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The Docks COOP 1-14

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thanks sickboy...basically i used my first map (nova) as a template for the docks,most mission makers will do this to save time putting the playable soldiers in/respawn e.t.c

i added a chopper script from ofpec.com (played with the script a bit to make it useable as an evacuation method,works good tested over and over in singleplay and on lan on my own)

then i added an intro and set some playable soldiers to moveincargo boat1 ,for the intro to look cool.

that's the only difference between operation nova (scriptwise) so i cant understand why some clients getting kicked...i think i might have added a lighthouse from your editor addon,but that wouldnt make clients crash out either.plus i think i removed it in beta 2.

chipper said it might be to do with the location near the water cos it happened in his map.

maybe it's the docks area thats bugged as a starting point in mutliplayer.but that's way too weird,even for arma bugs lol.

oh and i think the helipads are from your editor addon,not sure if there available without your addon,but the clients dont need to have that addon installed to play the map.

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i think i might have added a lighthouse from your editor addon,but that wouldnt make clients crash out either.plus i think i removed it in beta 2.

Exactly, as the server should crash then aswell, and player 1 aswell, aswell as when you test it on your own without the addon smile_o.gif Unless the objects that are made available contain bugs themselves, but i can't think of anything that would make crashes for ppl.

As we can never be sure, you could delete those things from your mission and share that version with the crashing ppl.

I am putting it on our server aswell, in this state, and gonna check it smile_o.gif

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Just FYI, I made a mission where the players start on a small island and have to board boats and assault two smaller islands. Only on that mission do I see a lot of CTD's and people dropping from the game. The desynch is also higher on that mission. I'm assuming there's some bug to do with water that's causing this.

There are AI patrolling the smaller islands as well. After I return and play again, I don't crash, but there's still desynch.

I have two other coops that are on land, even though one is in Dolores, near the rivers. Those don't crash at all with almost 0 desynch.

I think there's some bug with water/boats causing this.

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thanks for the info,i still can't test it online yet but i hope it's something that can be fixed in a patch.

i dont wanna have to take the boats out and change the location,or it wouldn't be 'the docks' huh.gif

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I confirm, boat are making a lot of CTD for client in multiplayer. I played another mission with boat and then we crashed.

(Russian boat)

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i just saw a server playing it with 9 players,is the random client crashing fixed with patch 1.2 in this mission ? has anyone tried it with the latest patch ?

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I had some good fun testing this mission today (in SP)

good atmosphere, good layout, and many new arma things to test

no crashes at all

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Thanks,the crashing thing's just in multiplayer...something to do with the water perhaps,i couldn't find out why.

It wasn't the scripts because i used them in the airport mission as a test,and that seems fine online.

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