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How do I move through Forests?

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Hey folks, I'm a somwhat casual player of OFP, had it for about 1 1/2 years. I've never figured out a good way to move through forests. I was able to finish After Montingac but only by getting out of there as quickly as possible. Even when I have a big squad with me it seems like the results of forest engagements are almost entirely determined by chance (or foreknowledge from having died in the same mission before). Avoiding forests altogether is of course an option, but it seems like forests ought to be the infantryman's best friend. Any tips?

I searched and didn't find what I was looking for. If this has been dealth with before, I apologize.

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In multiplayer I've always just jogged through the forests and then once you make contact have you and your squad go prone. Then just start shooting at anything in the directon of the contacts and throw grenades. It doesn't work that well though biggrin_o.gif

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Just don't move trough a forest, cause the AI will loose their brains in the beggining of the forest and pick up a new one at the end of it.

AI moving in forests are deadly though (especially spetznatz' and blackops)


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Guest Ti0n3r

Form a line, order danger mode as soon as you spot an enemy. Go prone while engaging. Repeat. Works OK for me wink_o.gif

If you aren't leading the squad then just stay low and don't risk anything ;P

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Do not run in forest when you are leading an AI squad.

The AI soldiers from your squad will move more carefully when they enter a forest, going from trees to trees.

If you run , you will lose your AI squad behind you after a minute.

So , move 50m (or less, just test) then stop to wait your AI , then move again 50m then stop again for the AI to catch up, ect... This way you will be able to cross the forest with all your AI near you.

And when you meet an enemy AI squad in a forest, you need all the AI from your squad to be in formation with you in the incoming firefight, as the opposite squad will be in formation and you will have a lot less chance to survive all by yourself facing a full organised squad.

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Yup, forest blocks in OFP are evil, glad we wont see them back in ArmA biggrin_o.gif

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First of all never assume that you're hidden in the forest. Behave as if you're on a open field. When you run into enemies get prone, scan the horizon and let them do the next move. 9 times of 10 the static guy is the winner.

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Best way is to walk around the outside.. The enemy AI are far far better than you can be in the forest.. If theres enemies outside the forest, chances are you'll die..

It seems like the AI outside can see in better than the team-mate AI can see out also crazy_o.gif

- Ben

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If the enemy is in the forest you stay away from it.

If the enemy is outside the forest you go in it.

If you dont know where the enemy is... just hide in a bush and go prone wink_o.gif .

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in a jetpack! tounge2.gif can be fun in Mp if all players are equipped with them. And of course try not to fly into the tree's biggrin_o.gif

Nah going through the forests can be tense and dangerous.

Use NV googles if crossing them at night or fire flares, cause enemy patrols in the forest isn't a lone black ops best friend.. tounge2.gif

Move in a group with much firepower is the best decision. Spread out in line formation or something, stay sharp and remembe a.i's can hide behind or inside bushes and watch for 'em grenades too..

discovered also that running zig zag can make the tree's catch the enemys bullets sometimes. smile_o.gif

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Forest combat is perhaps the most difficult part of OFP. Te most important thing is to keep in formation. The enemy squads can easily penetrate your lines in the forest and than you'll find yourself in a 360 degrees firefight (that most of the times ends with your death).

When on your own, keep moving and take cover behind trees. Use handgrenades where you can. I never really liked forestcombat. When commanding an AI squad I simply sent them out in front of me and watch them die to find out where the enemy is. An enemy AI sniper is capable of killing almost your entire squad if you're not carefull.

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The easiest way to move throught a forest is to get artillary support first! It works with citys too! Hell, tactical nuclear weaponary works pretty much anywhere! tounge2.gif

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I also pop some mortars into forests before going thrue them. Or I have to be sure about possible engagements. Or have a SAW in my hands.

Too bad we dont have flamethrowers in OFP... notworthy.gif

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I also pop some mortars into forests before going thrue them. Or I have to be sure about possible engagements. Or have a SAW in my hands.

Too bad we dont have flamethrowers in OFP...  notworthy.gif

With the fire-effects on the ArmA screenshots I sure hope we will be able to have one in Arma (*evil laugh*) tounge2.gif

*Hold your fire, HOLD YOUR FIRE! Let the mother****ers burn!* thumbs-up.gif

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OFP wasn't made for urban or forest combat, but for battles on wide open fields.

Still, forest fights are unavoidable. Whenever I go into a forest I order my men to take cover, get on my knee, and start giving "3 engage man".... "7 engage machine gunner" orders until I don't see enemy troops darting through the trees anymore.

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Here is some of my own, because i LOVE forrest warfare, as that is the REAL skill.

When enemy is spotted:

-Be careful, keep prone or just move less than 10 meter rushes.

-After rush change place in prone. So don't stay in spot where you land, but move a bit!

-2-3 shots or short bursts and change place

-Always try to make a hit, so NO RANDOM FIRE. -Handgrenades are you best friend.

-AI is your best friend too. Keep them close to you. Don't give Engage orders - It will just get them killed!

-Train-train-train! Quickmake mission in woods. I myself do forrest training mission sometimes because the skill easily rusts.

-If you see an officer KILL IT! Forget everything what i said earlier , now it's all about killing IT!

-When enemy breaks, HIT it like a swine. Forget everything what i said earlier , now it's all about killing them!

But as said enemy is generaly hard in forrests, much harder than in anywhere else. One false step or action and you are dead there is no doupt about it. It takes insight and lots of practice (for me it took something about a year of constantly training and reminding of RL teaching of our army).

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Try a battle in a forest first equiping your squad with standard weapons. Then replay the same battle but equip your squad with silenced weapons.

Now you know why special forces use those silenced weapons

I will miss the blocks of forest if they are removed in Armed Assault


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