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RN Malboeuf

Disembarking out of the boat\swimming

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IMHO disembarking out of the boat in Arma is terrible... sad_o.gif

That's great that now units disembark into water, not teleporting on the shore like in OFP, but...

units are swimming even if the water is just knee-deep, thus they "get tired" and lost their weapons too often.

1. Is there any way to make them stand in the water as soon as they can ? this will make beachhead assults much more playeble.

2. How unit endurance in water can be udjusted ? I know that is unreal to swim long in the full gear, but it's just unplayble in the current way.

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Not sure how its done but all I see them needing to do is move the level in the body when the game determines its in water and needs to swim.

Also better detection of roadways underwater allowing for stair and ramps etc to be picked up earlier to reduce the sudden change from in water to above water.

This later will aid in use of any coastline buildings such as docks and slipways.

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it's frustrating indeed to see that there are many new attractive vehicles for beach-landings or for staging attacks from the water, but that AI-teammates cannot handle them very well.

My solution in "The DOCKS" was to steer the boat myself and shove the boat way up on the beach. Then you can give directions to individual units and they can exit the boat without navigation problems. AI drivers, however, will keep the boat too far away from the shore, so that units are bound to lose their weapons when disembarking.

Another solution: turn the loss of weaponry while swimming into an optional variable. This feature makes sense from the player's point of view, but it is frustrating when it happens to units that are aimlessly wading around in order to find the shore or maintain formation.

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We already saw a couple of our guys swimming on the sand, too wink_o.gif we always had to rest from laughter before advancing to inland :] ahh we love ArmA, some bugs are hillarious wink_o.gif

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So guys no more thoughts ? Do you understand that there will be no more Omaha-beach style missions in AA with the current situation ?

May be we should think about scripted solutions ?

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AI drivers, however, will keep the boat too far away from the shore, so that units are bound to lose their weapons when disembarking.

That's one of the major problems I had with one of my missions, and once the AI disembarked they also didn't swim to shore, they just stayed in the water.

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Quote[/b] ]Thanks to swimming being included in ArmA, boats are able to utilise “fast-insertion†where troops debark the boat near the shore and swim the short distance to the beach as the boat races away. “It is possible that we’ll tweak the swimming more before releaseâ€.

whistle.gifbiggrin_o.gif let's hope it's really getting fixed

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Would be nice if SF classes could hold on to their weapons longer than regular joes.

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