Dudester 0 Posted February 18, 2007 I just wonder if Bis will ever make CTF fun to play again. Alot of clan matches depend on CTF, so are we going to lose alot of clans due to the fact CTF is total rubbish now. when i played OFP i always played in a clan. Team work depended on getting a flag, but once near the flag you had to be ready to take out... maybe 3 or 4 guys on your own, its only then you could make good your escape. This game suffers badly when it comes to CTF, it just doesn't allow you the skill and speed needed to get a flag like OFP did. I remember the times i used to go for flags single handedly, and return them. The adrenaline used to pump and it felt good, unlike this. Armed assault doesn't do this at all, its near on impossible to collect a flag and then tackle more then one player at a time. If your a confronted by more then one player you die most times. I know people will say "yes but its a sim" and you cannot do that in real life, but wasn't OFP a sim back then according to most people? and lets all be honest, it was alot more fun getting a flag capped back then, without going a full 30 mins of constant play and no flags. I don't only speak for myself here. I have alot of ofp players on my MSN who are feeling the same as me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balschoiw 0 Posted February 18, 2007 One advice: More practise and scrap the BF tactics. Switch to different approaches and there you go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted February 18, 2007 or stick to BF2? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted February 18, 2007 One advice: More practise and scrap the BF tactics. Switch to different approaches and there you go. Didn't know battlefield 2 had a CTF? Always thought it was CH, and BTW i like that in AA. Don't you just hate it when people don't read and engage mouth. Like i said, i have lots of OFP players on MSN and as an OFP player myself, i cannot see the difference resorting to playing Battlefield 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted February 18, 2007 I gotta go with Balschoiw on this one. Practice, practice, practice. At first I tried what your talking about, trying to find the sneakiest way to sprint in. grab, sprint out. This only got me pwned every time and i almost gave up. But then I started waiting a little, let the ebb/flow of game develop, constantly coordinating my map with incoming radio, and (sometimes) working with a small support team. Starting racking up the points and let me tell you, the adrenaline gets very high. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted February 19, 2007 I gotta go with Balschoiw on this one. Practice, practice, practice. At first I tried what your talking about, trying to find the sneakiest way to sprint in. grab, sprint out. This only got me pwned every time and i almost gave up. But then I started waiting a little, let the ebb/flow of game develop, constantly coordinating my map with incoming radio, and (sometimes) working with a small support team. Starting racking up the points and let me tell you, the adrenaline gets very high. Well i have not come across you on the maps i have played, because most of the CTF i have played have ended in stalmate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terox 316 Posted February 19, 2007 I for one am glad Arma CTF plays differently to OFP CTF, no more mr teenager with fast mouse clicks kicking my ass anymore, now they have to engage the brain a bit too maybe thats why it isnt liked by some eh ? CTF doesnt exploit the true abilities of Arma or OFP anyway Large scale battles over large areas with Human/AI groups is what BIS gaming is best suited for and maybe thats what the new league maps will go with, leaving the ex counterstrikers or BF2 clans to their CTF's Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guerilla [mcy] 0 Posted February 19, 2007 funny how much guys without a clue about real ctf clanwars coming allways to those threads, BIS stated that they will keep the balance of fun and sim, but they failed and went away from what ofp made an all in one engine for dm till cti. since 2 weeks i'm playing ofp again after 2 months of ArmA and i allready had twice the action mentioned by Dudester since, no excessive camping, fine moving behaviour etc etc. but i'm still hoping for , what do i know, ArmA 1.96 ? So far i heard that they fixed the "shooting while walking" issue and that the transmission into the crouch position runs smother, well that's a start at least... