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Explosions have no physics effect on objects

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In OFP a satchel charge or tank blast would send barrels and bodies flying, flip a car over, etc.

In ARMA, explosions have no effect on these objects.

I hope this fixed, as it is a great visceral immersion effect to see a car flip over, or objects flying after explosion.

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Weird. I've seen videos with all kinds of things flying through the air after a blast like that. It probably takes quite the blast to flip a 2000 kg 4x4- it's probably more realistic that you can't do it. You certainly can't flip a tank like in good ol' ofp! I think that OFP was pretty overdone in that regard- hitting a troop with a 30mm shell would pop them 50 feet into the air. If they're still balancing the physics and stuff, that's good news!

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I´ve personally been crushed by a T-72 flying about 500-600 m´s after it was blown up by satchels. Physics are a tricky issue with Arma biggrin_o.gif

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Oh yes, I remember now the anecdotes about doing that ground-attack like mission and nearly being hit by a tank that comes flying after you. sigh.

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I have heard that ArmA has abandoned IndirectHit from its config. Is there any relation with it? wink_o.gif

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OK, I've confirmed that bodies fly, but barrels don't budge at all. I set off a few satchels near a pickup, and it barely moved.

I agree OFP was over the top with explosions launching objects, but in ARMA it seems inconsistent (i.e., bodies fly, but barrels don't move).

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OK, I've confirmed that bodies fly, but barrels don't budge at all.  I set off a few satchels near a pickup, and it barely moved.

I agree OFP was over the top with explosions launching objects, but in ARMA it seems inconsistent (i.e., bodies fly, but barrels don't move).

look here http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=55301

and play the mission through to that part... if you can wink_o.gif

edit: oh yeah I remember there are some barrels in the game that act like rocks, they can't be shifted at all. But if you place them in the editor they will fly

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I have heard that ArmA has abandoned IndirectHit from its config. Is there any relation with it?

You heard wrong, IndirectHit and IndirectHitRange are both still alive and well in the configs.

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Physics are a tricky issue with Arma biggrin_o.gif

Indeed they are. I remember the first time I "flew" and "landed" a helicopter (barely) in ArmA in the single player training mission... I ended up taking out half the squad I was supposed to rescue when I crushed them! icon_rolleyes.gif

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Only objects placed in the editor are effected, map based objects aren't. It's always been this way.

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