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the new grass,bushes are only eyecandy for AI because they can look through... or did your OPFOR wear x-ray visions??

the camouflage looks too washy+colored and not like to mask the person.

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The Ai can look through grass yeah... but thats caused by armed assault 1.05...

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Would be better if you don't make new grass, bushes and sth. until this bug gets fixed. wink_o.gif

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Sled88. If that first mission isn't at night, how is it that a special forces soldier (satchels, MP5 silenced, only 4 mags, silcenced M9) can take out so many bad guys? Literally as soon as the lighthouse goes up, everyone in the nearby two towns heads towards me. And I'm stuck on a hill, surrounded by water except one small peninsula. Is that the way that the mission is intended to be played? And since its during the day, they can see me, and shoot at me from what seems like 400 meters out at times.

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I get this error when i try to start the mod error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha rofl.gif

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Did something happen to the Virus gang? Their website hasn't been up for a while. And there hasn't been any new posts in any of the forums in over a week I believe. Any one know if they are still working on their new campaigns/mods. I hope so.

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Just tried the first mission of the campaign.

There are some pros and contras:


- Nice Retextures of the island and units

- Nice loading screens and menus

- Interesting story

- Kinda ego shooter feeling in ArmA


- The higher grass/plants obstructs the view of the player immensly, but not of the AI which is an unfair disadvantage

and feels unrealistic.

- mission design feels unrealistic.

 1. You would make such blow up missions at night.

 2. Why blow up a lighthouse. A lighthouse is definitely not

     essential for a landing on the beach.  Anyway I don't

     understand who wants to land on the island. The

     enemies are already on the island.

 3. Getting information from an informant, would not happen

     in the style that a navy seal would go to a hotel to meet

     him. This would be an undercover agent (civilian).

 4. Nobody in the world would assign the landing zone in the

    midst of the enemy patrols. Right on the beach where

    everyone can see you and shoot you down.

 5. The hovering blackhawk some hundred meters away from

    the shore would get shot down immediately and beside

    this, it's very bad to have a blackhawk hovering on the

    shore and simultanously trying to make a "covert operation".

 6. You definitely need better voice actors. The english is

     really too german... he he.

     (And tone down the loudness of the voice, definitely too

      loud and doesn't feels like radio message.)

 7. Give the player more information what is going on in this campaign. A good trailer would be helpful.

(A very good example is the trailer art-of-rush.de has made for their MP campaign, where you get a great overview of the situation before beginning any missions.)

 8. There is too much going on in the first mission. A lot of armored vehicles driving aroung, jeeps, trucks, several choppers. It's simply too much. Make more stationary guards.

Will try to finish this campaign anyway just to know how the story unfolds.

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Well guys we are still there...

But we have some issues we are working on... we are working on a new general webpage for all of our projects... this website will have a good design (i think^^), language choice is yours (between english and german) and some other interssting features. We don't know exactly when we can finish the page... the most of our members were back from vacation so it wont take long anymore. I also preparing an intern workshop for battle arts company to change our ideas, concepts and so on. since the beginning of the virus project in november 2006, we are working on an other mod, but this mod is growing and growing and wont get ready for the release lol. anyway, we are working on the expansions for virus and the other huge project. The current stuff on virus independence war is completed. i think we dont need any further updates or pathes for this. Another thing is the community. I really wanted to released my SAS-Pack pack a while ago, but I cant because i am not really experienced with that hex-edting stuff. so its still completed on my hdd. it would be released soem time ago but no one want to help so... not my problem, i just wasted some time on it. I could ask the members but they have definitly enough to do with the current projects.

To the project that is in development since november ´06 can only say it is something really huge. some infos to that later on the finished webpage. i never worked on a mod longer than on this one.

Now i just want to have the new tools like O2 and Visitor 3.

The only issue I am working at independence war is to run it on the 1.06 versions of the us.

Regards: Sled

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ok glad you're still alive sled88

What do I have to change in the files in the @virus modfolder to get rid of the high plants/grass? As I would like to finish the campaign, but it's simply unplayable with the high grass!

Ok figuered out that some addon conflicted with @Virus, now the grass looks normal height and the flying leaves are at normal density. Had about hundred thousands leaves flying around me before! smile_o.gif

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I got some questions:

1) V.I.R.U.S. Mod is down/closed - no bugfixes, no patches for international patch 1.08?

2) how many projects you're working on?

3) next Mod again 2GB? biggrin_o.gif

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1. Who the hell said the VIRUS-Mod is down? You can play VIRUS with Version 1.05, If you really want to play do so and install arma twice. Maybe we will deliver a final patch after BIS finished patching arma...

The size of a mod is not really important. If want to play it do it, if you dont want to play it, dont play it.

2. Off topic, PM me if you really want to know it.

3. see 2nd question

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