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Any Word Yet about the CTI???

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Just wondering if any word is out about the status of the CTI - as in fixes, patches etc, foir the demo?

I know it is a demo, but it will be hard to keep the interest up with just CTF and COOP especially with the small numbers of players allowed.

People keep asking me where are the massive maps and massive players with Armor and Aircraft?  I hate telling them that we had it but it crashed the demo...doesn't build confidence up, you know what I mean?  - This is not a flame just a viewpoint from a marketing perspective...

BTW - I posted a link to my dump files last wek and emailed a link in this week also.


s/ ASU

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Hey, i too would like to know an ETA.. but its doubtful that a date will be set... usually patches and stuff like this get released when BIS feel its ready to release...

So dont remain hopeful of an official reply with a date wink_o.gif the best you will most likely get is "its on its way" or something along those lines wink_o.gif

Hope its soon tho ! smile_o.gif

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which CTI are u looking for?

there is a lil group working on a MFcti conversion, still some bugs to iron out but its almost there.

if u want to help out please go to RN forums


there is a public ArmA area and there is a thread in there about the MFcti and its current state, all feedback, preferably constructive, is welcome in the same thread

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@RN Escobar: He is talking about the official ArmA CTI in the demo. You could have figured that out by reading his post.

CTI needs to be sorted out, seems strange that they even included it at this stage. I hope for a patch soon, and an SP demo.

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i know what he's complaining about, but its just not a cti.

i assume its the same as the CTI in the full game, no MHQ, no buildings, no buying of vehicles or infantry.

to call that CTI is just offensive, don't wait for BIS to fix it, come help the community make it.

CR or MF i don't care. posting how bad the one in game is and not helping make sometihng better is pointless.

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i know what he's complaining about, but its just not a cti.

i assume its the same as the CTI in the full game, no MHQ, no buildings, no buying of vehicles or infantry.

to call that CTI is just offensive, don't wait for BIS to fix it, come help the community make it.

CR or MF i don't care. posting how bad the one in game is and not helping make sometihng better is pointless.

of course he's complaining about cti. why? because it is broken and cannot be played with the demo server, or the server will crash. it's not the game mode in itself that is bad (maybe it is, we who don't own the game cannot tell, because we cannot play it at all).

i understand that you feel a bit let down about something, and want to promote your own modification, but it does not help with an answer to the problem in question.

myself, i hope that there will be a new patch for the demo, that will fix the cti mode. not sure how likely this is, since it is only a demo, and the european release isn't that far away now. optimizations for the full version would be more valuable to me then fixing the demo smile_o.gif

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i know what he's complaining about, but its just not a cti.

CR or MF i don't care. posting how bad the one in game is and not helping make sometihng better is pointless.

You know what he's complaining about? If you'd looked at the demo at all you'd know that there is no MPmissions folder and that the 3 missions BIS included are it. There is also no mission editor included in the demo so how the hell is he supposed to help build a new version. He raised a valid point and only 1 person has even tried an answer so far. My guess is that BIS will be working on the second demo update as soon as they are all back from end of year holidays. Or at the very latest it will be updated to the same core as the 505 release in Feb.

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Numbat @ Jan. 06 2007,18:49)]
i know what he's complaining about, but its just not a cti.

CR or MF i don't care. posting how bad the one in game is and not helping make sometihng better is pointless.

You know what he's complaining about? If you'd looked at the demo at all you'd know that there is no MPmissions folder and that the 3 missions BIS included are it. There is also no mission editor included in the demo so how the hell is he supposed to help build a new version. He raised a valid point and only 1 person has even tried an answer so far. My guess is that BIS will be working on the second demo update as soon as they are all back from end of year holidays. Or at the very latest it will be updated to the same core as the 505 release in Feb.

Just for the record...All I want is to be able to run the demo with a map that will allow 60+ people on so they can explore the game more.

I could care less if we called it "Joe's Map" wink_o.gif as long as we could at least get 60 people on it (or more) and the gamers here in the US could see what potential a game like ArmA has...

I have "tore" apart the .pbo files looking for some sort of clue that I could change to get the CTI to work...if I could I would have and either had another map out or helped you guys get some more maps out.

It is kind a hard to say to players we got this massive FPS but we are stuck to a 16 player demo...

This is not a complaint, because I prefer action to complaints...sorry if you guys took it that way..

s/ ASU

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I have a dedicated server running on what is (at the end of the day) a 1.3 mb down, 350 kb up connection. I've never seen the server running below 30 fps, but I sure have seen it lag up like crazy! Unless you have some kind of super internet, 60 players is going to be lagtastic!

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I have a dedicated server running on what is (at the end of the day) a 1.3 mb down, 350 kb up  connection.  I've never seen the server running below 30 fps, but I sure have seen it lag up like crazy!  Unless you have some kind of super internet, 60 players is going to be lagtastic!

