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Quote[/b] ]my gameplay perfected over 5 years was baseD on full auto

Can't stop laughing  rofl.gif  rofl.gif  rofl.gif

The best joke ive ever read  notworthy.gif

Actually my gameplay was based on bunny hoping , and i sucked at it. banghead.gif

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Wow, this thread was pretty weird, seeing all the CS-style "CTF"ers coming up out of the woodwork. Makes me proud to be in a co-op squad.

But anyway, on topic (what topic?) I'm not too sure about the double tapping to run. It was okay in Americas Army, but I think I want to be the judge of when I break into a sprint, not how fast I can double tap W. But hey, as someone said, I might re-map when I get the game!

Problem solved, woo.

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If you want CTF gameplay, go and play HALO 2 or something. Could do without all the bunnyhopping idiots thanks very much.

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in case you didnt notice , bunnyhopping isnt possible in OFP ...

i just wanted to give a sarcastic comment. but some people will never read between the lines. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Well I hope CTF players will get as much enjoyment from Aram, as everyone else! Just don't be so casual about it.

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in case you didnt notice , bunnyhopping isnt possible in OFP ...

i just wanted to give a sarcastic comment. but some people will never read between the lines. icon_rolleyes.gif

I think he mostly meant that people complaining about CTF seem to be the CS type,upset over no jumping and that it takes actual tactics and time to get a flag,I just pray they don't attempt CTI.

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i dont understand why players of different game-types r bashing each other...why?..for which reason?

we all love OFP and we all hope to love ArmA even more!

so come on and relax a bit...first we have to play it by ourselves before we can make a judgment.

OK, the fact that u have to press W twice to sprint is not really a good news. But ArmA wont be OFPs follower if there is now way to change the settings.

So there will be a way to make E for running, or shift and W for it.

Ah no matter, i will love ArmA anyways, only 3days till i have it in my hands!


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Quote[/b] ]i dont understand why players of different game-types r bashing each other...why?..for which reason?
HIGHLANDER @ Nov. 26 2006,20:53)]sniper skull wtf you on about? i take it youre 1 of those COOP pansies that couldnt hack getting beating when you played CTF, looking at youre post?, harden up lmfao, more like you should sober up, hahah.

That's why, because they have that reputation

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i duno where you guys get the " bunnyhoppers " from, you must be getting confused with bf2 ,css etc, you cetainley cant" bunnyhopp" in ofp, i might be wrong, may be somebody never told me 5 years ago you had a bunnyhopp button?


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In my opinion i think Armed Assault does suit all styles of gameplay, and you can still have a decent ctf or whatever sort of game you are after, the controls are different yes. But they do not feel slow or anything else for that matter.

There a few things that are missing, such as the run and spray side strafe that OFP used to have, however this game aims for realism and i don't see that happening in the present day. Just because you cant perform a few crazy moves from OFP doesn't mean you can't have a nice CTF.

i dont recall leaning in standard flashpoint 1985. So how about you creep up to a corner and lean out to get your camper rather than run round on a spray and pray. Be glad they still use EAX since thats what all the ctfers rely on, Knowing where your opponent is defeats the object by itself.

I had a skim through this thread and saw someone talk about double tapping W to run, either they havn't got the game or have not learnt the controls. You can double tap shift to either run or walk by pressing W once. Same goes for leaning. double tap on either Q or E

~End Vent banghead.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Delta Strike Team yes, why?

Used to play with you guys back in the the day.

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The future of multiplayer is CTF, conquest etc...

I hope not! That would be terrible ...

terrible why??

Ctf is the most entertaining type of play done in many years, it has lots of possibilities.


edit, ill wait to play it more in extense

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Quote[/b] ]terrible why??

Because the future of online gaming is quite obviously being part of a combined arms strike with all your buddies, being utterly immersed in the game, fearing for your player's only life, and trying to hold ground until your allies playing on PCs in a different time zone join the game and bolster your side's cause to victory!  


Sorry.  biggrin_o.gif

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yes then feel real proud of killing dumb ai instead of real players that can actually think and react! The screen shot gallerys gonna look great "us v ai" all the way through lol a great achievment for your clan NOT!! and stop comparing css players to ofp players!! ofp wins hands down if we was css players we wouldnt be posting here screw css its not the way we play! we have stuck by ofp all the way same as u coop guys. If any of you were proper ctf players which you are not. you would know theres alot more to it than just mindless killing and as for EAX its in the game to add to your gaming experience since when did sound improve your aiming and speed ok it lets you know if the enemy is left or right but you could turn a corner and there could be 50 different hiding places sound isnt going to point you to there exact location!!. Like i said too many coop players here posting in a topic that was ment for ctf players who know what they like wtf does coop players know about ctf they always quit the game after they get butt whooped!!!

