeah, if you think a hard copy will skip the activation window, then go ahead try it. Maybe it will work. I don't have the luxury to get a hard copy, since I have already wasted $44 bucks.

You can install and run the DVD version offline, so that'll work.

I have a DLed version (different provider though - metaboli or something) and that works too.

What i'm trying to say is that you do not run the risk of not being able to play with a hard-copy. Ofcourse, that won't help you i understand...

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@ cyclone

Why the hell do players buy online without an hardcopy?

Buy the DVD version, and you´ll never see such problems.

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Just to chime in on my experience, http://game.co.uk (as recommended by other OFP forum surfers) delivered to Canada in 6 days.

Love the game, couldn't have waited until May biggrin_o.gif

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I never trusted a copy that wasn't a hard copy and after hearing all of the problems people are having with the Sprocket version, I'm glad that I didn't experiment with my money. I still am wondering why many others were/are willing too, however. What made them think that it would be a good investment and why they didn't care for or need a hard copy. I learned about GoGamer from these very same forums before the UK release and ordered it that Friday.


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Cyclone, if you have a "friend" with a hard copy, could you try installing the hard copy with the cd key from the downloaded verion ?

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The game is still twitchy and 1.05 is not the final build. It is still playable but for high end users with NVidia cards, be warned, the new patch screwed up our performance (using an 8800gtx xxx overclocked).

If you are going to dl the game like I did, make sure you turn all your background crap off and let your bandwidth be used only by the download. Get any family members or dormmates to chill out on downloads so you won't get any crappy downloaded files. I got my downloaded version that came in 1.05 patch and works well (other than performance problems). The game is awesome and will be well worth your money.

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I downloaded the German version, and it worked fine. I then downloaded the English version a few days ago, and it also works fine.

I don't buy the "the game is still in beta" arguement. It seems fully functional to me. Much better than OFP. I think some people just never run out of things to complain about.

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I'm just curious.. activiation? huh? i didn't have to activate mine? o.O (505 version)

seen it said here and there and i still don't get what it is tounge2.gif

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It is for the people that don't buy a DVD but download a copy of the software. You need to activate your copy by going on a web page and you are given a key, that is bound to your hardware, so that BI is sure the game is only installed once and can't be copied

That's the theory. Now, the activation process is screwed up, on many level. Activation page not working for some, patch trigerring a change of key (and you only get 3 free keys), etc...

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hm, i guess i'm glad i bought the DVD

only 3 keys? that will say one 3 reinstalls then you're screwed? o.O

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hm, i guess i'm glad i bought the DVD

only 3 keys? that will say one 3 reinstalls then you're screwed? o.O

no, then you call and ask them for more keys.

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You're supposed to be able to ask for new keys, but for some people the contact for this is not very responsive.

I also didn't mention that it looks like the protection system actually interfered with the game and created more bug than on DVD version, I think thing slike CTD in MP, and other happy things

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I can vouch for the gogamer.com as well. I ordered mine several weeks ago. Can quickly - much faster than I had guessed.

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GOGAMER is great, and no, I don't work for them HAHAH.

I have bought over 20 copies (seriously) from them in 2 different batches, and none of the copies has had a SINGLE problem.

We ordered the DVD's (no online download crap), and got them within 2 days using FEDEX (the normally ship fedex) and they're all GREAT.

No problems, no glitches, no issues. It's the UK version, so they come 1.04, and you just use the normal UK patch to go to 1.05.

Cake, easy, save and 100% perfect.

And what's this KEY crap? The DVD's come with a manual and DVD key in the case. No screwups there!


The latest 1.05 patch has an updated securerom code that will PREVENT you from playing ArmA if you have alchohol or daemontools or YAZZ running in memory. You MUST disable this stuff at boottime so it's just installed, but not memory resident. Don't confuse THIS with a problem with ordering the game, a flaw in the game, etc. If you DO NOT know how to do that, then click START --> RUN --> and type "msconfig" and go uncheck all relative boxes in the STARTUP tab and reboot.

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@ cyclone: still not running? I have for testing purposes a German version as DVD with SecuRom as well as a German download version from Metaboli with Starforce. I faced all shit AFTER I installed both versions, but installation and upgrades went fine.

I mean even if it sounds nuts, but to somehow make sure that there is nothing wrong with your rig, do you have the chance to install with the same downloaded file on any other machine?

I mean you went already to far, I would never even thinking about reinstalling my OS again. Did you used always the same downloaded file or did you downloaded several times?

With the weak SW support it is common for all countries, allmost all just switching an expensive porn number where they suggest you to plug the power cord into the socket and if this does not work to install everything including the OS.

Check with the download supplier if they upgrade the download version also to 1.06 in the next weeks and latest then I would give it another try.



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You should definately have a look at the forum rules regarding use of foul language...

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