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Another reason for my wife to go quiet on me....

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No problems with the missus. My woman has her own pc and she also plays games like the sims etc. We also "play" together, but not computer games whistle.gif

In the past there was some complaints about me playing too much ofp. All night sessions when i was still studying or no job...

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there are some girls/women who enjoy these types of games too, they are rare but if you have one, you are one lucky bugger lol, ...

I guess I must be one "lucky bugger" then! Sorry guys but my wife is playing ArmA right now as I type this post! Mission? = Blood Sweat & Tears I think she’s on at the moment! Not Kidding either! She enjoys shooting games (no pun intended) more that I do and has played most of them to date!  tounge2.gif

In fact it's a thumbs up for ArmA because she would only play OFP as coop games with me, but ArmA she's going full out in single player already!  biggrin_o.gif

In fact I'm expecting her to get through the campaign very shortly if other games she’s played are anything to go by, then I guess I'll have to start making some more missions in the editor like I did with OFP!   rofl.gif

Well done BIS! Gives me a break from other duties!  humping.gif  wink_o.gif

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I guess I must be one "lucky bugger" then!

Hehe, I'm another one...

Mine just looooooves busting zombies. She's unstoppable when she begins shooting. She's even as excited as I am when she sees a zombie than when I see a T72.

One hell of a girl friend, for sure tounge2.gif


PS: thanks ZMoD !

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it's easy, give her a nintendo ds with brain training, cooking mama and a couple of that type of games and you can play ArmA when you want :P

it works very well with my girlfriend yay.gif

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I bought mine a DS and it worked in the beginning.

The only thing she doesn't tolerate is my cursing outloud when I'm gaming wink_o.gif

Cann't blame her since all our pc's are in our living room.

She never got past tetris, but doesn't mind me gaming till I drop.


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Well, it might not be ArmA related but OFP related:

on 25th September 2005 it's been stated by law:

"CD's wife is history" tounge2.gif

And yeah it was OFP causing this in first place well in second

place it was me a pc freak and me ex-wife being not.

So no deals have to be made with wife for playing ArmA

~S~ CD

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Bring your wife some joy what makes her to forget about you during one evening at least. But next evening you will have to play another game)) not to dissapoint her.

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