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blowaway animation pack

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hello, im new to the bis forums, well anyway. here is a picture of my unreleasd animation pack smile_o.gif


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Woohhoooo looks really great! Keep up the good work! smile_o.gif:):) And welcome to the BI-Forums! wink_o.gif

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That's good !

But this animation will be applied only when a soldier dies from explosion or for exmaple if I shoot him he does that animation too ?

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i am not a great scripter hehe, im 15. and i live in holland, those anims are not scripted [yet] and these are just switchmoves now. thanx for the welcome, i will make some more pics , cya pistols.gif

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Looking good. It would be best to leave them scripted to avoid dying problems ingame. Nice job, Keep it up

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These would be really cool if u get these animations to play when a unit gets blown away into the sky.

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Thats impossible I think Chipper... Normally it uses the standard death-anim if a nade blows you up

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true, though it has done before in a other animation pack, one that replaces all bis ones, dont know where it is though.

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im kinda busy with my other project about the Chernobyl accident , and i make some new animations for that project to . soon some new pictures i guess..

cya for now nener.gif

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yes it is, but i have all the objects already, i will post some pictures regarding the NUclear chernobyl thing soon , have to upload those pictures wink_o.gif

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Looks good, but second picture is 125kb



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sorry sorry, if needed delete picture.. no offense against anyone or anything.... i did not know it was your grass sled88, sorry whistle.gif

thanx for reactions anyway... smile_o.gif

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