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SVN Access and YOU

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Alright guys, I have a temporary SVN repository online and ready for use.   Prior to usage, you will first have to install the  SVN client tools.  Once you have installed, you may proceed to test your access and checkout your working copy.

The CWR repository resides at [link removed]  Authorization is also required to read/modify the repository.  The following user names have been created for your own personal access:

[usernames/passwords removed]  wink_o.gif

Your passwords are currently all the same.  For a quick test to check access to the server substituting your username, execute the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

$ svn list svn://flashpoint.dyndns.org/... --username pennywise




To checkout your working copy, cd to your working directory and execute the following substituting your username:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

$ svn checkout svn://flashpoint.dyndns.org/... --username pennywise

A  cwr/mpmissions

A  cwr/missions

A  cwr/addons

Checked out revision 3.

Please understand there is a continous work cycle present here.  You possibly could at, some point, be working on the same files at the same time.  This is the beauty of source control as SVN will merge each of those changes in the correct order.  The Basic work cycle is as follows:

Quote[/b] ]

From SVN Handbook:

Subversion has numerous features, options, bells and whistles, but on a day-to-day basis,

odds are that you will only use a few of them. In this section we'll run through the most common

things that you might find yourself doing with Subversion in the course of a day's work.

The typical work cycle looks like this:

• Update your working copy

• svn update - always update to get other changes prior to making your changes

- Make any of the following changes

• svn add

• svn delete

• svn copy

• svn move

- Examine your changes if necessary, ensure your not

 introducing any regression by using the following commands:

• svn status

• svn diff

• svn revert

- Merge others' changes into your working copy

• svn update - Use svn update to

bring your working copy into sync with the latest revision

• svn resolved

• Commit your changes

• svn commit

Here is example of me checking in my mission converter.  You already saw me checkout my working copy.  Here is your typical example of the workflow described:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Administrator@guba ~

$ cd cwr

Administrator@guba ~/cwr

$ ls

addons  missions  mpmissions

Administrator@guba ~/cwr

$ mkdir tools

Administrator@guba ~/cwr

$ cp -r /cygdrive/d/addons/ArmA/mission_converter tools

Administrator@guba ~/cwr

$ ls

addons  missions  mpmissions  tools

Administrator@guba ~/cwr

$ svn update

At revision 3.

Administrator@r2d2 ~/cwr

$ svn add tools

A         tools

A         tools/mission_converter

A         tools/mission_converter/bin

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/cpbo.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/cygiconv-2.dll

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/cygintl-2.dll

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/cygwin1.dll

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/DeFxy.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/DePac.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/DePbo.dll

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/Derapify.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/DeRtm.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/Eliteness.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/ExtractPbo.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/gawk.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/MakePbo.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/MAKETVER.EXE

A         tools/mission_converter/bin/parseActiveAddons.awk

A         tools/mission_converter/bin/parseAttributes.awk

A         tools/mission_converter/bin/parseRemovals.awk

A         tools/mission_converter/bin/parseReplacements.awk

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/PatchPbo.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/pbtl.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/Rapify.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/sed.exe

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/unRap.exe

A         tools/mission_converter/config

A         tools/mission_converter/config/activeAddons.cfg

A         tools/mission_converter/config/addFiles.cfg

A         tools/mission_converter/config/attribAssignments.cfg

A         tools/mission_converter/config/classRemovals.cfg

A         tools/mission_converter/config/classReplacements.cfg

A         tools/mission_converter/config/sqmCodeSwap.sed

A         tools/mission_converter/convert.bat

A         tools/mission_converter/files

A         tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/guba_vlajka.pac

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/rus_vlajka.pac

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/usa_vlajka.pac

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/vlajka.paa

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/vlajka_hosp_plus.paa

A         tools/mission_converter/missions_converted

A         tools/mission_converter/missions_original

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-4_C_ShadowKiller.ABEL.pbo

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-6_C_LostSquad.ABEL.pbo

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-8_D_FLAGFIGHT.ABEL.PBO

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-8_D_FLAGFIGHT2SMALL.ABEL.P


A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-8_D_PAINTBALL.ABEL.PBO

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-12_T_SECTORCONTROL.EDEN.PB


A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-5_COOPERATIVE.EDEN.PBO

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-8_HOLDCITY.CAIN.PBO

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-8_T_CAPTURETHEFLAG1.EDEN.P


A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-8_T_CAPTURETHEFLAG2.CAIN.P


A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-8_T_CITYCONFLICT.ABEL.PBO

A  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/3-9_C_ReturnToEden.EDEN.pbo

A         tools/mission_converter/work

Administrator@r2d2 ~/cwr

$ svn commit -m "added mission converter"