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilnate 0 Posted February 19, 2007 IMO I think it depends on how the mission designer sets up the game. Most of the CTF I've seen are in wide open areas. Maybe you are searching for more of a "arena" style map/mission/plan? Maybe try to make a CTF mission where it's deep inside parisio and you seal off a 4-5 block strip? Maybe i'm not reading close enough before engaging my keyboard, but these seem to be your points: *Team work depended on getting a flag - I believe it still does. * This game suffers badly when it comes to CTF, it just doesn't allow you the skill and speed needed to get a flag like OFP did. - Are you saying that the animations take too long to grab the flag? How does it prevent skill? * Armed assault doesn't do this at all, its near on impossible to collect a flag and then tackle more then one player at a time. If your a confronted by more then one player you die most times. - I can't see how this invalidades ones expectations. Anyway, I just think that you would probably enjoy a shorter\faster CTF mission\map. /my 2c Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Hi all I just played 3 hours of a whole bunch of Urban CTFs on the new 1.40 server and it rocks. With the on board coms we made a plan some covered with M249s others assaulted with G36s and grenades. Real team play. Far better than OFP lots crawling in the shadows, trying to work out which side that dark shape at the building edge was. Lots of checking on coms. Lots of where are the rest of you I just got killed. Way more tactics and loads of fun. Nice change after the 3 hours of big battle CTF I did yesterday. Tanks and vehicles big wide terrains moving through the valleys hiding in the forests. It was all using terrain and lots long engagement ranges with MG bullets suppressing, grenade launcher stonks; observe fire and maneuver, the whole 9 yards. need to get together a team to do indirect fire with the grenade launcher maybe hmm at least till we have proper CoC artillery. ArmA is so good I am doing something I never thought I would do or say. I am retiring my OFP to live on a dusty book shelf. The King is dead long live the new King Kind Regards walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted February 19, 2007 What would make CTF fun for you then? Is it the lightning fast animations, über G36 or the right corner exploit? Or maybe all of them together, huh? If you aren't able to "pwn" like in OFP anymore, something's wrong with your adaptability. I haven't seen this much action in a CTF since 2003 when corner camping wasn't widespread. Your enemies don't spawn from nowhere to prevent your flag runs or returns, instead they are out there to get you instead of being stuck at the right side corners. The animation transitions are a bit too clumsy, but I'm optimistic about BIS fixing them. To continue my rant I'm offended by some unnamed elitists who think that CQB players are brainless idiots who are better off playing CTF in Counter-Strike or Battlefield. Who are you to decide what this game is "meant" for? That joke is getting old, repeating it only shows your narrow-minded caveman attitude. I bet you oppose everything that you don't like yourselves. I might as well diss coop players for getting kicks out of killing braindead AIs, C&Hers for fighting in their yellowbelly tanks over a totally irrelevant piece of land for goddamn points and so on. And if the author of this thread has been playing Hexenkessel or similar map, be advised that it's just a simple TDM disguised as a CTF to give a motivation to kill everybody. In truth it doesn't even have CTF scripts, flag takers are laughed at. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Hi allI just played 3 hours of a whole bunch of Urban CTFs on the new 1.40 server and it rocks. With the on board coms we made a plan some covered with M249s others assaulted with G36s and grenades. Real team play. Far better than OFP lots crawling in the shadows, trying to work out which side that dark shape at the building edge was. Lots of checking on coms. Lots of where are the rest of you I just got killed. Way more tactics and loads of fun. Nice change after the 3 hours of big battle CTF I did yesterday. Tanks and vehicles big wide terrains moving through the valleys hiding in the forests. It was all using terrain and lots long engagement ranges with MG bullets suppressing, grenade launcher stonks; observe fire and  maneuver, the whole 9 yards. need to get together a team to do indirect fire with the grenade launcher maybe hmm at least till we have proper CoC artillery. ArmA is so good I am doing something I never thought I would do or say. I am retiring my OFP to live on a dusty book shelf. The King is dead long live the new King Kind Regards walker Did you get a flag LMAO? Now i bet your going to say "yes" but if you have the tanks and all, its probable you did get a flag, but please read the post. "BRING BACK OFP LOL" best game ever apart from graphics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killerwatt 0 Posted February 19, 2007 I was on the same server as Walker tonight and I have to say he is spot on. Sometimes I was on his team sometimes not, but I can say that voice coms in capture the flag really enhances