Jigsaw 0 Posted December 1, 2006 Hello guys, So far I'm pretty happy with Armed Assault, except for the bad heli controls (Operation Flashpoint felt a lot more real in that respect) and the reason for this thread: I've just played the mission where you need to get reinforcements with a truck and I was shocked when I entered the vehicle. The first person viewpoint is way too high, my head is practically pinned to the roof, I can hardly see what's in front of the truck, especially when driving on a road that slopes upward. Please tell me if and how the viewpoint can be changed (in a config file maybe). And if not: please change the viewing position with an upcoming patch. I don't wanna play an 8 foot tall guy who barely fits into the cockpit of a truck and can't see down the road. And no: driving in 3rd person isn't an option for me. I bought a simulation and not a shoulder cam arcade game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted December 1, 2006 Moving to General, it's not a troubleshooting issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jigsaw 0 Posted December 1, 2006 Moving to General, it's not a troubleshooting issue. How is an incorrectly set viewpoint, that makes the first person truck view almost unusable, not a trouble shooting issue? I, for one, do consider a view like this as trouble that needs to be shot on sight : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xnodunitx 0 Posted December 1, 2006 Worse comes to worse the view just looks like it needs to be moved down alittle,not by much though,I'm not sure if proxies also decide where your point of view in first person is but if thats the case then you have to wait for O2 "2". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted December 1, 2006 ofp helicopters were never realistic.. anyhow about that truck picture, maybe your character is a tall guy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xnodunitx 0 Posted December 1, 2006 Now that I look at it,the view is very similar if not exact to what was in OFP:E,which was a bit of a pain really. You can drive a tank because you can see a few meters over the road whereas on that the window cuts it off,nothin like a sudden civilian car comming at top speed and BAM. Though before we pass judgement,can you take a screencap and post it here of standing near to the drivers side of the truck with a driver in it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jigsaw 0 Posted December 1, 2006 Though before we pass judgement,can you take a screencap and post it here of standing near to the drivers side of the truck with a driver in it? What for? The view doesn't get any better, just because the driver model maybe matches the viewpoint. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted December 1, 2006 How is an incorrectly set viewpoint, that makes the first person truck view almost unusable, not a trouble shooting issue? Does it crash the game? Does it make the game run slow? The answer is no, so it's not a troubleshooting issue, it's a quirke or an annoyance so it belongs in General. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xnodunitx 0 Posted December 1, 2006 Though before we pass judgement,can you take a screencap and post it here of standing near to the drivers side of the truck with a driver in it? What for? The view doesn't get any better, just because the driver model maybe matches the viewpoint. Thats mostly what I'm getting at,to see if the characters head lines up,if so then its placed correctly and we just have to live with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strango 5 Posted December 1, 2006 if so then its placed correctly and we just have to live with it. If that's the case then I guess we need a "slouch" key. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted December 1, 2006 Though before we pass judgement,can you take a screencap and post it here of standing near to the drivers side of the truck with a driver in it? What for? The view doesn't get any better, just because the driver model maybe matches the viewpoint. Well considering that in OFP the camera was attached to the drivers head (and if your head moved from an animation then so did the camera), and that ArmA still appears to have the same set up, then yes it would matter where the driver model is actually positioned. If you look at it from 3rd person (and if it's for the purpose of "troubleshooting" as you claim don't be a bitch about using 3rd person) and the driver is seated properly and his head is still that high, there's either a problem with the scale of the truck or it's just like that IRL. It could still just be that the animation is bad or the proxy is not positioned right too. If it's the animation or the truck's scale then chances are it's not going to be fixed (not easily), otherwise (the only otherwise being the proxy placement) it would be fairly simple to correct. Quote[/b] ]If that's the case then I guess we need a "slouch" key. It would be nice to be able to move around a bit in a vehicle too (I mean from a seated position of course, not actually standing up and walking around), but it sounds more like a fantasy then a practicality. