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Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

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Me too its a shame to because I like populating a large city like parasio with lots of people and one zombie but once the 50th or so person turns into a zombie it stutters.

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I had to revert to the first version that came out. They are tough to kill, but they do not lag or have the cool script where they infect other people. Still fun. smile_o.gif

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I had to revert to the first version that came out. They are tough to kill, but they do not lag or have the cool script where they infect other people. Still fun. smile_o.gif

Its because the first version used a very simplified targetting system (Much like the standard ArmA AI does it, i only had to make them attack manually), however thats far from perfect for zombies so i rewrote it to put all the enemies in 1 big array and let the zombie choose the best one, but it has to check all the targets first which consumes much more CPU cycles. (Never released)

To be honest i cant remember what charonos did with it when he made .sqf's from my .sqs's but i assume he uses more or less the same system.

Not much can be done done about it, but i do advice to keep the array of enemies(to the zombies) as small as possible.

AFAIK the old zombie mod used a similiar system, but for some reason that was much less laggy. confused_o.gif

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Cant he keep the simplified targeting system and the people coming back as zombies so the game will stutter less

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Well he could i guess, but in that case zombies may try to chase choppers/planes into the distance instead of prioritizing infantry.. tounge2.gif

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Hey I'm fine with that i just wont have any choppers or planes in the missions I make when it comes to zombies

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Due to the engine not being laid out to control zombies,

they have to be controlled by script and that naturally

slows down the game. So the whole moving procedure

and targetting can't be done by the engine alone,

because the AI uses ranged weapons and is never approaching

enemies close to melee distance.

And all the features like infection timer and so on needs

calculation power too.

So you either get lame zombies with high FPS or smart feature-rich zombies with a reduced FPS.

Remember the ArmA AI is not working flawlessly, so a lot of steps had to be taken to get around the whole domove FSM complex.

I hope the lag is not so severe for most players, as i don't see

any other way unfortunately.

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charonos: so what would be a top limit of spawned zombies in a MP game with around 15-20 players?

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I just want two things for my zombies:

I want a simple attack script like the orginal zombies so I can have alot of zombies on screen at once.

And I want whoever is killed as a zombie to come back as a zombie

If he scraps everything else I assume we could have alot of people on screen at once.

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Charonos, do you have any plans for the respawn system using game logics? It'd be great if you made those, but if you decide not to then I'll stop bugging you about it.

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those who are killed by a zombie already come back as zombies and a infection timer if you are hit but don't die, but it doesn't work with all addons

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I know that, but the newest version lags alot and I was saying what would be okay with me if he made a simpler version with those features so the game wont lag so much.

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ah... okay, I did wonder how you should have missed it, yes the newest version lags its not so bad by me, but in the bigger cities I notice it, but I'm sure charonos is working on it

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I think so, I just think he has reached a point were Arma sets some limits for the mod...

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Hey Guys.

I'm currently working on a mediocre scale mission, MP Co-op, that will have respawns on people (player controlled).

However, I'm looking for a script that will help with the lag issue.

Some sort of group respawn of AI Zombies, in a centen predisposed spot.

So if Group A, B, C, and D zombies are all started, fly in, kill group A, and C, and parts of B & D, Group A & C would respawn the entire group, while B & D wouldn't respawn until the entire group was killed.

But I'm thinking this would not be near as efficient.

Could I have possibly a zombie be killed, respawn and rejoin his group, that way if you miss 1 or two zombies you wouldn't have to hunt for them to respawn the lot.

I've done a search for the last hour with no luck.


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Do you know how many zombie missions I would make for this game if he just fixed this lag issue.

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Do you know how many zombie missions I would make for this game if he just fixed this lag issue.


I add 60 zombies, and my 7900GT, Dual Core, drops to 18 FPS.


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I tried to make a mission in a big city with zombies all over the place, the result was so much lag that it could not be played, then I tried to put a couple of civilian groups here and there and bu each group just one zombie, when I entered the city it was crawling with zombies but not half as much lag, don't know if this can help you but it might be worth a try...

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I tried to make a mission in a big city with zombies all over the place, the result was so much lag that it could not be played, then I tried to put a couple of civilian groups here and there and bu each group just one zombie, when I entered the city it was crawling with zombies but not half as much lag, don't know if this can help you but it might be worth a try...

I tried this - I didn't see any improvement in FPS. I have a pretty powerful rig and am really enjoying testing the mod out, but I'm disappointed by the frame rate issues. There is huge potential for multiplayer fun here, but only if the FPS can be worked around.

A few things I've noticed:

- The FPS doesn't seem to be a consistent problem, but instead seems to cycle, i.e. it will be fine one second and then freeze the second after

- Having friendly soldiers onscreen seems to drag FPS down a lot more than having fast zombies does, especially when the soldiers are firing their weapons

- Cities don't seem to be a whole lot worse than open areas in terms of FPS; I get better framerates sending 40 or so SLA to clear Corazol with about 150 zeds in it than I would 10 SLA on an island fighting 60 zeds

- The generic zombies (Zombie 1-4) go down a lot easier than all of the other ones do; zombified soldiers or civilians take a hell of a lot more damage and usually require a grenade or a machine gun for one person to kill them in time

I'm very noobish when it comes to mapmaking; all I'm good at is throwing lots of units on the map and giving them generic waypoints. I am still enjoying the hell out of this mod, and I'd actually teach myself to make MP maps if I thought it could work. Imagine how much fun it would be doing a co-op where players just have basic vehicles that they can fetch from a few bases scattered on the island, and then go from city to city clearing out hordes of super fast, uber-dangerous zeds. It'd be even cooler to have the cities start out with civilians or even soldiers and let the players clean it all up. I'm just wondering if it can be done. Could you have units spawn and let the players clear the island one city at a time? Could it work?

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My Zombies like to line up for lunch like they are in elementary school.



Anyway to fix this, and heck, after about 4 minutes my zombies completly stop, and are only activated when I walk up to them and shank them.

However, those first Four Minutes can be intense and hilarious.


Especially when you are on TS and your buddies are screamming like little girls.


Or making a last stand.

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Is there a way to turn off the antidote counter and just have them hit you and kill you instead?

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Is anyone still experiencing the bug that the zombies just completely stop moving? I havent seen it since 1.07BETA and i wonder what the

Quote[/b] ]Zombies do not use dangerFSM anymore.

in the changelog is. (Well, i do know what is ment by dangerFSM, but i wonder what zombies they are referring to)

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yeah I got the problem to, it's the reason I stopped playing with them

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Well my 'problem' is that i cant reproduce the problem anymore.. tounge2.gif

What version are you using?

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