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question about the Dragunov optics

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maybe it could be usefull to make a bullet speed test script to see if actual friction and speed drop is not correctly implemented. In which case bullet drop at high distance is higher than at short distance, isn't it?

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Bullets drop at 9.8 m/s^2 as soon as they leave the barrel smile_o.gif

And you aren't going to headshots as a sniper, you're looking for clean centre of mass shots.

According to a book by Kevin Dockery, the SVD has a 208 mm group at 600m. (This is data extrapolated from an assessment that showed a 1.25 inch group at 100 yards) I don't think you'd be looking for a bean shot when your group is .21 (1/5) meters. At 1200 meters, the group is .417 meters. Half a meter group will produce a casualty but you're edging out to a possible miss, and you're nearing the end of the terminal effectiveness of the round. Zeroing these rifles for 1 km is kind of senseless, given that the average infantry engagement distance is much shorter than that.

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remember guys, remember which type of PSO sight you gots on your SVD, or whether or not you gots an SVD or a ROMAK-3 rifle.

edit: for those of you trying to hit jack shit with and SVD at 1 km, you are after a wild goose chase. 1km ranges are what you use the 14.5 and 12.7mm sniper rifles for...

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Each ^ on the PSO-1 scope corresponds to 100M IRL but in OPF its 250M since we cant zero the scope, its all in the OPF manual. Rifle is zeroed at 250 meters, use the first ^ up to that distance. I dont know if it stands in Arma..

At short distance you will hit slightly above the target because of recoil, at longer distance you will have to compensate for bullet "drop" using the ^'s.

Effective range 800M, maximum range 1300M, i dont know how acurate the SVD is but i read its not good behiond 600M, it wasnt really meant to be anyway wink_o.gif .

The OPF manual is scary, they even included irrelevant yet interesting information such has the capacity of the extra fuel drums fitted on the russian tanks (200 liters) or the designation of the M60 engine and transmission crazy_o.gif .

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At short distance you will hit slightly above the target because of recoil, at longer distance you will have to compensate for bullet "drop" using the ^'s.

Not because of recoil. Because the bullet is lobbed to the target. Zeroing for 250 meters means lobbing it there so it will pass through the centre of the scope at 250 meters. At 125 meters it will have just stopped rising at the apex of its flight, and beyond 250 m's it will be well on its way on its trip to the ground.

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The PK Machinegun is also way off.Shoot anything say out at 200-300 yards and youll have to aim so high the MG blocks your sight to the target.

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The PK Machinegun is also way off.Shoot anything say out at 200-300 yards and youll have to aim so high the MG blocks your sight to the target.

Yup, Feersum described that in the bug list, with a video.

Now, with 3D optics like in ArmA, I fear there will always be issues, as weapon will have to be zeroed for some range, that may not be of the taste of evey1 (mind you, the PK is way too off to be anything near correctly zeroed)

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It's not just the dragunov.

When you shoot the M16 the bullet will hit a fair distance above the top of the front iron sight pin.

I was under the impression that when you aim with iron sights you place the object you want to hit just above the front pin. But if you try ingame the bullet actually hits far above the pin. The closer range it is the worse it is of course which seems like the sights are zeroed in at a certain distance hidden to us.

And when use iron sights and then zoom the issue naturally is much worse.

Well, you know, bullets go up then they go down. They don't just go straight out of the barrel and start dropping.

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Well, you know, bullets go up then they go down. They don't just go straight out of the barrel and start dropping.

A bullet never rises above the axis of the barrel though.

I've noticed that the M4 with iron sights is way off too.

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Top one is 0m, second is 1100m, third 1200 and fourth 1300.

Bullet shot from such long barrel have very flat trajectory, they start to drop quickly after specific range (about 1km in SVD).

Now why would anyone zero a sniper rifle, or any rifle for that matter, at 0 meters? Would you really have to aim through the scope to hit a target at 0 meters?

No. According to that manual the second chevron would only hit 1100m when the "knob" is set at ten (1000m). So if it is so in ArmA, first chevron should hit at 1000m.

Quote[/b] ]The sight angle scale is provided with ten divisions (from 0 to 10). The value of the scale division equals to 100 m.

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Well, you know, bullets go up then they go down. They don't just go straight out of the barrel and start dropping.

That's precisely what they do. They go straight out of the barrel and start dropping. The accellerate towards the ground at 9.8 m/s^2 in addition to what else they are doing- this includes travelling upwards. Guns zeroed for any range further than zero meters point up slightly in relation to their sights.

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Well, you know, bullets go up then they go down. They don't just go straight out of the barrel and start dropping.

That's precisely what they do.  They go straight out of the barrel and start dropping.  The accellerate towards the ground at 9.8 m/s^2 in addition to what else they are doing- this includes travelling upwards.  Guns zeroed for any range further than zero meters point up slightly in relation to their sights.

Yes, gunners knew this in medieval times already.

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OK, I must contribute to this thread. I found it appalling that the rifle's optics are incorrectly zeroed in ArmA when it was so nice in OFP. Manuals referring to zeroing to the maximum distance don't right the wrong because only a madman uses the dragunov beyond some 800 meters, and ArmA rarely even gives a chance for such long range engagements. No, the scope should be zeroed at 250 meters like previously, that is what made SVD the dead-sure way to deliver in any condition. People don't understand the versatility of the PSO sights if they think zeroing the top chevron above the normal engagement range is the way to go.

Right now you have to guess how far from the top chevron the bullet hits, I bitterly experienced this in a multiplayer game when I could barely see the enemy in the distance and the bullets were still whizzing above his head.

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