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SQF revive script

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there is not problems with ACE 1.09 ?

last mission some players lost there weapons when revive

and respawn mobile did not work sometime (when clicking on respawn mobile they respawn at base sometime)

I will make more test because it appear only in 1 mission

Edited by gonza

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Except for adding action to all NORR_players_units and not to be twice (AI revive) at action menu.

The other issue is not a revive problem, i tried to add a eventhandler "hit" and "dammaged" but ACE got anotherone that overright mine, i think.

Sorry for my English, spanish here.

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Hi, im ChIcHeZ from CHS, in our group we're been using for long time your amazing script, because out playing behaviour is rather xtreme and we're trying to have the more acurate realism as we can; and thanks to your work we reached that level.

But now, we play using ACE mod and we're not able to make work your script correctly, we're not able to make the medic the only who can revive... ¿is this possible?

Sorry for de inconvenience and thank you for your time.

Best regards.

PD: Sorry for my English

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Hi Chi,

Must admit I haven't down loaded the latest ACE update yet (its on my to do list) but I'm pretty sure Blackdog1 (at Tactical Gamers) was doing something similar using ACE and revive and he had it working. Just check that you've got the correct ACE unit name in the _can_revive setting in the revive_init.sqf (eg "soldierWMedic"). If you're still having probs maybe send me your mission to norrin@iinet.net.au and I'll take a look at it.

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Hello again Norrin,

Excellent... thanks!!! :D

After some test we managed to make it work, but with a small problem, only units that came with ACE can revive (I mean, act like the medic) others (here doesn't matter if there are from ACE or 3rd party addons).

While it's a solucion we don't know why or how to fix it, do you have any idea why this happens?

Sorry for de inconvenience and thank you for your time again.


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Hey Norrin. I am not sure why this happens but as I have read in your readme.pdf so I´ve to get all the playable unit names in the

NORRN_player_units = ["s1","s2"...


I have 45 playable units and so far I paste all these unitnames in this line so the script will no more be initiated. Is this a bug or are there only a given number of playable units allowed in this line?

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Hey Norrin. I am not sure why this happens but as I have read in your readme.pdf so I´ve to get all the playable unit names in the

NORRN_player_units = ["s1","s2"...


I have 45 playable units and so far I paste all these unitnames in this line so the script will no more be initiated. Is this a bug or are there only a given number of playable units allowed in this line?

Hi mate,

I'm not entirely sure as I've never used so many units. My guess is though that you may have accidentally missed a comma or a quotation mark (") when you've named your units array.

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Hmmm...this is my line:

NORRN_player_units = ["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8","s9","s10","s11","s12","s13","s14","s15","s16","s17","s18","s19","s20","s21","s22","s23","s24","s25","s26","s27","s28","s29","s30","s31","s32","s33","s34","s35","s36","s37","s38","s39","s40","s41,"s42","s43","s44","s45"];

I can´t find any missing comma or quotes...may be I did and overlooked it, so I posted it here

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Try at the end of "s41

Let me know if you're still having problems Memphis and I'll get you to send me your mission.

By the way is the playable AI enabled or disabled in this mission, as that's a hell of a lot of units to be running AI enabled?

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Try at the end of "s41

Let me know if you're still having problems Memphis and I'll get you to send me your mission.

By the way is the playable AI enabled or disabled in this mission, as that's a hell of a lot of units to be running AI enabled?

No, having no Problems anymore. I guess that 45 units are just too much. So I reduced them down to 30units and it works now.

enabled or disabled AI?...hmmm...need to check, dont know actually.

Thank you for your support

Edited by MemphisBelle

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I have a problem, and I can't seem to fix it. I have everything working properly, but whenever a player dies, a new npc spawns right next to him and falls down to a prone position. There are two npcs standing there... and it looks incredibly weird.

In the test example given and in other missions that use this script that I have tested, they don't cause this. And I haven't seen ANYTHING in my options that could be causing this bizarre behavior!

Any help please? Thanks!

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2 things make sure you have a marker called respawn_west somewhere on the map and also make sure you have

respawn = "BASE";

in the description.ext

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Oh wow! Thank you for the fast response!

I have a marker called Respawn_west as it says in the documentation. Does case matter?

Also, in my description.ext file that I copied over, I do have a respawn="BASE"; line.

It's weird, because I changed almost nothing to the files other than what it takes to make a mobile spawn... and my own map with all the proper markers.

The problem I am experiencing is whee when I die or anybody else dies, another unit immediately respawns where they were at.

For example, I have an AI unit in my team... if I shoot and kill him, another one just like him will respawn right where he was standing and attack me and kill me. I'll then choose a respawn point, respawn... and he won't attack me anymore. I'll have had a duplicate of myself where I died as well.

EDIT: Oh wait a second, it appears I have renamed the respawn_west marker inadvertently. If this works after this, I am going to be so angry, and yet so happy at the same time. I have spent literally all day on this... about 12 hours. :o

Oh my god... I feel so stupid! IT WAS THAT! I thought all along I had all my markers properly set but my respawn_west one was incorrectly renamed! GAH! So much time wasted.

Thank you so much for the quick response norrin. Your script is absolutely incredible!

Edited by Raziaar

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Hey Norrin I have a question for the revive system in the part that NORRN_player_units is that where I put what name I gave the units in the editor? If so is it under the name tab or description?

Secondly under the can_revive and can_be revived for BAF units what is the general name to be used for soldiers so that they can all be revived, and is it just the class name for the medic for can_revive?

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Hey Norrin I have a question for the revive system in the part that NORRN_player_units is that where I put what name I gave the units in the editor? If so is it under the name tab or description?

Secondly under the can_revive and can_be revived for BAF units what is the general name to be used for soldiers so that they can all be revived, and is it just the class name for the medic for can_revive?

Just search in revive_init.sqf for this

NORRN_player_units = [s1,s2,s3,s4];

S1 is name of unit in editor, name is in name (to the right under special, not in description, description only shows up in MP lobby where you choose what unit to play, you can rename s1 to whatever, and add or remove as many as you want.

You can also make it easy with making all units you wish to have revive playable and replace line with this.

NORRN_player_units = playableUnits;

In can revive use "soldierWB" then all west units can revive

_can_revive 					= "soldierWB";		//array no.18 

Edit: Reading the instructions, aka readme, is very helpful for many issues ;)

Edited by Demonized
added info.

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Thanks Demonized never considered playableunits vs each players name in mission file,

Does that cause an issue with the AI if they are set to be able to heal but are not in the playable units field?

I am still really new to the VBS2 and arma series so anything that makes PvP easier is great.

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Thanks Demonized never considered playableunits vs each players name in mission file,

Does that cause an issue with the AI if they are set to be able to heal but are not in the playable units field?

I am still really new to the VBS2 and arma series so anything that makes PvP easier is great.

I just did a test and in editor you die instantly if killed and using playable units, i know for a fact that on dedi server we use playable units in previous versions of Revive and it works, amongst players, we never use AI on team then.

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