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CTF Hexenkessel

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If you have nothing better to do than pointless bashing of this mod and its authors you are not welcomed in this forum  mad_o.gif

Lefiath, Bobor SK, Blackjabel, you have all received a Warning Level.

(FPC) Bacon, grow up  and dont cuss at others.

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Why do you put this s.hitty map into ArmA? Along with this kind of game we are losing potential which this game is bringing ...

No comment - ArmA ends previous to starts ...  confused_o.gif

I guess you also walk into a store where they sell clothes and start complaining about them selling clothes you dont like....huh?

Have respect for that part of the community that makes maps,no matter what kind,it keeps arma interresting for all sorts of people...

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U want constructive critic, but how can we make it for map, which is only joke? U have to have normal map to expect serious critic.

@ Frantic: Only strange post here is yours and Celery´s. I´m playing CSS and i really like it. But ur combining differences between this game and ArmA. And that cant be good. Go and play css, thats best thing i can recommend to u.

One of my rule is to never criticize something when I cannot bring something to the table first, like having some MP mission done.

And, more importantly, who are you to dictate how people play this game? It's actually fun, you shoudl try.

And it doesn't hurt ArmA in any way, so what?

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I've seen a lot more "beta 4" versions online than the newest 1.06 release and sadly most maps derived from our Hexen are also based on that early build. The beta map is just a raw shadow of the current version, and apparently some worthless hippie went to our test server last year, got the map and spread it everywhere.

We use different numbering for beta and release versions, so 4 is not greater than 1.06 in this case. Spread the word to ignorant admins! help.gif

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why this map? this map has no tactics, its all about pointing your gun and pulling the trigger.

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This is one of the greatest maps made for OFP. If your looking for some trigger time. Yeah I'll admit I got fuckin' bored waiting 30 minutes in a co-op to see some actions.

CTF classics like hexenkessel got my blood pumping like nothing else.

Too many people on here don't see the full potential of ArmA/OFP these kind of maps are FUN. Why do you people get mad when you see a map that does not interest you. You should be proud of the people making maps to keep the community going.

Not everyone likes co-ops and not everyone likes CTF's.

Oh and btw Ziggy I remember you from the OFP days, I played w/ you on the USI server I believe.

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why this map? this map has no tactics, its all about pointing your gun and pulling the trigger.

This map is just for get a bit fun, to come to a CTF feeling. And you can do tactics, you have got 3 ways, if you play this map clan vs clan you can easy do some tactics, like to cover some ways and close the respawn so one could get the flag and can bring it to your home flag. and this you can do over teamspeak, made this manytimes in OFP, and in Arma it will be the same.

One thing more, everyone has got his favourite categories, example:


Capture & Hold

Capture The Flag

Team Flag Fight

Flag Fight


Team Deathmatch

And this thread here is for CTF players, so just give them a chance, and tell them the bugs what you could find. And dont tell weird comments like ctf is *hit play better coops or something like that.

For me, the map is great, how i have said, played it much in OFP times. But, i havent found any bugs yet, but i will inform you guys if i can find one.


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I hate you Frantic.

I used to have fun on ctf servers in ArmA, but nowadays, whenever I check all 3 or so of them that are populated are playing Hexenkessel.

To be honest, I guess I can't blame you. Judging by how many people (brain damage must be more common than I thought) want to play Hex, someone would have made the map for ArmA sooner or later. Anyone mind putting together a worm that would just erase the map from all servers everywhere?

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Actually calling this "Capture the Flag" is totally pompous and wrong.

This is nothing more than deathmatch.

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What is the perfect example of how a CTF map should be done and why should others play it instead of the one they like more?

Whenever I check the browser, the whole CTF list is full of games that are tiresome city maps, lego maps and boring bigass maps with a poorly planned vehicle balance. If there was no Hexen, some other next-to-kin map like Cluster One, Corridor or San Tomas would be played instead.

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Wow. Is there an underground movement against non-cooperative missions for ArmA that I don't know about? I've never seen so much blind hatred and bias as I have in the last few months whenever someone mentions CTF or DM.

Celery / Frantic - I never played Hexenkessel in OFP and I don't have the full version of ArmA yet, but I wanted to say congratulations. I don't know what you did but it must be pretty good to incite such a riot among these "adults" that never learned the concept of sharing during childhood. I'll be sure to check it out once the US release rolls around.

I officially award you both one attaboy!

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I'm not normally one for these kind of maps, but I really enjoy a quick round on this map. It's not what arma is best at, but it shows the versatility of the engine.

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I really don't like this at all. I played a similar city CTF map but with more openness and paths to enemy flag and more cover spots.

This map it too systematically built for my liking. Too

few paths to enemy base. Everytime I've played this it's basically a stalemate where peeking out of a corner get you killed in an instant. Not my idea of fun.

Feel like a CS map converted to ArmA. (Never played it on OFP)

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I guess it's time to make a new version one of these days. Hexen 1.12 has been out for some months now, the most notable differences are new weapons and a revamped fountain. What should be included in the new version? I think I will use the accuracy enhancement script for the weapons, and a special 1 shot 1 kill option for the G36 for re-experiencing the OFP way.

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Really great map, hosted it today on my computer with our clan and ppl came in right away, so I think were gonna get our dedicated server and put it on (seeing how theres not many CTF servers up). Hope to see new updates and stuff on this soon.

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You will usually find that players who whinge about this map are crap players who get flogged when they try to play it.....LOL

Its a fun map that is good for a change, it gets the blood running, I think you all take things a little too seriously at times.

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