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Snake Man

PMC First Fight - Campaign

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Thank you so much for this really enjoyable campaign. I really like the way the encounters are all short and sweet.

Surviveable and easy to progress, rather than forcing me to survive against an entire army single handed etc.

I also like that you have given me the choice to use the full range of exotic weapons available.

Fun fun.

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Very much enjoying this campaign!

In 'Final Phase' mission, during the cut scene my guy just drops like he took a shot but squadies don't react. When mission starts, I'm immobilized and can't even get my medic to help me.

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Yeah that guy starting dead is from the saveStatus and teamswitch mixture. I start to feel savestatus is not worth it in the long run, I mean dunno if anyone compliments here how nice it is to have team status saved to next missions in these topics, but it seems that every other user has problems with it. I guess you cant get accurate and balanced reading from the usefulness of the feature reading just feedback like this.

I dont know, maybe I'll just drop its usage or at least take away the teamswitch or something. I mean I dont mind reading comments that "it dont work" but I'm sad that guys try the campaign and cannot fully enjoy it as its intended to be enjoyed. Umm if that makes any sense, heh.

To fix the dead guy at start, REVERT the previous mission and do the endmission cheat ending to it. Then play the mission which you start as dead and you should be fully alive and everything cool.

Let me know if you have more problems with it.

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Thanks for that tip re team-mates dropping dead, Snake Man - I've had that on a couple of occasions early on in the campaign. I've never used teamswitch - typical conservative ex-OFPer who likes his changes slow and gradual!

I fully agree with all the other complimentary replies - this campaign and Fedain have helped 2 long night shifts to pass very pleasantly (can't fly in RL when the cloud's down on the deck). I'm very grateful to you and all the other folk who're able to put ArmA to good use.

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Hey snake, this seems like alot of fun, but could you update the first post with new versions in the future? I read a few spoilers by mistake, you see.

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First post updated with the current v0.4 details smile_o.gif

Btw, are you the video moviemaker stabiz from SH3 community?

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Hey Snakeman,

have you had any joy with my previous post, just started it again for fun, got to the same mission (take down the two ZSU's) and same thing when i took them down (either with satchel charges or RPG) the objective is not checked and mission cannot end.

Don't really like using endmission cheat (hardcore eh... lol) but will if i have to.

Keep up the good work

(by the way i like the savestatus as don't teamswitch so i'll keep it)

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First post updated with the current v0.4 details smile_o.gif

Btw, are you the video moviemaker stabiz from SH3 community?

Thats me, snake. Looking foreward to making some ArmA-vids soon.

Thanks for updating first post!

*off to try this*

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Quote[/b] ]This campaign uses saveStatus and weaponPool, so you must delete the old savegames found on your "ArmA Other Profiles/" directory or the saves and weapons get lost/corrupted. Simply delete Saved/ dir completely, if you have other campaigns going (there is no others MUHAHA), then you should specificly only delete the PMC campaign stuff, but how to do that... you'll need to figure out by your own (I dont know, yet).

Place PMC_First_Fight.pbo into the mod dir of your choice under "campaigns/" directory. In my ArmA its d:\ArmA\x_pmc\campaigns\ directory which I launch with -mod=x_pmc parameter.

Uhm ... I am sorry, but I`m a total n00b in ArmA/OFP file structure. I cant find any Saved dir, and what on earth are those launch parameters? huh.gif

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Quote[/b] ]have you had any joy with my previous post

Sorry no, not yet.

Quote[/b] ]Don't really like using endmission cheat (hardcore eh... lol) but will if i have to.

Yeah sorry that you have to use that for now, I'll surely check this bug report and fix it for next version. Just play as far as you can go and then endmission the mission for now.

Quote[/b] ](by the way i like the savestatus as don't teamswitch so i'll keep it)

Yeah I need to be careful with the teamswitch, I'm afraid but that might be removed in the future as considering now more thorough it conflicts a bit with the character you play. I mean you have the character chosen with a name, so if he dies many times in the missions... its kind of stupid smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Thats me, snake. Looking foreward to making some ArmA-vids soon.