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I don't think the point he was getting at was considering whether the opponent are AI or players. The point is if a game is immersive enough to make you feel like you are there and get into the mood, if you do that then the control scheme won't be as much of an issue. Yeah CTF is great, but its not the only type of game where you can play person vs. person.

If you consider the aspect of CTI which can be a large scale battle with slow respawns does that make it less competitive? I'm pretty sure that a realistic match with objectives stylized on a campaign or just a fictional story can be just as competitive as CTF without AI.

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I didnt start this topic for coop players im sorry if i speak a little out of term but some people are just too narrow minded this topic is for CTF players after all its the ctf community this effects NOT coop players.

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Thanks Poison for this topic, I am watching it with great interest. Some excellent points you have made wink_o.gif

I to hope we get a nicely balanced CTF environment in ArmA. There is such a great CTF Community.

Little video of one of the community (MassRefuge) playing MP in ArmA.. view it here

You are most welcome my friend all i really wanted was feeback from CTF players and if there is going to be a future in arma with ctf id like nothing more than to discuss this with the people that have played ctf within ofp for the last 5 years talk tactics and ideas thanks alot m8 for the support. biggrin_o.gif

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Who are you to judge who has and who hasn't played CTF. I can guarentee you most of the people here have.

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Who are you to judge who has and who hasn't played CTF. I can guarentee you most of the people here have.

Im talking about the ones that have ctf clans or are part of a ctf clan or whos favorate way to play is ctf  like me i played coops for a few months and got bored of AI. Until i discoverd ctf then all of a sudden it was fun again and became my number one enjoyment out of ofp engaging in clan battles and leagues  playing real people with real skill.it was a place were coop players didnt last long because they gave up when they got killed like i said ctf is a faster paced game than a coop game CTF made players aim faster and move and react faster demanded quicker thinking to out smart a real enemy.you guys go on about how theres no respawn in coops and its realism bla bla bla but fact is in real life there is no AI and ai cannot play ctf lol.

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I have played CTF when I first started getting into OFP Multiplayer, and I can say without a doubt, the play style is similar to CS (which I have also played), it's all about twitch kills, fast mouse movement and getting to the objective as fast as possible. Tactics are almost non existent as the maps are so cramped and linear.

For twitch gaming I would much rather play the latest Unreal Tournament in instagib mode than OFP. Flashpoint and ArmA simply are not suited to this type of gameplay, and never will be.

Sure, it's possible to play like this, but not to the same degree as games actually designd for these game types (ie: UT and Quake).

Of course, as with almsot every aspect of ArmA, this can be modded, as demonstrated by the Ninja addon for OFP (check ofp.info to see what I mean). The speed of movement is controlled directly by the animations being used, modding these changes the entire feel of the game.

So, if you don' like the stock animation in ArmA, there are two options.

1- Find a new game

2- Create a set of animation specifically designed for fast paced CTF/DM

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i feel like crying, cant believe i have waited 5 years for this

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Quote[/b] ]dude there was a guy on earlier who said that you like cock sandwiches

Well the Ambassador of CTF has spoken, let all those in doubt, lay them to rest smile_o.gif

Ask an adult (*.rtm Animator) Perhaps you can still play the way you want?

Thats something else ive noticed reading through the posts of co-op players.......you are soooo serious, get a life and get a sense of humour eh smile_o.gif

I bet you guys draw battle plans that you send to each other and when you play you carry a plastic bag to shit in rofl.gif

lighten up peeps, life is too serious, you guys probably have a life expentancy of 45 yrs due to high blood pressure etc.

You can put CTF down as much as you like but its not going to change the fact that you need more skill and practice if you're going to hang with the big dogs in the tall grass. yay.gif


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Can you imagine BIS saying to its loyal followers of ofp. GO play another game like css or unreal tournament lol they just wouldnt do that its like them saying thanks for your cash and support but now were going to leave you high and dry it would be like a slap in the face and a big insult which is what you guys are doing trying to insult dedicated supporters of ofp and arma just because we love ctf.

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