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Iraq addon in slow progress

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The addon is done at(max) 3 to 5 percent, it doesn't have any vegetation...for now.



It's a big city, with 2 major Mosque.





First, is it worth it ?

So, if you got any idea...I'm listening for further modifications. Working with medium textures and medium poly, so everybody will enjoy, whatever PC performance... help.gifsmile_o.gif

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Well, this is the first bit of feedback you'll get from anyone, so I might as well be the one to do it: Learn how to use the sharp and smooth edges keys in o2 ('u' and 'i', respectively). It will prevent your buildings from having those lighting errors smile_o.gif

...and I must say, it's nice to see an Iraqi addon maker that's doing something other than making posts. wink_o.gif


[Edit: Spelling.]

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Well, this is the first bit of feedback you'll get from anyone, so I might as well be the one to do it: Learn how to use the sharp and smooth edges keys in o2 ('u' and 'i', respectively). It will prevent your buildings from having those lighting errors smile_o.gif

...and I must say, it's nice to see an Iraqi addon maker that's doing something other than making posts.  wink_o.gif


[Edit: Spelling.]

Thx for reply ! Also for your tip, everything will be adjusted. biggrin_o.gif

The interior of the big building(pic #2) will look far better...

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it's been done, and far superior to that, although unreleased...  keep working at it though



thx for advice, maybe I should just wait for that addon to be released then...

whistle.gif you saved me lot of time !!! biggrin_o.gif

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Olemissrebel has a way of being very direct and sometimes brutally honest. Sure you can stop working on it if you want, but the only way to get better is by practice. So it's up to you, really.

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That's ok, I don't want to work on a project that is already advanced...I should do something else...

thx smile_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Really w8ting for that one to be released  tounge2.gif

did someone have a link ?

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I'm not sure when it will be released, as I don't control the mod itself, let alone have anything to do with the actual buildings themselves being made, et cetera.

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Um...question to olemissrebel.... is this new map medium poly/medium texture/low object count? If not, then I think that this map that Phillum is working on is well worth the effort for those that don't have fast computers OR who like TONS of units in their missions in order to have massive battles.

To Phillum: I say go for it!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Um...question to olemissrebel....   is this new map medium poly/medium texture/low object count?    ... for those that don't have fast computers OR who like TONS of units in their missions in order to have massive battles.

At first, the goal was to reproduce a realistic version, as much as I can. But, I'm low on ressources (photos of buildings, designs,...). After passing an hour doing a palm that count 6000 faces, everything in the map was running low...lost of time. crazy_o.gif

so 4 now I'm keeping at 1000 max. for big objects, maybe redifining it at 800 and realy make that map a fast gaming speciality. wink_o.gifthumbs-up.gif

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What's with the negativity? If you don't like it, don't post, especially if you're going to compare it to something that's unreleased that you had no hand in creating. If you HAVE to post, at least give him a tip or some constructive criticism like Abs_01 did instead of just insulting him.

Everyone has to start somewhere, no one can open O2 or any other 3D modeler and create an architectural masterpiece overnight. Keep at it, Pillum ... look forward to seeing more in the future.

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Quote[/b] ]it's been done, and far superior to that, although unreleased... keep working at it though

Guys - i see nothing wrong or very negative in this comment.

olemissrebel said that it's been done with better quality - that's true.

He then said: although unreleased - that's true.

And then he said: keep working on it.

What's your problem with this?

Keep working on it Pillum. wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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After passing an hour doing a palm that count 6000 faces, everything in the map was running low...lost of time. crazy_o.gif

6,000 faces? crazy_o.gif

Can you post up a picture of it in o2? I'm sure that it can be greatly improved. Remember that EVERY single detail doesn't have to be modelled. I would be glad to give you some feedback on where to cut back.

Also, a lot of things have been started and unreleased. There hasn't been any new news about an Iraqi island for a long time, so I still think you should continue your project. Making an island takes a lot of effort especially when you're creating most of the addons used on it yourself.


[PS: As far as olemissrebels "thoughts" go, it makes it seem like Pillum has no hope of ever achieving the high-quality others' have reached. The tone is clearly negative, like most of his/her comments recently.]

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Don't tell me that you modelled each and every single leaf on there.

If anything, you should use a few planes to get the general shape (much like the way an artist sketches out the general shape of his subject), and the add the details through textures. You don't need to make each leaf 3d...instead, use a texture with alpha channels to add the "leafiness". thumbs-up.gif

Good luck!


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sorry if i sound harsh but

judgin from the pic the palm "has" only like 1k of polys

i dont see and detail in it that would justify 6k polygons

not at that quality

go with what the others said

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Abs_01, yeah I did, but with copy/paste function tounge2.gif

okay, then I rather make a static vegetation, anyway my new goal it's making this one a really fast gaming map... wink_o.gif

somebody want a palm tree ? rofl.gif

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Oh lordie...I hope that my suggestions helped you out. Looking forward to the CPU friendly version wink_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]next time I post is for release...

or maybe somebody have some other tips

Yep, release it to be beta tested first and let the

users show you what you didn't think about having

missed out. wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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