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strango 5 Posted December 1, 2006 It's simply a matter of having multiple animations for a seated man. Incorporate leaning animations for a seated driver as an example. You then could slightly change your view point using your leaning keys. EDIT: And before someone says it, the axis of movment doesn't necessarily have to be left to right. Any angle desired could be used as long as the animations tie to the axis correctly. The lean keys just move you along that axis. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted December 1, 2006 It's simply a matter of having multiple animations for a seated man. Â Incorporate leaning animations for a seated driver as an example. You then could slightly change your view point using your leaning keys. Yea but unless you were in a cargo position you'd have to fumble with more keys while trying to control the vehicle. But hey there are always those bright ideas once in a while... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strango 5 Posted December 1, 2006 Well those of us with TrackIR won't have any extra keys to fiddle with. And even the keyboard users, I would guess you'd rather have the ability to fix your view to actually see better. It's still an option to use it, not a requirement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted December 1, 2006 Well I suppose so, but it still seems a little problematic, there would have to be some dependence on the vehicle, and just a little questionable as to how practical it is. It would be quite useful I believe, but only if it can be done without any bugs or side-effects. And then the next challenge would be implementing the ability to adjust your seat... Â Â Ok, that's just a little too far. But discussing it here might be considered off-topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daddl 10 Posted December 2, 2006 I think the only proper solution would be to lower the drivers position or to fix his posture so he can look outside properly (have him lean over the steering wheel). Driving the trucks in 3rd person is not always an option, especially when playing in MP on a server that has 3rd person disabled. This should be addressed urgently! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CTU24 0 Posted December 2, 2006 I got a question guys about all the view points of the vehicals. Would you say they are more or less detailed then the BF2. Oh no! I said Bf2 lol. I am just wondaring not because I want this to be a bf2 game but, just for my knowledge. (Either way I'll be getting this game ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted December 2, 2006 I got a question guys about all the view points of the vehicals. Â Would you say they are more or less detailed then the BF2.Oh no! Â I said Bf2 lol. Â I am just wondaring not because I want this to be a bf2 game but, just for my knowledge. Â (Either way I'll be getting this game ) BF2 had vehicle interiors?? I'm going to say they are definately more detailed in ArmA, I mean BF2 doesn't have any working guages or anything either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MAA3057 0 Posted December 2, 2006 The problem was also present in the BIS HUMVEEs in OFP. It wasn't the frontal view though, it was the side windows. You just couldn't see what was coming to your side as your head was to high. CBT did a great job with this problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CTU24 0 Posted December 2, 2006 Well they had interiors but like they were just for show. Which brings me to another question. Will the interiors of the vehicals in Armed Assault be for show or you actually push buttons and stuff like that? (Either way I don't care I am just wondaring) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jigsaw 0 Posted December 2, 2006 Here's in image of the driver: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr reality 0 Posted December 2, 2006 Now you know what it's like for people like me in real life. I'm 6'4" and even though i can see out of my vans windscreen i have to dip my head to see out of the side window, and i'm not f***ing klidding... Ontopic, like MAA3057 has already mentioned the fact that addon makers can and will rectify this problem i'm not too worried, but i can see those who have already got the game will find it a slight pain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted December 2, 2006 Well then it seems the only real problem is that the driver is too tall. You're going to need a new animation for him so he slouches down a bit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timblesink 0 Posted December 2, 2006 Heh, little old granny USMC truck drivers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xnodunitx 0 Posted December 3, 2006 I got a question guys about all the view points of the vehicals. Would you say they are more or less detailed then the BF2.Oh no! I said Bf2 lol. I am just wondaring not because I want this to be a bf2 game but, just for my knowledge. (Either way I'll be getting this game ) BF2 had vehicle interiors?? I'm going to say they are definately more detailed in ArmA, I mean BF2 doesn't have any working guages or anything either. Only armor didn't have them,although there were textures for them but they never used them. And yes Kyles right,they did not have anything that worked as far as insturments go. But yes I would have to say that Armed Assault definatly has much more detailed and WORKING interiors than bf2 does,and it seems the drivers position and view are correct which just means we'll have to live with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites