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Major Fubar

Whats up with co-op?

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Why don't people like co-op play in OFP? It's almost all I play! (LAN, about 6-8 players).

But every time I browse for mutli-player games on the Eye, it's like 98% DM/CTF. Team games and death match are nice and all, but am I the only one who likes co-op? (If I wanted to play deathmatch only I'd play Quake3 or UT).

Am I one of the few co-op fans out there? Let me know what you think...

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If players in GS/ASE arent playing coop it doesnt mean people dont like it (or play it). The fact just is, that to play, and really enjoy coop play, you are going to need some reasonable people to play with you who dont just run to the battlefield shooting around. Thats why most coop games are propably played on password protected servers, or on LAN games.

For example I play alot of coop online, and enoy it, but on a non-public server with people I have played with for a good while now and its very much fun.

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True Kegetys. Me and my pals ONLY play co-op. But it really does work only with some guys you know and in a locked server.

I've played deathmatch for so many years (quakeworld, counter-strike etc) it really is a nice change.

Too bad quality co-op missions are kinda hard to find (haven't seen a single co-op mission for desert malden, *hint* blake) but luckily we have Kyllikki :-)

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Count me in !

The way I see it, in DM/CTF you got two sides that are aware of each other and that's not the case in war -always-.

If you think it like that you have much more variety of missions playing COOP.

Also I don't like the odds of surviving in DM/CTF :)

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Fubar, you really are not alone here...OFP coop still gives me the kicks and adrenaline rush after 8 months of release. Coop really brings the best out of Flashpoint, since TDM/CTF games are usually plain silly Quakish rushing and fragging. With coop the missions can be somewhat realistic and objective-based

requiring actually some thinking.

But it's sad to see public servers flooded with 4 vs. 4 CTFs which are getting kinda boring after a while. I bet those people would have much better time with coop if they'd give it a chance, without the damn respawn of course smile.gif

Other game developers could have taken a note about OFP's flexibility in coop and dm. MOHAA could have been so much more fun with coop, now it's dusting my shelf since TDM or objective matches are really nothing more than quakish fragfests.

Anyway, OFP is the king smile.gif

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Co-op is OFP wink.gif ctf etc is just adding the standard to keep all happy. Problem is finding a server to use/rent etc to run a good game for 5 or 6 buddies. But when you get a game going for 1hr 30mins action packed mission then its like nothing out there.. Sat in your extraction chopper after a tough battle hehe.

It only takes one prat on a public server to ruin a well planned mission. So CTF is a better option for the public to join and play. all you have to do is send them to the flag hehe.

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Coop is the only thing I play multiplayer. Either it's on a LAN, or occasionally I play some on the internet. It's true there are allot more CTF/DM/TDM servers, but I never fail to find a good coop server when I'm in for some (non-password).

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Same here, coop is the only game we actually play.

Some facts which make coop on public servers a bit difficult:

- Population : there is 99% of the time somebody who WANTS CTF/DM game. Coming from CS, Q3, etc..., they do prefer CTF/DM, and outnumber coop-lovers smile.gif. <-*Disclaimer* there is in no way any critic or judgement in this sentence, it's just a fact wink.gif

- Preparation : Coop needs planning. ie : read the whole briefing, set up movements, actions, escape routes, etc... On a ded server, one should be fast enough to permit everybody to play, not to wait for 1h30, it is hard with a coop mission. And annoying when someone keeps shouting "GO!GO!GO!" on the chat screen.

- from the point above : coop are generally LONG (ie 1-2h00). Same problem.

But coop make OFP really bright.

What about coop missions with 2 sides presented (East vs West)? Didn't see many, but it would be surely great on multi.


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TDM games are cool too, but only if it's made realistic, not like 10-20 cars/armored with heli's all over the map. Only inf. and maybe 2 jeeps and good positions are very important.

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I'm all for CO-OP's, as has already been said it takes planning, time, and good players. I do enjoy the odd DM TDM and CTF but CO-OP is king in my book biggrin.gif .

We got loads of our own good CO-OP maps, and our training maps for our spec ops division are mostly all CO-OP in the DV squad, also we are now the official reviewers for the OFPEDCENTER MP maps, so hopefully some good ones should start to become available over the next wee while..........

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I'd never played co-op before on any game, then when I first tried Opf co-op I was totally sucked in, playing Dave's Spetnaz mission with a couple of good friends is still the best online gaming experience I've had by far smile.gif

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Same here

Our squad is more or less dedicated to CoOp but it's hard to play good Coops on a public server, on a LAN there is a totally different issue though...

TDM and Capture&Hold is also quite good if the missions is well done but CTF... No to much like quake and unreal for me (tried 'em and forgot 'em :-) )

Hard to find good Coop-missions though, especially larger ones (8+ people)

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