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Rainbow Six team?

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Would anyone be interested in creating a Rainbow six team? also i'm not talking about the latest series of R6 games which were arcadey whatnot , I'm talking about having it faithful to the original book. Anyone who has read the original book will know that like it was said in the book , Rainbow is as black as Black ops come , they don't wear anything that can be used for indentification (which is why i was alway slightly annoyed by the game's arm patches) and more often then not , they wear the uniforms of organizations of the area they are operating in (ala the bank scene in the book , they wear Swiss police identifications with their tactical gear).

I suppose this isn't really a request , but more to give bored add-on makers some ideas. Anyway , what do people think of this idea?

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Presumably to make that work it'd have to be multiplayer only

(as the ArmA AI would be well out of its depth) and you'd

have to plan out a detailed campaign first to know what

outfits to give them. You could follow the plot of the original

Rainbow Six book, but it is typical lame Tom Clancy pabulum.

I was already considering something similar but I'm not

convinced that the current weapon aiming, movement and

grenade throwing in ArmA is very well suited to this sort of


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hahaha , i wasn't talking about a total conversion , (which would be cool IMO) , just a addon units , ex: BW flecktarn units , ect.

P.S didnt you like the plot of the book?

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Would anyone be interested in creating a Rainbow six team? also i'm not talking about the latest  series of R6 games which were arcadey whatnot , I'm talking about having it faithful to the original book. Anyone who has read the original book will know that like it was said in the book , Rainbow is as black as Black ops come , they don't wear anything that can be used for indentification (which is why i was alway slightly annoyed by the game's arm patches) and more often then not , they wear the uniforms of organizations of the area they are operating in (ala the bank scene in the book , they wear Swiss police identifications with their tactical gear).

I suppose this isn't really a request , but more to give bored add-on makers some ideas. Anyway , what do people think of this idea?

I think this is the gold..

                "they wear the uniforms of organizations of the area they are operating in"

So why do you need special R6 units, the point of them wearing uniforms of local sercives is to make them fit in.. so if they were on sharani, they would propperly look like the US or allied forces  whistle.gif

                "they don't wear anything that can be used for indentification"

This could be done via the breifing

"Your part of the Rainbow Six team, sent out to save the day with your mates Chaves, Vega and Johnston" ect..

Im not saying this is a bad idea or any thing, im a Fan of mr Clancy and his stuff. But right here i really dont see the point in making a new unit that looks like existing units but with a new name

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gah damn you for shooting me down! however i did say "more often then not" , from what i remember most of the time when they didnt have another organization's outift , they just had standard black fatigues and gear.

and about them looking like allied forces on sahrani , technically they wouldnt be showing their faces either.

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Quote[/b] ]what do people think of this idea?
Quote[/b] ]gah damn you for shooting me down!

You asked and it was answered. I like Tom CLancy as well but it sounds like a waste of time really.

Learn some basic texturing skills if no one wants to make your toy for you.

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personally i could care less if it gets done , there's always penut's SEK units i was looking foward to and would prefer them to this , but this was just mainly a idea for bored addon makers

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Imo a Rainbox6 team without the proper missions (+ custom terrorist AI) wouldn't go very far. I love the idea though.

Doing it in ArmA would give us the chance to actually recreate everything about a classic R6 missions: cutscene with a terror act, the R6 HQ in Halford(?) being called up, the simulated flight from Halford to the local area, a quick overview & briefing, preparations, team going into position, action part and afterwards a little escape mission to avoid the press lol. tounge2.gif

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I would actually be more interested in doing the real UN Special Team 6. I guess Clancy took them as a base for his Rainbow 6 Unit.

I grow kinda fond of doing the UN ST6, but I don't know if I will have the skill, the time or the dedication to do them this year.

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)rStrangelove @ Jan. 10 2007,08:22)]Imo a Rainbox6 team without the proper missions (+ custom terrorist AI) wouldn't go very far. I love the idea though.

Doing it in ArmA would give us the chance to actually recreate everything about a classic R6 missions: cutscene with a terror act, the R6 HQ in Halford(?) being called up, the simulated flight from Halford to the local area, a quick overview & briefing, preparations, team going into position, action part and afterwards a little escape mission to avoid the press lol.  tounge2.gif

i was just thinking of , that if someone did a mission , the male anchorman/reporter model would be perfect for John clark/R6 lol   tounge2.gif

BTW: Halford is Hereford , the british SAS base. just fixing you up since you asked.