I just leeched all your SH3 videos and they are great, enjoyed them greatly.

Quote[/b] ]ArmA/OFP file structure. I cant find any Saved dir, and what on earth are those launch parameters?

There is info on the wiki about -mod parameter. Saved dir is located in the \Documents and Settings\<name>\My Documents\Arma Other Profiles\ dir by default.

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Hey Snakeman,

have you had any joy with my previous post, just started it again for fun, got to the same mission (take down the two ZSU's) and same thing when i took them down (either with satchel charges or RPG) the objective is not checked and mission cannot end.

Don't really like using endmission cheat (hardcore eh... lol) but will if i have to.

Keep up the good work

(by the way i like the savestatus as don't teamswitch so i'll keep it)

I have the same problem as this, what is the "end mission cheat" please?

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Very Briefly:

Finished the campaign

It was fantastic

No Bugs

Tough as hell

I want to play it again

I want more missions


As I suspected, Snake did not disappoint. This is a must-play campaign.

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Quote[/b] ]what is the "end mission cheat" please?

During campaign MENU you can open or "unlock" all the missions by pressing SHIFT and keypad - key at the same time, then typing "campaign" without the quotes.

During mission you can end it succesfully by pressing SHIFT and keypad - key at the same time, then typing "endmission" without the quotes.

I will most definitely fix/tweak mission number 10 (guys lets dont give out too many spoilers heh), if anyone who has played has any other tweaking suggestions, feel free to post and I'll try to make the mission more better.

Quote[/b] ]I want more missions

And you'll have them. I just cant give out any dates for new missions / version right now, its done when its done.

I'm kind of concerned right now about the patch situation, all the talk about 1.05 being buggy and more sluggish than 1.04 makes me worried. I havent actually had that much playtime in there so I really don't know. I kind of would want to hold off and wait calmly to the next patch and its aftertmath at least before putting out new version of PMC First Fight. Again if anyone has thoughts about the campaign + patch scenario + anything, just post as I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say.

And thanks for everyone for posting feedback, keep it coming!

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Further to my last, I'd like to add that - although very much enjoying the campaign - I can only finish the "2 Shilkas" mission by using the "endmission" cheat.

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Great campaign so far, just at the mission taking the town (4 or 5), great immersion, good long firefight, feels much more tense and real than the lacklustre official ArmA campaign, I love the way it gradually builds up, this is EXACTLY how BIS should have started their own campaign, get peeps used to the game dynamics without creating large overstretched missions that feel like I'm on rails to the next action set piece (aka COD type rubbish).

I nod my head to you sir, and say thankyou.

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Yep, i have really enjoyed that town assault mission too. Replayed it 5 times about. Really one of the best missions in ArmA so far.

Hope you will continue your work with maybe a second new campaign with same quality. tounge2.gif

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Just replayed the mission where you have to insert by heli to attack a village on the mainland.

After a few seconds re-arming one of the team at the crates, we moved to the empty Blackhawk and boarded as passengers. Nothing happened. After a while I disembarked 2,3 and myself and re-boarded as crew with a view to self-flying.

At that point the aircrew who'd been hanging around nonchalantly decided to board. As they did, their M4s changed to what can only be described as steely-grey, infinitely-long girders which extended from the aircraft in all directions. Wish I'd thought to take a screenshot!

Anyway, I flew to the other island, disembarked all except my gunners and carried on over the village. Engaged the SLA and killed them all from the air, landed and disembarked with this weird "spiky" UH60 (original aircrew stayed on board) just pointing its "girders" randomly skyward. I suppose that's one way to finish the job...

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Quote[/b] ]taking the town (4 or 5), great immersion, good long firefight

As seen on this topic, that mission was tweaked from user feedback, I hope its quite nice and balanced now.

Quote[/b] ]Hope you will continue your work with maybe a second new campaign with same quality.