Adding         tools

Adding         tools/mission_converter

Adding         tools/mission_converter/bin

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/DeFxy.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/DePac.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/DePbo.dll

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/DeRtm.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/Derapify.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/Eliteness.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/ExtractPbo.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/MAKETVER.EXE

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/MakePbo.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/PatchPbo.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/Rapify.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/cpbo.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/cygiconv-2.dll

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/cygintl-2.dll

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/cygwin1.dll

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/gawk.exe

Adding         tools/mission_converter/bin/parseActiveAddons.awk

Adding         tools/mission_converter/bin/parseAttributes.awk

Adding         tools/mission_converter/bin/parseRemovals.awk

Adding         tools/mission_converter/bin/parseReplacements.awk

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/pbtl.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/sed.exe

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/bin/unRap.exe

Adding         tools/mission_converter/config

Adding         tools/mission_converter/config/activeAddons.cfg

Adding         tools/mission_converter/config/addFiles.cfg

Adding         tools/mission_converter/config/attribAssignments.cfg

Adding         tools/mission_converter/config/classRemovals.cfg

Adding         tools/mission_converter/config/classReplacements.cfg

Adding         tools/mission_converter/config/sqmCodeSwap.sed

Adding         tools/mission_converter/convert.bat

Adding         tools/mission_converter/files

Adding         tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/guba_vlajka.pac

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/rus_vlajka.pac

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/usa_vlajka.pac

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/vlajka.paa

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/files/VLAJKA/vlajka_hosp_plus.paa

Adding         tools/mission_converter/missions_converted

Adding         tools/mission_converter/missions_original

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-4_C_ShadowKiller.ABEL


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-6_C_LostSquad.ABEL.pb


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-8_D_FLAGFIGHT.ABEL.PB


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-8_D_FLAGFIGHT2SMALL.A


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/1-8_D_PAINTBALL.ABEL.PB


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-12_T_SECTORCONTROL.ED


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-5_COOPERATIVE.EDEN.PB


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-8_HOLDCITY.CAIN.PBO

Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-8_T_CAPTURETHEFLAG1.E


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-8_T_CAPTURETHEFLAG2.C


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/2-8_T_CITYCONFLICT.ABEL


Adding  (bin)  tools/mission_converter/missions_original/3-9_C_ReturnToEden.EDEN


Adding         tools/mission_converter/work

Transmitting file data ...............................................

Committed revision 4.

When your 'adding' new files to the repository, be sure to add comments.  It will help track our progress as well changes.

I highly recommend users new to SVN reading through the svn-handbook. It actually has some really nice examples.

For those that do not working through the console or prefer a UI.  There are two really good UIs for windows available:

RapidSVN - Usually what I prefer because it's multi-platform

TortoisesSVN - Hudson should be able to better explain this tool

Please don't be afraid to experiment.  Another feature of source control is you can always revert back to previous versions if there is a mistake:)  Do keep in mind that my server on the other side of my cable modem and will restrict our access to 324kb/s uplink sad_o.gif  Sorry, but I can't afford business access smile_o.gif  However, if you guys have a need for speed, Hudson here has the uber 16mb line with what seems to be the same uplink!  We could temporarily move the repository over there if needed as well.  When the BIS server comes to town, I can sync all of our changes so all our work will be preserved smile_o.gif  Anyways, I can offer more input if needed.  I think I'll give some time for you guys to get comfortable with it.  Please dont be afraid to ask if you need assistance.  I'm available on IM and sometimes im on the ArmA.dk IRC channel if you guys wanta join and be social:)  TTL!

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Good work - this will definitely help us to move on.

I created a Sandbox area for anyone afraid to experiment in the working area. Feel free to join me in my first SVN experiments (my experience is only VSS and little CVS for far).

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Thank you very much!

@Users: I can recommend you Tortoise, I'm using it for about a year now. But others also like the command line input, so play around with it and find what fits your needs. smile_o.gif

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Thank you very much!

@Users: I can recommend you Tortoise, I'm using it for about a year now. But others also like the command line input, so play around with it and find what fits your needs. smile_o.gif

Yes, a UI is much easier but reading and understanding the manual can take a while. crazy_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Right. Short manual for Tortoise (I guess you're all able to isntall w/o how-tos):

1. Checkout:

Right-click in/on the folder where you want to have your working copy. Put this URL in:

[link removed]

Click okay and wait.

2. Update

Before starting to work, get the latest files from SVN.

Therefore you have to right-click in your working copy and choose Update. Wait and see.

3. Commit changes

After you have some work done, commit your changes so that they are available for everyone on SVN.

