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Horrible Performance...

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My 8800 is a GTS.

What driver are you using?

MfG Lee smile_o.gif



PS : Couple of things that may help you. Make sure "Gamma Correct" Anti Aliasing is off. Clamping the LOD bias may also help. Super Sampling can cost you 10-15% and tbh, doesnt make a huge visual difference.

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Thank you for that ethne. I'll try playing with my nvidia control panel settings, yet AGAIN!! I swear trying to find the sweet spot to get this game running good is a very daunting task. banghead.gif

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You have no clue.

an assumption

Quote[/b] ]- I did not compare ArmA with any other game.

you compared it somewhere to Rainbow 6 tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]- I did run ArmA at ~100000 different settings.

I know from the other threads

Quote[/b] ]- I am using a widescreen lcd(1680x1050). I will NOT run a 4:3 resolution on an 16:10 display.

you know that ARMA allows you to select 16:10 independent from resolution. Less sharp but a square will be a square.

1680x1050 is a pretty good base strain even for a G80. That NVIDIA saved at the RAM interface (even more for the GTS version) makes it not better. Reason why I stay with 1240*1024, until a GPU comes that can really handle more.

Quote[/b] ]- I am not interested at smooth gameplay with 10000m viewdistance at the moment.

~2000m is required for the type of missions I play. In OFP it was a real pain as FPS dropped down big time at some locations. (I can feel with you)

Quote[/b] ]- I am interested in smooth gameplay at 1200m viewdistance.

not acceptable for me wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]- I have no clue what pc I got ~5,5years ago, but I remember that the cwc demo and cwc itself run ok, without 80% framedrop looking at trees...

not at trees, but as explained above: viewdistance played a much bigger role at OFP

I have never seen such a good representation of large scale vegetation as in ARMA. The issues with some bushes should be solved at last when we can mod the islands. But it will still require lots of GPU RAM and I don't think any today card will ever handle "high" settings.

Quote[/b] ]- I will play ArmA for the next ~5years and buy whatever product BIS will produce, to support their company politics.

good to hear, it would have been a bad day for the forum to lose you

Quote[/b] ]- *Insert fancy sliders here: [ ]*

QuietMan wink_o.gif

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Lee_H._Oswald  did you test each of your HD before putting them in a raid 0 Config? Also i would try running AA off one of them and i know its a big pain in the butt reinstalling everything but thats what i would try if i was you but thats up to you. The reason i say this is because i believe your HD's are bottlenecking your system leading to poor performance while your video card waits for the Island to be streamed from it. xmas_o.gif

Also make sure that SMART is disabled for the hard drive as this will make sure that you will get the full bandwidth.

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Nothing Whiskey... I'm just in the mood to laugh and use some emoticons. It's a boring day at work. No Aircraft to fuel. yay.gif  rofl.gif  wow_o.gif  smile_o.gif Hope California Highway Patrol gets here soon.

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I have never seen such a good representation of large scale vegetation as in ARMA. The issues with some bushes should be solved at last when we can mod the islands. But it will still require lots of GPU RAM and I don't think any today card will ever handle "high" settings.

Quote[/b] ]- I will play ArmA for the next ~5years and buy whatever product BIS will produce, to support their company politics.

good to hear, it would have been a bad day for the forum to lose you

Quote[/b] ]- *Insert fancy sliders here: [ ]*

QuietMan wink_o.gif

I play it on Vhigh/high View Distance 1500 and its perfectly fine. Im sure I can get viewing distance to 2000 no problems but I just dont need 2K so I dont bother with it.


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Good morning everybody.


I allready tried a new windows install on another hdd, also checked the speed of the raid with "hdtach".

Everything is fine with my pc.

It looks like, it's the GF8800GTS + ArmA.

So, let's wait for a fix from someone.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Lee Harvey : Can you tell me your exact settings? Do you have your Nvida drivers set on Application controlled? What resolution are you running?


PS : I'm more than happy to try and get 8800 users running properly because the game runs perfectly on my rig!

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Maybe people are just forgetting to patch their ArmA version, big preformance problems solved..... goodnight.gif

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The game takes a lot out of a card/cpu for sure.  It seems to be reasonable here though.  (core 2 duo 6600, 7900 gt, 2 GB ram).

