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Couldn't do this in any other current game...

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I went in the mission editor and created a direct confrontation with 153 AI on each side... 306 total, with a distance of around 450 meters between the 2 sides. I gave each squad a seek and destroy waypoint and threw in a couple airborne helos to strafe the enemy.

This all took about a half hour to create, and the effect is absolutely incredible. Seeing and hearing over 300 soldiers in combat in the game is amazing. Plays out differently every time and often the battle is over in minutes.

And this is perfectly playable on my about mid-range system.

The AI is quite impressive. And the 2 choppers I had flying around in the same group, they never crashed into each other like they would have in OFP within a matter of seconds. They were also doing a very good job of strafing, especially the UH-60 with dual miniguns.

Show me another game that could come close to pulling something like this off. While ArmA isn't perfect, things like this really showcase what the game can dish out. And it's second to none. smile_o.gif

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Show me another game that could come close to pulling something like this off.

don't understand why so many doubts..

OFP was the best game ever.. now its ARMA. Period.

no need to ask for other games that might match ARMA cause there aren't even with this beta version we have (1.05)

even knowing that ARMA is not perfect, it gives me alot of joy and fun.

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I agree. I haven't had any major bugs and I'm having a blast with this game.

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Hello Everyone;

I recently joined this and two other arma web sites just because of ALL the NEGATIVE postings.

Granted, i may not participate in online gaming or am a hard core gamer such as yourselves, i am older(late 30's) and i admit that i have used ofp in the course of my WORK.  Thats right i said work, (i'm probably one of the few out there that has found a business use for a sim.  I work high risk video and can't draw a storyboard worth beans, and because of ALL the modders and gamers out there i have been able to use the editor to create some incredibly accurate as well as SPECTACULAR story animated timelines.  THANKS GUYS!&GALS!wink_o.gif and have not had the issues that these others speak of.  I consider my system to be average:p4 ht(NOT Duo core) 3.0 northgate, Intel 6 series mobo w/onboard audio, nvid 7600 agp w/256meg ram, 2 gigs of mushy 566 ram, firewire pci card and additional modem and usb pci cards onboard lan.  No overclocking.  Not high end by any stretch of the imagination and like yourselves i am very happy with the sims performance with my settings on normal, texture high aa off, range at 900m

For grins and giggles, i used the editor to put together a quick mission using all the empty air, car and armored assets and about 30 or so friendlies to take on over 150 zombies (Great Job ZMOD!wink_o.gif and let the fun begin!(actually the zombies are pretty resiliant better to take them on in the air than on the ground.  There were very few survivors.

My point being that for me the sim runs well, i know more about framerates than most people since thats my biz and i'm pretty happy that with well over 200 items on my field of mayhem, it ran smooth with no stutter(that is until the zombies started getting stuff blown up, two smoke trails were fine, when the third went up i got some stutters) and even with the bugs that i have found, if you look at the developers track record i'm sure they'll eventually get those worked out too.

If you really want to see some unresponsive development when it comes to software, you should see some of the problems the flitesim communities have.


Postscript: German arma 1.02 patched to 1.05

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I went in the mission editor and created a direct confrontation with 153 AI on each side... 306 total, with a distance of around 450 meters between the 2 sides. I gave each squad a seek and destroy waypoint and threw in a couple airborne helos to strafe the enemy.

This all took about a half hour to create, and the effect is absolutely incredible. Seeing and hearing over 300 soldiers in combat in the game is amazing. Plays out differently every time and often the battle is over in minutes.

And this is perfectly playable on my about mid-range system.

The AI is quite impressive. And the 2 choppers I had flying around in the same group, they never crashed into each other like they would have in OFP within a matter of seconds. They were also doing a very good job of strafing, especially the UH-60 with dual miniguns.

Show me another game that could come close to pulling something like this off. While ArmA isn't perfect, things like this really showcase what the game can dish out. And it's second to none.  smile_o.gif

sounds awesome.

Any way you can post up the mission file? rofl.gif

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I did the same thing but with 26 tanks, 20 APCs, 6 Helicopters, 2 planes and 160 soldiers... Breathtaking.


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I went in the mission editor and created a direct confrontation with 153 AI on each side... 306 total, with a distance of around 450 meters between the 2 sides. I gave each squad a seek and destroy waypoint and threw in a couple airborne helos to strafe the enemy.

This all took about a half hour to create, and the effect is absolutely incredible. Seeing and hearing over 300 soldiers in combat in the game is amazing. Plays out differently every time and often the battle is over in minutes.

And this is perfectly playable on my about mid-range system.

The AI is quite impressive. And the 2 choppers I had flying around in the same group, they never crashed into each other like they would have in OFP within a matter of seconds. They were also doing a very good job of strafing, especially the UH-60 with dual miniguns.

Show me another game that could come close to pulling something like this off. While ArmA isn't perfect, things like this really showcase what the game can dish out. And it's second to none.  smile_o.gif

sounds awesome.