the game play by leaps and bounds. I cant understand you guys that dont like this game. Either you are playing a different game or you want something other than tactics and team work in your games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted February 19, 2007 lol at celery me old clan m8, that will come back to haunt you. I just hope the servers fill up abit more (No ctf). Everytime i connect there is less and less players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Did you get a flag LMAO? Now i bet your going to say "yes" but if you have the tanks and all, its  probable you did get a flag, but please read the post. "BRING BACK OFP LOL" best game ever apart from graphics. Hi Dudester It was a HexenKastle style Urban. Not tanks. Just like I said MGs G36s and grenades. There were a whole bunch other choices like silenced weapons etc. Yes we got flags and lost them and regot them. Scores for half hour battles 1<> 0 to 2 <> 0 Never saw more than 2 complete flag runs a side. Not enough people using their mikes yet. Lots of grabs though. As Killerwatt will confirm we won more when we used coms to plan and execute the plan. I also used Coms in some coops and it seriously rocks chanel options are a great advantage! Edit I just realised this post is in the wrong section of the forum it should be in MP. Also I suspect it is a duplicate thread and maybe needs to be combined with an existing thread. I will let a Moddie know  Kind Regards walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luciano 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Yep, you got a point there. Lots of clans already left ARMA and I'm sure more will leave. Its funny how people that speaks against you are the people that play only coop. Same people talking about how great the flying is, yet they fly with a joystick and they use the helicopters for nothing more than fancy taxis. Most of you blame this on lack of "practice", "practice", "practice". Yet its the game's poor design in the CTF aspect that makes it lame, and boring. This isn't even about the CTF only. CTI, RPG's, C&H, etc, all of that will suffer. Since this is nothing but a coop only game, I'm glad not to be part of this community in the future. Oh, CTF is playable, nobody says its not. Only right now, its lame and boring. OFP ctf was interesting and fun to play. Not this. Even RO's combat system is far more intense, fun, and interesting than ARMA CTF. If the soldiers are Stalingrad would have acted like the robot soldiers in ARMA, it would have taken 10 years to end that battle. And to the people thinking this will be fixed, lol it won't. Its not a bug, just bad design. To fix this will mean to fix the whole flawed "momentum" system. And that's way too much work for something that doesn't really benefit BIS. They rather come up with another unfinished expansion or something.... Stalker's coming out, and it has promising MP, plus a full SDK will be released soon after march. (Confirmed). So I'm looking forward to that, then I'll really be out of here. However, I'll try to be positive and I wish BIS best of luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Did you get a flag LMAO? Now i bet your going to say "yes" but if you have the tanks and all, its  probable you did get a flag, but please read the post. "BRING BACK OFP LOL" best game ever apart from graphics. Hi Dudester It was a HexenKastle style Urban. Not tanks. Just like I said MGs G36s and grenades. There were a whole bunch other choices like silenced weapons etc. Yes we got flags and lost them and regot them. Scores for half hour battles 1<> 0 to 2 <> 0 Never saw more than 2 complete flag runs a side. Not enough people using their mikes yet. Lots of grabs though. As Killerwatt will confirm we won more when we used coms to plan and execute the plan. I also used Coms in some coops and it seriously rocks chanel options are a great advantage! Kind Regards walker Well i find it very strange that nobody including my clan m8s get flags on this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shashman 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Team work(...)take out... maybe 3 or 4 guys on your own(...)i used to go for flags single handedly (...)tackle more then one player at a time. If your a confronted by more then one player you die most times. So in that post not only do you contradict yourself, but you contradict what OFP and ArmA (When you're faced by more than one player and you decide to take them on all by yourself, you wonder WHY you die most times? ) Â are all about, what they were designed to be... