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I'm waiting for the file nener.gif once its up I'll set up an ofp.info mirror.

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The buildings from IM:UC will compliment the ones from DMA Lybia well, though after testing the IM:UC island some more some of the enterable buildings have clipping issues where you get stuck on stairs or corners.

Incase anyone reads this, I had a question regarding the current version (Beta2) of this map and mission making.  I absolutely love the layout of the towns esspecially the one with brown buildings that is  near the highway with the gas stations.  Every building has a wall around it and it looks very realistic.  My problem is that (and this happens on other islands as well) the AI will not go through the gates or archways in the walls.  To the AI that doorway is just another piece of the wall (ironically on some other maps the AI just runs through walls and buildings).  I am trying to find a way to have my squad follow me through the wall and either go into a building or just use the courtyard as a shortcut through the town.  It would also be nice to have enemy AI running through the courtyards as well.  I know that there are mods that make the AI better (ECP, FFUR, and SLX has a garrison script), but do any of them  solve this pathfinding issue?  So far the only fix that I have found is that you have to blow sections of the wall up with a satchel charge.  

Incase you see this but do not have Arabia (you can dl it here http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file/Arabia_Island;71467 ...I have noticed that the old mirrors seem dead) you can recreate this problem on Nogova at the compound in the middle of the farmland to the north of Lany and the south of Bitov.  Any help would be appreciated.

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This map is amazing, I love how the highways are doubled, they feel like real highways and the towns look great. I also like how there are big open fields along the highways, for battle grounds!

Would it be possible to replace the road textures with the ones found in tonal island to give the edges of the road a more sand storm kind of look?

Great Island!

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This map rocks notworthy.gif

But the only downside is no place names(?) for the towns or landmarks.

I tried editing the config file myself to add some stuff, but it seems to be coded confused_o.gif

But so far it has ran with no problems with my campaign.

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fina;y after many tires got it to download from the file site, well it was worth it for sure. This is a fairly massive map. and not horrible for performance kinda enjoying it a little as its large enough to fly jets over it and not pass the whole island over in a few seconds. gonna paste a CTI mission it it seeing the open areas are great for armored battles.

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It is a great map for armor battles.

I'm using the map for a Dynamic Campaign and just love the middle eastern feel.

Another good map for infantry actions and a mediterranean feel is ARABIA2_TadcoFarmSilver.pbo

Online MP as



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I get a CTD with an Memory error - brand new PC - 4 gigs RAM - can run tons of addons. Running on MCM & FFUR - both mods it crashes - using the -nompa & - nosplash option in "Properties" - can't figure it out.

I can run all VTE maps & DMA Libya with no problems - even in super high resolution. Shame - looked like a great map (similar to IMUC Island)


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Yeah you gotta go in your settings and turn some of your seings down like view distances 2000 or lower, and the detail slider, like 1/2 across, that way your machine won't have siezures in the big maps. With lot of units running around have to turn the land detail down to low also, that is a memory killer.

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yeah I play tested that - my view distance was 5-600 m and all details were more than 1/2-ed.

Arabia is the only  map I have a conflict with.  Its not a driver or system issue - all have been checked - and its a brand new computer thats hella fast.

No worries - just was wondering if anyone had a similar issue ?

Thanks - looked like a great map....

EDIT - Disregard - fresh installed OFP and some of my addons (had over 14.6gig in OFP/RES/Addons folder - no wonder I was getting a CTD for memory!wink_o.gif Works amazing - fantastic map.


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