Right-click in your working copy, chosse Commit. There chosse the files you changed and tested, so that they're definitely not broken. Then write a short change log. Click okay, wait and see.

4. Get lock

When working on something and it is not 100% sure that you're the only one assigned to this job (or there are other assigned jobs which require work on the same files), then lock the file(s).

Right-click >>> TortoiseSVN >>> Get lock. Put a short message in. That's it.  Don't forget to unlock the files as soon as you have your work done! Don't let files stay locked "overnight" etc, as we have many members with different time zones.

5. Add

If you made content which is not yet on the SVN server (like a new texture file), you have to add it in your working copy.

Copy the file to where it has to be added (if it is not already there), right-click on the file and chosse TortoiseSVN >>> Add. Make sure only the file(s) you really want to add are checked. Click okay. Now you can/should commit it, too (see 3.).

All further info can be read from the manual biggrin_o.gif  tounge2.gif

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Hmmm so basicly what checkout does it get a copy from files that are currently on the server? (guess I have to buy extra hd then biggrin_o.gif ).

So, if you worked on a model you copy these to the checkout folder (I have D:\CWR)?

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Hmmm so basicly what checkout does it get a copy from files that are currently on the server? (guess I have to buy extra hd then biggrin_o.gif ).

So, if you worked on a model you copy these to the checkout folder (I have D:\CWR)?

Checkout is like the initial Update. It downloads everything (you don't have to checkout everything, you can also only checkout a subfolder; if you want to save bandwidth you can also update only the folders you're working on).

The "checkout folder" is your "working copy". You can edit all the stuff you're working on directly there, but make sure that when you're committing it, that everything works after the changes.

Forgot "Add", added it above.

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A word of warning about TortoiseSVN, while it is extremely nice program the shell extensions it has slow Windows down _considerably_ as for every folder icon displayed, it does file lookup under that folder to see if it is SVN folder or not.

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Just noticed some new svn clients:

* SmartSVN http://www.syntevo.com/smartsvn/download-file.jsp

- JSVN http://jsvn.alternatecomputing.com/

SmartSVN looks really cool! I downloaded it and played around with it. I highly recommend checking it out; it has a great frontend. The foundation version is free. I havent played around with it enough to see what it is limited too.

JSVN is very primitive but may work better than RapidSVN.

While snooping around, I saw this new bug tracking tool, http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/. It looks awesome; I played around with the demo some and it has some pretty cool tracking features. However, it's not free sad_o.gif

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SmartSVN definitely kicks ass! I just did some further testing with it and it is loaded with features. The UI is really crisp and responsive too!

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I guess this is the right place to ask for an own SVN account? whistle.gif

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Yep, there is a new service hosted officially by BIS now.  <s>Raedor</s> W0lle should be able to provide you guys access.

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I did a cleanup in here, removed all links to the SVN and the usernames/passwords to it. wink_o.gif

Access to SVN might change in the future, I keep you up2date.

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Can we still request SVN access? I would prefer to do my work and check into SVN, and I will be doing it in two places.

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Everyone will get access to svn as soon as the BIS IT guy changed access so each of us has its own login/password.

I'm on it, if all goes well this might happen this week.

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The list with usernames/passwords has been sent to hlavac. Now it's in BIS' hands. smile_o.gif

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as Raedor noticed i tried to set up my SVN stuff yesterday evening and also registered for the Mantis. I was immediately assigned to a task i am willing to comply ASAP, there is one problem though.

I cannot figure out how to get my SmartSVN working, which i need to get the latest "build" of CWR (in order to comply with the assignment). Everytime i try to connect to the server this error pops up and i don't know what i'm doing wrong (to be honest i also did not quite understand how svn works). Can anybody help? sad_o.gif

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No idea what this error is or how to fix, svn n00b here too. huh.gif

But if you only want to download the latest build, you don't need svn. You can grab the latest version from File Repository->Share->CWR_Full

That version is always behind and if you want to have the latest build you need to get the source files via svn and then use the packing pipeline to build your own CWR version.

hoz making a new build next week for us.

You also need svn if you want to upload your models and textures to the server so they will be available to everyone with svn access.

But you can send your stuff to me or T_D too and we upload it for you, if you can't get svn to work properly.

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Serclaes, it looks like you might be using the wrong protocol to connect. The xdev SVN server uses HTTPS. Make sure you create a profile using the https protocol and don't include svn:// or https:// in the server name. 1 sec, I'll post a screeny.


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Thanks a lot for the pic. I was using the correct protocol but did not know what "repository path" was for. I entered what you entered and its working now .)

Cheers notworthy.gif

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