It was a lot easier to see the effects of all the settings after turning off vsync.  I couldn't find anywhere to do that in game, so I did it in the nVidia control panel.  Once I could see all the possible FPS values instead of being restricted to 60/30/20/15/12 etc none of the settings seemed to have an inordinately terrible effect.

Not sure why turning down "shader detail" takes off detail from plants.. I assume that also does something to the water.  Would be nice to be able to turn down plant detail without affecting anything else.  

Anyway, the thing that struck me was that with 189 units running around Paraiso, there was practically no FPS change between 800x600+low shader+noantialiasing and 1024x768+normal shader+normal antialiasing (post-proc off, everything else normal).  When I'd pause the game and go to the settings dialog, changing those settings would affect the fps, but with the game running and the AI moving about the CPU was the bottleneck, and the FPS stayed at 27 at both the above mentioned graphical settings.  Fazit: if you have a ton of units, you might as well turn up the graphics smile_o.gif

So, nothing really jumped out at me.  Each setting had an incremental effect on the fps, as one would expect them to.  With battles of the scale I enjoy, the graphics settings (within reason) don't even really have an effect.

Oh, and for the love of $deity if you are using the German securom version, please patch it to 1.01+.  I imagine most people on this thread have, but if there's anyone who hasn't, of course they'll be complaining about performance!

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Can you tell me your exact settings? Do you have your Nvida drivers set on Application controlled? What resolution are you running?


- Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe Socket 939 Mainboard

- AMD Athlon 64 Socket 939 3800+ (2400 @ ~2900MHz)

- 2x 1024MB PC3200(400) Kingston Ram (Dual Channel)

- GeForce 8800GTS 640MB PCI-E 16x

- Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS

- 2x Samsung 80GB S-ATAII HDD's -> Raid 0

- Samsung Syncmaster 205BW (widescreen LCD)

- OS: Windows XP Professional

- NVidia Forceware 97.44


AA = Application controlled.

AF = Application controlled.

Vsync = off.

Triple Buffer = off.

Image Settings = High Quality.

Resolution(s)= 1680x1050 (there is a minimal chance, that I will use a custom resolution -> 1440x900*)

* 1440x900 looks like 64x Antialiasing because of the scaling. biggrin_o.gif


MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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I play it on Vhigh/high View Distance 1500 and its perfectly fine. Im sure I can get viewing distance to 2000 no problems but I just dont need 2K so I dont bother with it.


yes, but if I remember correctly you have GTX running lower resolution than Lee.

It seams ARMA at his current setting puts high load on the RAM by transferring lots of texture data. The G80 GTS RAM Interface is only 25% broader than a G70. GTX is at least 50% (that's why G80 cards have weired RAM size, it saved one layer for card board making the cards cheaper to produce).

So while the G80 itself is fast as Hell, he will spend lots of cycles waiting for data transfers. The slightly bigger GTX RAM Interface together with lower resolution might be the reason it runs fine for you.

My personal opinion is that NVIDIA saved on the wrong end, because RAM speed is developing much slower than GPU speed. But hopefully I stand corrected once the full programming potential of the G80 is used (is practical a full processor), maybe reducing the need for memory transfers!?


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New generation card, past generation mobo..the 8800 might be slightly bottlenecked in there somehow (heard even the middle range C2D's bottleneck the GTX), what about power supply?

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Boys and girls...


Whatever my (poor 2900MHz)cpu is making out of the power of the GF8800GTS....

There is NO REASON why the game runs fine at highest settings, but only for 3Minutes. And then again fine after Alt+Tab.

My PC is very fast and runs extremly stable.


Don't try to find something inside my PC, it is NOT broken.

It's not that I MUST play at highest settings, but theoretically I could (for ~3minutes).

I'm trying to find out what is wrong with the game, not with my pc.

There are so many User reporting problems with ArmA, the copy protection, the ArmA Demo, performance, graphical errors, etc.

What about the problem with grass/bushes/trees in ArmA??

~50-75% Frame drops, do you really think that's normal??