Hehe. I guess you missed readme, this topic and ending credits which clearly say that this campaign is work in progress, story in progress, and more missions will be added biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]we moved to the empty Blackhawk and boarded as passengers. Nothing happened.

Was the other squad boarded already, did the other blackhawk took off?

Quote[/b] ]I disembarked 2,3 and myself and re-boarded as crew with a view to self-flying. I flew to the other island, disembarked all except my gunners and carried on over the village.  Engaged the SLA and killed them all from the air

Which is not the way the mission was designed. I dont want to make failsafe codes for preventing players to do rambo stuff since most of PMC mission fans to my experience are the hardcore growd who are used to the vehicle transports and so on.

The helo could use the setfuel 0 way to stay on the ground, but I prefer the crew to get out, yes player who wants to fly can hijack the helo then, but that is not how the mission is designed to be played.

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Ah, thanks for the feedback. Yes, the other squad had emplaned AND their aircraft was in the high hover to the northeast. Which, by the way, is where it stayed throughout the whole mission.

My squad and I had been sat in the back of the second aircraft for some time (I used the 4x speed-up to see if it made any difference) before I went ahead with the procedure outlined above. I didn't start out with the intention of hijacking the Blackhawk; it seemed that the only way we were going to see the other island was to fly there ourselves.

Any idea what the wacky M4s-turned-into-girders thing might be?

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SnakeMan - I'm still not clear aboUt the install process. I got it working jUst by placing the pbo file in the BI/ArmA/Campaigns folder and it seemed to work bUt I'm getting a lot of bizarre errors sUch as all my men dropping dead at the beginning of the 5th mission to scoUt the north and soUth of the beginning island, and then the first recon mission to the mainland some of my men don't have any ammo, so I assUme its becaUse I didn't install as yoU said? BUt I'm a noob for fiddling with ArmA files and cannot find the folders yoU are mentioning, do I have to make a mod folder myself? Is this in the BI/Arma/etc or the My docUments Arma stUff? Where is the d:\ArmA\x_pmc\campaigns\ directory, do I have to make it? BecaUse I've already started the campaign do I have to delete save games for it before I do the correct install?

Sorry if these qUestions are basic bUt I love what I've played of yoUr campaign so far and really want to have the fUll experience. Can yoU give me a step by step breakdown please? I woUld really appreciate it!


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johnny- U'r troubles are due to the campaign being in beta state, and If u look at the earlier post u'll see that It's been discussed.

About the PMC first fight: Im nearly finished and I gotta say I loved

it. specially the destroy AA placement mission. Only trouble is the mission won't finish: when I destroy shilkas and anything around it I get no objective complete, not in 1st shilka nor second 1. I had to

use endmission cheat to finish it, and luckily I got mission accomplished. The next mission was allout running, but when I get

to the extraction point the blackhawk comes and it won't land, but turn around and head back to base, leaving us stranded.

Maybe a good Idea would be to place some specifics of what we have to do in the mission to accomplish it.

It was pain in the arse to complete the second recon mission in sharani, when u didn't know what to actually do or where to go to get the city reconed.

But in the end this was a very positive experience, and I can't wait to play more yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

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Having a problem though with the mission where you've met up with the civies and have to take down the two shilkas.

When i blow up the shilkas it does not complete the objective nothing happens, have tried killing every man and vehicles at both sites including bmps and uaz's that are wandering around and any parked vehicles.

Snake Man,

I have the same problems on the shilka mission: I blew up the shilkas (using RPGs), killed the enemy squads around the sites), yet the mission doesn't end. The objectives are not checked (neither of them.) Can you please take a look and see if you can wrangle it a bit to behave? smile_o.gif I really like your campaign and would like to finish it.

I have the 1.06 version, if that helps.

Thanks for the missions!

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Hi, I have the 1.04 version.

I've installed in my campaign folder, but as soon as I get to clean rug mission the leader falls dead at start.

This is despite me reverting to mission 1- i.e deleting all my progress and using the end mission cheat to get back to the clean rug mission.

any suggestions, as I don't understand how to clear my saves and I'd really like to continue playing this campaign.


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