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we as a group love the movie making aspects of any new game. I can see lots of potential in Armed Assault for us, but the battlerecorder tool would be essential to our needs.

I used to be into "OFP cinematography" very much and I can confirm that this game engine has a lot of potential in the filming area

through scripting, the engine gives you almost full command over any units' movements, gestures

most distinctive is the sheer scope: you can film on a massive scale, entire troop movements, battle preparations, combined arms activities, without being limited to a first-person perspective

there is also a downside to this engine's scope: some obvious things like camfollow or followcam are very complicated to achieve, and in that case stuttering is hard to avoid (it has been confirmed that the camera commands and the streaming of terrain will be improved and expanded in ArmA, so I won't elaborate on that)

thanks for drawing my attention to your group, I really enjoyed watching the videos. check out the OFP videography thread pinned in the OFP general forum for some

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we as a group love the movie making aspects of any new game. I can see lots of potential in Armed Assault for us, but the battlerecorder tool would be essential to our needs.

I used to be into "OFP cinematography" very much and I can confirm that this game engine has a lot of potential in the filming area

through scripting, the engine gives you almost full command over any units' movements, gestures

most distinctive is the sheer scope: you can film on a massive scale, entire troop movements, battle preparations, combined arms activities, without being limited to a first-person perspective

there is also a downside to this engine's scope: some obvious things like camfollow or followcam are very complicated to achieve, and in that case stuttering is hard to avoid  (it has been confirmed that the camera commands and the streaming of terrain will be improved and expanded in ArmA, so I won't elaborate on that)

thanks for drawing my attention to your group, I really enjoyed watching the videos. check out the OFP videography thread pinned in the OFP general forum for some

Hey Redface thanks for the kind comments about our site, we have only been up since 1st Sep this year and allready we have 55 good movie makers......... or should I say 54 and me.

I'm like the member in your video section who makes movies with barrels. Only my movie had a message to E.A. Games asking them to get their finger out to deliver the long awaited 1.4 patch.

Long vid here ..4 mins http://video.google.ca/videopl....l=en-CA

Short vid here..1.24 mins http://video.google.ca/videopl....l=en-CA

I tried to view your video however nothing happend, if you could let me have your direct link so I can view but, what would be really cool ......... would be if you could sign up at GT www.GamerZtheatre.com and post it there. I am sure our members would like to see your work. In fact one of the members steered me to you to post this very thread. So get your butt back in and post your vid...........  welcome.gif  and say hi to the fellas.


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while awaiting ARMA, time to get nostalgic:

not my work, but these are some of the most memorable OFP videos IMHO:

ECP v1.075 beta Preview 1: http://youtube.com/watch?v=gQrEYdDk2JQ (the "fast heli insertion" moment is simply notworthy.gif)

FFUR 1985 Trailer 2: http://youtube.com/watch?v=kpytxQNXWGk

FFUR 2006 Trailer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=KxlvgKl4qOQ

Top Gun: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Rb-fhSc6M_4

do note that these were made to showcase specific new user-made features added to OFP (like leaning, explosions, animations, smoke effects ...)

honestly, I think a "battlerecorder" doesn't really tally with the engine's profile. Standard replay features like in "Need for Speed" are mostly sordid, repetitive and beyond the user's control. It's not really needed, you can capture without it. I simply hope that ArmA will be less unforgiving in memory management than OFP currently is.

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This wouldn't lag any servers as it's user side function wink_o.gif.

It can only be a server side in multiplayer... it's all about synchronization.

I'm not so sure, Call of Duty 2 has an inbuilt replay recorder which is user side. Nothing lags at all when it's in use, and the file sizes are usually less than 10mb for 2 hours.

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maybe the fans can create somewhat close to it, but this will take some time.

so no realtime recording in mp as its looks, for sp / static scenes the ofp/arma scripting engine offers a lot of possibilities

didnt Ketgeys (spelling) come up with a way to do this in OFP? i swear i saw a utility  he made that would do this on OFP.INFO

or maybe i just had a lot to drink that night. whistle.gif

EDIT and this is why we dont let friends drink and post. banghead.gif

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didnt Ketgeys (spelling) come up with a way to do this in OFP? i swear i saw a utility he made that would do this on OFP.INFO

or maybe i just had a lot to drink that night. whistle.gif

EDIT and this is why we dont let friends drink and post. banghead.gif

You mean this? Kegetys' Fwatch


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You mean this? Kegetys' Fwatch


yes  thats what I meant, but  its mentioned in a couple of other post tward the bottom of pg 1 and the top of pg 2. they say that it will only work for autos not for infantry type units.

Quote[/b] ] @[ZG]BUZZARD - Fwatch works only with vehicles, basicly it record and later, when you watch replay, set velocity of vehicles. You can't use it with humans beacuse you can't get what moves where played (AFAIK in ArmA it will be possible, look at ArmA command ref).

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@ TFOGas:

Sry, little OFFTOPIC. I like your music selection for "1.4 patch" video, are you by any chance a bluegrass fan? smile_o.gif

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@ TFOGas:

Sry, little OFFTOPIC. I like your music selection for "1.4 patch" video, are you by any chance a bluegrass fan?  smile_o.gif

I love all kinds of music, this track comes from the Movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou" staring George Cluny.

This movie surprised me, not only was I taken aback by Georges acting skills but the music with-in it was fantastic.

The Soggy Bottom Boys sang this in the movie. Try to find a copy somehow.......... its worth viewing.

I needed something lighthearted and humourous for the wee movie and well........... it fitted the bill.

By no means Oscar winning material, but hey we all cant be Steven Spelberg eh! he would be out of a job.

Long vid here ..4 mins http://video.google.ca/videopl....l=en-CA

Short vid here..1.24 mins http://video.google.ca/videopl....l=en-CA

The short vid music happens to be the late and great Alex Harvey (SAHB) and the intro to Faith Healer.

I'm glad you liked the track btw.

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Spontaneous events taking place between humans can't be duplicated by scripted A.I.

ArmA SHOULD have a demo-capture or battlerecorder toggle option for capturing those "Did you see that?" moments.

Even if you had Spectators in ArmA vid-capturing everything, how would they rewind when they were looking through the wrong camera?

Yes, the mission editor is capable of making entertaining movies, but Battlerecorder allows the creation of incredible movies.

Replay was even a feature in Rogue Spear, "way back when". It should be a standard for any FPS with longevity, as OFP has proven it has.

No reason it can't be added with an ArmA expansion. It would certainly be a selling point. To be able to follow down an LGB dropping on your buddy's head as he is looking this way and that on the ground?

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Looking at the ArmA command ref, it should be possible to record things. In large battles it might have a noticeable performance hit, but if done right the affect on performance will be negligible. In multiplayer it would probably be best if recording was done server side only, since clients PCs probably wont have info (or as much) on units that are out of their visual range.

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