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A Fix - 16bpp Resolution

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I have a bit of a fix for those of you that are having trouble running the game without massive frame rate drops. I'm sure some of you have already found it, however, there are bound to be those that haven't, and I can't seem to find a post regarding it.

Make a backup.

Open My Documents

Open your ArmA folder

Open the ArmA config file

Change the Resolution_Bpp=##; from 32 to 16

Or experiment with it yourself.

While it does make the overall screen a bit darker, it seems to improve the FPS. Would've been nice had BIS included the option to change the render PPx from 32 to 16 etc...

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I have tried that and it inproves performance for me. After I changed this I made my light settings in arma higher and noe i can run it on normal settings.

Thank you.

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Thank you so much! This fix not only fixed ArmA for me, but now it lets me run maxed out. Before applying this fix my computer could barely run at 1280 on low settings. I was monitoring my hardware and noticed my CPU being maxed out during the entire game. After applying the fix at maxed out settings with full AA the CPU load is only at 85%. On top of this fix I also changed my GPUs ArmA settings to Application Controlled except for image quality which was set to The Best or whatever.

Thanks so much!

AMD XP 64 3500+



Way too many HD's

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relating to this file anyone know what changing

3D_Performance= x ;

will do? i have messed around but cant really tell . A lower value should give worse performance/better gfx i expect?

any devs know what this variable means?


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That is only setting the color depth to 16bit isnt it ?

It pretty much looks like.. if so, the only people who will have an advantage doing this are the Nvidia users.

Thats because ATI cards were always superior handling high resolutions, high-bit colors and high AA values with only a little drop of the framerate. Whereas the Nvidia cards always had a lot more trouble "generating" the game in a higher resolution or a higher colour depth.

So reducing the color depth will be a small boost for Nvidia users as they card will not be stressed that much. I as a Radeon 1960 Pro user have experienced no changes.

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Works for me, thanks. I have the Geforce 6800GT.

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I'm glad it worked for some. However, it doesn't work for me at all, and I have a high-end system. Just thought I'd share though...

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this my be commen knowledge for the veterans on here, but i noticed my frame rate shoot right up after disabling shadows. this may have been posted before but sometimes the most simplist solutions are the most obvious

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ Dec. 11 2006,20:55)]The only people who will have an advantage doing this are the Nvidia users.

Thats because ATI cards were always superior handling high resolutions, high-bit colors and high AA values with only a little drop of the framerate. Whereas the Nvidia cards always had a lot more trouble "generating" the game in a higher resolution or a higher colour depth.

So reducing the color depth will be a small boost for Nvidia users as they card will not be stressed that much.

Id like to quote myself there again ... so Radeon users better slip this.

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Few more frames, thanks.

At least I can play it now with ok graphics.

3700+, 7800GT.

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Few more frames, thanks.

At least I can play  it now with ok graphics.

3700+, 7800GT.

What are your full system specs?

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Few more frames, thanks.

At least I can play it now with ok graphics.

3700+, 7800GT.

That CPU and card should be more than up to the task of running ArmA at moderate detail.

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Few more frames, thanks.

At least I can play  it now with ok graphics.

3700+, 7800GT.

That CPU and card should be more than up to the task of running ArmA at moderate detail.

How about this?

AMD 64 X2 5000+


Alternating between a Radeon 1900 with 256 & a 1300 with 512.

The 1900 preforms like a charm with games such as GRAW, Company of Heroes, and R6 Vegas, with all of them at full settings. But with ArmA, I still get awful frame rates when near foliage. This is not a hardware issue, it's an engine problem.

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Well in my case it did make a differance with the bush and overall game play. I have a BFG 7800GS 256MB AGP and there is not a frame rate drop when running threw bushes anymore.. This Fix should be Tagged.

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Get a bigger power supply and i think you will be more then happy with yours

That's another solution.

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