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I must say, it's a nice idea.

For a SP mission, the character switching could be used very good if proper scripted.

Like: You fly the helicopter to insert the team on a roof, then switch to a sniper which is somewhere else observing the house, then switch to the team leader and storm the building from the roof, etc.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Ok, Hereford it is. Wasn't sure.

The whole concept screams for MP coop btw, several teams having different tasks to fulfill within a strict timeplan. And it should be rather difficult to succeed, like:

- once entry team is compromised hostages will be killed within some seconds/ bomb is triggered within seconds

- if a T sentry does not respond to check calls other Ts are alarmed

- if only engaged from 1 side, Ts will try to escape

I have yet to see a game that creates such an atmosphere. R6:Lockdown was a joke, Vegas also is, but looks better. :P

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Presumably to make that work it'd have to be multiplayer only

(as the ArmA AI would be well out of its depth)

Ha! At least they'd be smarter than the R6 series' AI! rofl.gif

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I never saw the R6 AI going thru walls. Now that i think of it there was never much AI in the R6 titles (the early ones), Ts just reacted to events and CTs were only doing what their waypoints told them to do. sad_o.gif

SWAT3 and 4 both had much better AI so in case somebody wants to design T vs CT AI routines for ArmA he should def study those games. (demos still available) smile_o.gif

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R6 : ravenshield , still is the ultimate game in the series for me . lockdown was pathetic , ubisoft thought they could get rich by making it unrealistic and arcadey like Counter-strike , luckily they didn't make much sales on the PC version. las vegas from what i heard is an improvement but still hasnt returned to its roots. as for SWAT 4 , that game had potential to be bigger then 3 , but it failed thanks to poor support.

anyway back on topic : i reckon it

is very possible to do this through scripting . IMO the AI's handling of CQB/buildings had improved by a mile since OFP , i noticed during a CTI game with my friends the other day that the AI actually managed to go down stairs and clear out a room without getting stuck wow_o.gif

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Yup, Ravenshield had it all.

Back on topic: i'm working on a civilian-rescue AI (west AI for support, east AI as bad guys, civs as hostages) right now.

So you guys get started on the R6 units, i'll provide the mission scripts - gimme 2 months smile_o.gif

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bloody awesome , i'd do the units if i even knew were to start.

BTW strangelove , is that gunnery sergeant highway (clint eastwood) in your avvy?

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Yes, Sir - the same. wink_o.gif

For a start you need the PBO tools to get ArmA's original paa/pac textures. Then you can either try to PAA Photoshop plugin of Kegetys or the normal PAA Converter tool to get them to TGAs.

After that you'd have to repaint the textures so that the US specops look like they're wearing SWATlike overalls with bare helmets. It's not that difficult if you have good reference material - this is what i've made for my personal use:



Hardest part would be to get those bump mapping textures...  tounge2.gif

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damn ... i wish i had photoshop , sadly i have a virtually useless program for skinning named paintshop.

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if you are going to simply modify the character skin itself then in my opinion it would look "pish"

what youd need to do is learn how to sculpt instead of modify, good luck :P

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Ha! At least they'd be smarter than the R6 series' AI!  rofl.gif

I sincerely doubt that!

Well then you've never played Raven Shield. Man those terrorists are dumb. Have the ArmA AI ever tried to throw a grenade at you from point blank or through a wall? Completely blinded by smoke? Do they stand around all the time waiting or randomly run around uncoordinated? Well, nothing like R6 at least.

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yup, Las Vegas AI is just as bad some times they just sit there and elt you take pot shots at them...

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Ha! At least they'd be smarter than the R6 series' AI!  rofl.gif

I sincerely doubt that!

Well then you've never played Raven Shield. [...]

Yes, I played all the Raven Shield mods and I know of

some of the deficiencies of the terrorist AI. I was referring,

however, to the ability of the Raven Shield team AI to

cope decently well with close quarter combat in confined

spaces. Once their foibles were understood one could

arrange some very good adventures and have them execute

quite complex plans. The ArmA AI and game mechanism is

not really capable of the same.

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The ArmA AI and game mechanism is

not really capable of the same.

Actually you'd be surprised. I've seen them even in OFP cope fairly well with close quarters. They have the capability, it's just hard to bring it out (and it's rare to see them do it without a bit of scripting aid).

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