Any way you can post up the mission file? rofl.gif

I'd like to see it too please.

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What part of

Quote[/b] ]I went in the mission editor and created a direct confrontation with 153 AI on each side... 306 total, with a distance of around 450 meters between the 2 sides. I gave each squad a seek and destroy waypoint and threw in a couple airborne helos to strafe the enemy.

is difficult to understand? huh.gif

Just open the editor and do the exact same thing he did

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What part of
Quote[/b] ]I went in the mission editor and created a direct confrontation with 153 AI on each side... 306 total, with a distance of around 450 meters between the 2 sides. I gave each squad a seek and destroy waypoint and threw in a couple airborne helos to strafe the enemy.

is difficult to understand?  huh.gif

Just open the editor and do the exact same thing he did

None of it is difficult to understand, but what is the point of re-inventing the wheel? If you can't be constructive with your comments then it's better to be quiet.

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It's really awesome, that whenever I play this game, I see something amazing. The best part is though, that I know this game will be around for years, due to the modding and stuff.

The engine (call me a fanboi if you want) is awesome. I really don't understand how some people think the GFX are outdated? I was doing a night mission a couple of days ago, and was driving M113s around in a convoy. The lighting was incredible! I have never seen anything quite like this before, and I have a fairly old computer as well!

As I said, the engine appears to be very solid, and it will be an incredible experience playing different mods and stuff in the years to come! I look forward to it very much.

ArmA has really surpassed my expectations... wink_o.gif

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Ive started making my SP campaign and it will surly have big battles like this yay.gif too good to miss out tounge2.gif

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What part of
Quote[/b] ]I went in the mission editor and created a direct confrontation with 153 AI on each side... 306 total, with a distance of around 450 meters between the 2 sides. I gave each squad a seek and destroy waypoint and threw in a couple airborne helos to strafe the enemy.

is difficult to understand? huh.gif

Just open the editor and do the exact same thing he did

None of it is difficult to understand, but what is the point of re-inventing the wheel? If you can't be constructive with your comments then it's better to be quiet.

No need in becoming agressive. He is right... Placing a whole bunch of troops in a small area is much easier and faster, than uploading and download a mission...

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Yup. smile_o.gif Do it all the time just to see the lead fly. Pick some units, hit ctrl+c to copy the selected units (and waypoints) and hit ctrl+v like a rabbit on a Cappuccino IV drip. Volia! Instant army in about 20 sec. But the aggression and angst is apparent on both sides of the fence, as I've just found about myself. crazy_o.gif

Think I'm gonna take a break.. biggrin_o.gif

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Saw another sweet AI thing today. I was a sniper (as per usual) and whilst scanning around a town from up on a hillside, I spotted an injured enemy crawling around. I couldn't quite get a shot on him as he moved behind some trees before I had time to place the crosshair on him. From his cover, he was able to make it to behind a building, obviously knowing where I was as I had taken a couple of quick shots at him, and missed!

Anyway, minutes later I saw him crawl out the other side of this building, and he was heading for the medi-tent! I thought 'Now that guy knows what he is doing, and that is smart!!!'. But then, me being me (and yes I do feel guilty for it), I nailed his ass to the floor with a few high-speed metal objects! Funniest thing was, then one of our choppers came over and strafed the town with rocket fire, flattening the medi-tent, and I was then able to get a kill on a pussy tank crew member, who must have taken refuge in there when his tank or APC got busted! SWEET!!! wink_o.gifwink_o.gif

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and often the battle is over in minutes

In Elite i 'discovered' the power of the GUARD waypoint, because of the limited Elite Mission Editor.

Use the same amount of units but spread them over a bigger area and give each group of units a GUARD waypoint. What will happen now is that when there is an encounter between some units they (or you) will CALL IN reinforcements. The AI and GUARD waypoint decide what is the best unit to respond ... like a domino effect in the end every unit is somehow involved but it takes a much longer time to play out (which is normal ... if you place infantry 3 kms further away it will take 15-20 minutes to just arrive:)

Anyway the same fascination for the evolving 'battle' can be felt. A lot of times you go 'where the hell did they come from' and stuff like that:)

The only real prob is to give yourself a meaningful mission objective.

Give those GUARD waypoints a try:)

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haha so true! I discovered that in Arma i can really pull off my grand plans that i tried and lagg failed in ofp biggrin_o.gif

totally love how the groups can be so much bigger and with not so much lag. I bought 2 copies and at least my copy is working great, my friend suffers some probs with his dvd drive but his stuff is way old could be that too tounge2.gif

any1 tried placing out the artillery cannons on a beach and then placing out a bunch of Ships storming the beach, i just totally love the sounds and the pure panic i get when hearing the blasts and roars from the guns. I just hope they make a.i and ships disembarking to beach a bit better and the scene will get perfected inlove.gif

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