Well, what do you think that Communities run their dedicated servers on?? On 1.3mbit down, 350 kbit up connections???

First of all, 1.3mbit down and 350 kbit up, is a budget connection nowadays, speeds of 16-24mbit down and 1mbit up or some SDSL 3mbit down/3mbit up, are the proper home connections which actually are quite afordable (€40,=) a month (except the SDSL one I guess).

But now i'm still not talking about the connections that are usual for proper dedicated servers, these servers are usually hosted at large server farms, where every system is connected to for instance 100 or 1000 mbit connections, while the location is fed by different high speed backbones and peerings...

60 Players is a piece of cake for such servers, which probably aswell have the CPU capacity to take it on...

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I have a dedicated server running on what is (at the end of the day) a 1.3 mb down, 350 kb up connection. I've never seen the server running below 30 fps, but I sure have seen it lag up like crazy! Unless you have some kind of super internet, 60 players is going to be lagtastic!

Well, what do you think that Communities run their dedicated servers on?? On 1.3mbit down, 350 kbit up connections???

First of all, 1.3mbit down and 350 kbit up, is a budget connection nowadays, speeds of 16-24mbit down and 1mbit up or some SDSL 3mbit down/3mbit up, are the proper home connections which actually are quite afordable (€40,=) a month (except the SDSL one I guess).

But now i'm still not talking about the connections that are usual for proper dedicated servers, these servers are usually hosted at large server farms, where every system is connected to for instance 100 or 1000 mbit connections, while the location is fed by different high speed backbones and peerings...

60 Players is a piece of cake for such servers, which probably aswell have the CPU capacity to take it on...

LOL all I was saying is that he would need more than a standard consumer connection. I'm quite aware that people who host servers of this kind pay quite a lot of money in order to get the connection necessary. I don't know if he has one or not. I was adding my experience in running a server off of a regular vanilla HSIA. Kthnx for your time and trouble, though, sickboy.

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I'm waiting to run this on a 10gig dark fibre connection, server actually sits on a 1 gig up down stream, but cant push it with only 16 and 8 players  confused_o.gif

Server code seems to be handling really well,apart from when the server just closes randomly, but like i say need more player slots available...

Are we gonna get a fix before the full 'Fixed' version comes out on Feb 16th?huh.gif? I doubt it, come to think of it no sites like Amazon.uk or play.com have the game on pre-order yet, so whats the deal with 505....do we have to buy from them???

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Well, you were saying that you need a super internet to host 60 players, but that's not true, the connections that proper dedicated servers are on, are not super connections, but just 'normal' connections 'for servers' smile_o.gif

Anyway, not really important anyway wink_o.gif

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Well, you were saying that you need a super internet to host 60 players, but that's not true, the connections that proper dedicated servers are on, are not super connections, but just 'normal' connections 'for servers' smile_o.gif

Anyway, not really important anyway wink_o.gif

Not something that the average person would spring for, i.e. super-connection.

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Well, you were saying that you need a super internet to host 60 players, but that's not true, the connections that proper dedicated servers are on, are not super connections, but just 'normal' connections 'for servers' smile_o.gif

Anyway, not really important anyway wink_o.gif

Not something that the average person would spring for, i.e. super-connection.

The avarage person also doesnt host a 64 player server in BF2, thats why we have servers, to handle stuff that the average person cant do/host yay.gif

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Well, you were saying that you need a super internet to host 60 players, but that's not true, the connections that proper dedicated servers are on, are not super connections, but just 'normal' connections 'for servers' smile_o.gif

Anyway, not really important anyway wink_o.gif

Not something that the average person would spring for, i.e. super-connection.

The avarage person also doesnt host a 64 player server in BF2, thats why we have servers, to handle stuff that the average person cant do/host yay.gif

Agreed...I can't imagine running a large game off a DSL or Cable connection...you might as well use dialup...HAHA...and unless you want to spring for a T1 or T3 connection, then leave the large stuff to the people who run these servers like us... smile_o.gif

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It appears that a fix for the CTI has been released wink_o.gif

Apology to those that have been left wondering as to where the fix is. I will try to provide more information next time.

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no link though, gee what a usefull post that is

its been fixed, ho-hum, now i'll just go about my normal day and not actually tell anyone anything about the fix, and let them think i'm a jerk for not providing more information

ARMA NEWS - DEMO for those that want the info

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Well i cant see any proof of there being a fix for it, not on these forums anyhow... need a mod to confirm this or delete his post icon_rolleyes.gif

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Yes, CTI is fixed now in the newest demo build. Thank you BIS! And thank you for fixing the server list.

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Nice it works great smile_o.gif

Got through my first whole game!


Fun, still majorly laggy after 15 players joined.. sooo much desync... Needs optimisation still methinks.. maybe a bad server tho.. it was 100mb/s tho :S

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