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Team work(...)take out... maybe 3 or 4 guys on your own(...)i used to go for flags single handedly (...)tackle more then one player at a time. If your a confronted by more then one player you die most times. So in that post not only do you contradict yourself, but you contradict what OFP and ArmA (When you're faced by more than one player and you decide to take them on all by yourself, you wonder WHY you die most times? ) Â are all about, what they were designed to be... Erm? I didn't say that? I said i would tack them on near the flag, and then i would need my skill alone and not rely on team mates to help me. Â Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted February 19, 2007 I love this 'classic car syndrome' when it comes to OFP from ArmA... If people want to leave because their special interest is different and they were teh l33t h4x0rz of OFP and now they have to learn it all over again, I say "good bye and don't let the door hit you on the way out". @Luciano The game mechanics in stalker are directly out of CS. It was designed by a CS clan.. so if you like supernatural CS with rocket launchers, by all means, be my guest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Well i find it very strange that nobody including my clan m8s get flags on this game. Hi Dudester I will not impugn you or your clan mates abilities I am sure with such a high post rate you are an experienced OFP player. So I have to ask some questions: Which servers are you playing on? Are you playing on 1.04 dedicated servers? Which maps are you playing? In Reply to Luciano Since you your self have said you have given up on playing ArmA: On what basis do you say the latest version is no good when you have never even played it? I am sad to hear you are giving up on ArmA same as you did with OFP I think you will miss out with ArmA as you did with OFP. I am, as with many others here, playing the latest version of ArmA and it is great! The numbers on the servers are once more on the rise and with 1.05 I think we will see ArmA servers surpassing BF42 and the other run and gunners like counter strike within months the mod-ability of ArmA and the community will guarantee it. Kind Regards Walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luciano 0 Posted February 19, 2007 Quote[/b] ]@LucianoThe game mechanics in stalker are directly out of CS. It was designed by a CS clan.. so if you like supernatural CS with rocket launchers, by all means, be my guest. Well nobody knows how it is yet (expect beta testers), and your information is a little off. Developed by a CS clan? Since when was GSC a CS clan? I can assure you its much different than CS. The only thing like CS is the buying system, combat is different. But that wasn't even my point. I'll take Red Orchestra any day over ARMA CTF. Walker, OFP was a great game, and I've missed nothing. From the old days of planefrenzy I and ST Piere CTF to the release of I44, I was there. I just can't see myself have the same experience with ARMA. I haven't played the latest version but I don't need to. It doesn't change anything gameplay wise. I will still feel like controling a robot on Mars and having to wait for the inputs to reach it, so whats the point? ARMA combat system is too slow, and it makes it too boring. So playing anything other than coop is pointless. In ARMA its impossible to dogfight with a player using the mouse. So any maps like planefrenzy are pretty much useless. Opinions are different only because we had different experiences with OFP and we played in a different style. Yet we were both happy, now its only people like you. So I rather leave. For example, many things that were easy and simple in OFP, yet still gave the feeling of complexity, were changed in ARMA. In OFP by checking the briefings you could also check your weapons, change them, etc. Now they included a different comand for that which is useless. Whats the point? They did the same thing with the controls with no benefits to the player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted February 19, 2007 Dude, I participated in that community since the game was announced. I've taken part in many discussions. Go over to their forums and search for that information. The devs at GSC have a CS clan that they participate in. Since when? I don't know. Since before they started working on the gameplay mechanics of Stalker and until at least a year ago. Go on and assure me all you want, LOL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luciano 0 Posted February 19, 2007 What the heck you talking about? I know people that have the MP beta, so stop telling me BS about how similar it is to CS. Just because they had a CS clan doesn't mean their MP aspect of the game is the same. According to your logic, if BIS members played CS, ARMA is like CS? Just because they had a CS clan doesn't mean its like CS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted February 19, 2007 Wow, you know people. I've played it.. in terms of the way everything moves and works, it's very much like CS only outdoors and everyone is wearing stupid costumes... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites