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Firefight Sounds

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So after "realistic" sound mods already have been created, all movies until now suggested bullets passing by have a whizzing sound, ricochets are louder than a fly by and even OFP didn't have those supersonic "clicks" in anyway...

Is the new ArmA sound atmosphere the most realistic recreation of firefights ever? Or are these "clicks" totaly overdone in volume? They're absolutely dominant when under fire.

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It's pretty accurately depicted if you ask me. The gunfire sounds should be reduced dramatically over distance, even short to medium distances, as firing one's personal rifle in real life is very, very loud, not to mention a squad firing with 240s in the likes closeby.

It's good, but can be improved upon. So far it's better than anything I've played, as of yet.

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The movies are wrong in suggesting that a bullet goes zzzzing

then hits you. The old first World War adage that "you never

hear the one that hits you" is very true. A bullet (being

supersonic) cannot arrive at the same time as the sound of

its passing. If you hear it crack it means it has already missed


Rifle bullets fired at you certainly do "crack" when they pass,

but in my experience they don't sound exactly like the ones in

ArmA. Others on this forum seem to enjoy talking about their

military experience more, they might be able to add more


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After a couple of sessions playing the demo, I have started to really like the firefight sounds. If I walk some distance away from where the action is going on, the sounds are pretty good imho. The M4's plus BRDM were firing some distance away and it sounded very good! I was getting worried of my team mates, the gun sounds were popping way too much in their direction... biggrin_o.gif

I need to get some more experience on the subject until I can give my final judgement, but this far it seems to be well done.

In OFP's FDF Mod the RK-62 assault rifle sound was in my opinion very close to the original sound (I have experience with RK-62). I'd say that in ArmA it can be even better so I hope the FDF Mod team is busy preparing to get their work converted to ArmA


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weap sounds themselves are severely lacking. Nothing a mod can`t fix tho.

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I dunno.... I think it might depend on the size of your subwoofer. Some people think they sound good, others think they sound weak. I've got quite a bassy system and the sound has quite a lot of depth. A lot of people liked the GRAW sounds but I still think they lacked punch. The only sound in that game that I thought was good the 7.62 version of the carbine. I'm not saying that the sounds in ArmA are good or even great, but they aren't as bad on my system as some people may lead others to believe.

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