Let us please talk about the problems in ArmA and the best settings to avoid them.

MfG Lee crazy_o.gif





Edit: Power supply is a brand new 500W beQuiet Straight Power II Dual Rail.

Hey, wait, it's BLACK! Maybe ArmA does not support black power supply's!


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A 3800+ is probably holding an 8800GTS back a bit too. I had a 3500+ with an 8800GTS and it slowed the card right down. Therefore I bought a Core 2 Duo E6600 - although it still runs Armed Assault badly wink_o.gif

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A 3800+ is probably holding an 8800GTS back a bit too. I had a 3500+ with an 8800GTS and it slowed the card right down. Therefore I bought a Core 2 Duo E6600 - although it still runs Armed Assault badly wink_o.gif

his 3800+ is running(overclocked) at 2900mhz!! That's faster than mine and pretty well next to (higher) performance of any notoverclocked core2 cpu m8...

His system indeed is a fine piece of art!

Still I would love to hear about the vram usage, by using rivatuner 2.0.... as I explained why an alt-tab clears vram and bit by bit refill it with textures while playing (~3 minutes play)

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Still I would love to hear about the vram usage

What are you trying to prove?

That ArmA is using all the vram of a graphics card?

SURE it does and i really hope that a game takes all available(free) memory it can get!


Wow, what a surprise, ArmA really does use all the vram.

But it's part of the engine to NOT produce a memory leak or whatever is the reason the frames go down.

I will not configure a game for using "half the cpu power", "half the system memory", "half the power of the video card", etc. to make sure it's not getting itself in trouble..

MfG Lee thumbs-up.gif

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What i'm trying to prove? I'm trying to prove the reason for your lags, and you just showed it... I agree that BIS Should solve that in a patch whatsoever, depending if it's really a memory leak or not, but I suggest that along the way ... until such patch resolves this and/or actually disables options that will use MORE than your graphics card has, that you lower the texture details and or the AA settings, but I don't really care... You have the proof under your nose what the problem is, you don't want to hear that ur videocard just got too less ram for your settings, and that the alt-tab simply clears the vram, and then reloads the textures along the way for the environment you are in, until you are near your max again..., you have a workaround, do with it as you like, as you might guess it won't do me any good nor harm to have you playing properly smile_o.gif

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Sickboy, don't think that I'm not grateful for your help.

Maybe I should say, that I am not only thinking about me and my gaming.

What with all the player with so called "low end"/medium pc's?

What gaming experience can ArmA be for them?

I would like to see more people playing and enjoy Armed Assault, not only the Uber-PC user.

It's not that I don't like ArmA.

I'm not satisfied with the whole situation.

- More bugs than in Starship Troopers(no problem, fix them with patches).

- Copy Protection issues in german 1.00

- Performance issues in 1.01

- Performance issues in 1.02 (on high and low end pc's)

- Problems with the lightning(hdr)

- Problems with the demo (american market! )

- Flight model in 1.00/1.01 Better in 1.02 but the Harrier for example flies very bad(not talking about vtol, let's wait for a patch)

- etc.

This is not the way I thought ArmA would be presented to the world.


Ok, let's now wait for a patch that fix most of the problems.

Maybe then I can start the campaign and get the good old "OFP experience" with ArmA.

MfG Lee huh.gif  wink_o.gif

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Lee_H._Oswald i think there is a issue with your video card i was on the 3dguru site and seen a couple post with the same issues your having.

Also i just sent up my buddys computer the other day with armed assault demo and it just files. Its a P4 2.8  with a ATI 9600XT AGP 128MB video card with Cat 6.11 Drivers and hes getting 50FPS with no drop off running 1280X1024 with everything at LOW settings.

huh.gif and i dont have any idea as to why.

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A playmate I played CTI in OFP, also has a GF8800GTS.

He has the same problems.

Do you think the card is not ok?

Can you give me a link to the guru3d forum threads you saw please?

MfG Lee

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heres the link to the Nvidia Card Main part of the forum


Great Site for video card issues notworthy.gif its worth the bookmark

Heres a good thread for you


Our forum Member ethne is posting there as well about the 8800 interesting ready i might say rofl.gif

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