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Conspiracies: Never Ending Fear

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Hey lovely comunity^^

Ok here are the first informations about our new project.

Story: In the '60s the american government tested their nuclearbombs. Mostly they do this in the ocean. Even in the '70s the american government noticed some strange things on this island. It seems that a virus infectet more and more people there. Nobody knows where this virus came from and if it is deadly. In the '90s the virus disappeared. But now the virus appeared again. This is the year 2009. The virus infect more than 70% of the population of Montana. Experts are talking about radioactivity. A radioactive virus. As the government noticed that this virus get out of control they start a evacuation-mission on the 1st october 2009.

Island: Selfmade Island

Systems: Sectorsystem 2.0, Cavesystem 1.0

Maincharacters: Steven McCrawl

David Ryan

(some characters will be added later)

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Guest Ti0n3r

What kind of addons do you have in mind?


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More addons? OMFG! banghead.giftounge2.gif

I have to clean my HDD....


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What Addons do you mean? Addon which have to be created or which were already created?

Scripting: I need a script to take you vehicle with into the next sector! wink_o.gif It should works like the script with the weapons. If someone could create s script like this... smile_o.gif

Posted some Infos^^

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Guest Ti0n3r
What Addons do you mean? Addon which have to be created or which were already created?

Addons that'll have to be created.

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Quote[/b] ]Jennifer Johnson Steven McCrawl David Ryan

some of my mercs? smile_o.gif

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200.000 people live on Nogova.

That allot of people for an Island 12km wide tounge2.gif Must be allot of homeless people tounge2.gif

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Dear Sled88,

I don't want to sound wrong to you, but don't you think it's best to focus on a single project only, and try to finish that first, rather than keep starting projects that won't finish.

Once you actually focus on a single thing the outcome is much better than working on a few projects at the same time or leaving one to rest.

Keep what I said in mind, best of luck with your future project.

Captain Viper

Chief Admin

Platoon CO

[23rd] Ground Division

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We are only working on one project! rofl.gif

@nephilim: Yes your mercs if you allow! smile_o.gif Do you want to have Jennifer's voice?^^

@TinOr: I need some new buildings!

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The story sounds like the movie "the hills have eyes"

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Scripting: I need a script to take you vehicle with into the next sector! wink_o.gif It should works like the script with the weapons. If someone could create s script like this... smile_o.gif

Put this before your SaveStatus on mission-ending

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (vehicle player==player) then {players_vehicle = "Player"} else {players_vehicle = typeOf (vehicle player);players_vehicle_dam = dammage (vehicle player);players_vehicle_fuel = fuel (vehicle player)}

saveVar "players_vehicle"

saveVar "players_vehicle_dam"

saveVar "players_vehicle_fuel"

and this on mission-start after LoadStatus

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(players_vehicle=="Player") or (players_vehicle=="scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef"):Exit

titleCut ["","BLACK OUT",0.0001]

_vehicle = players_vehicle CreateVehicle position player


_vehicle setdammage players_vehicle_dam

_vehicle setfuel players_vehicle_fuel

player moveindriver _vehicle

titleCut ["","BLACK IN",3]


Not sure, if it will work, I have no experiencies with saveVar command.

And maybe it will need longer delay before putting player into vehicle, it takes some time, until OFP takes the vehicles as "existing" (actions, ability to get in ...)

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Oh jesus... Sled88 GO HOME!! Your projects ...  icon_rolleyes.gif

Why you make new and new projects when you can't finished nothing

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@Sluganda: WTF? Stupid? I finished Conspiracies THe Experience a few days ago... nOOb!

Thx Bobor SK!

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The conspiracies mods have been inspired by movies...

Why not imagien a conspiracies influenced by the movie AVALON

the zombi island sounds different for conspiracies, which not merely a zombi mods.

maybe you will have to dwell on the story (waht i read look like resident evil)

Just a question ; I'm a bit curious why always nuclear technologies and its dangers are in the center of your stries?

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Well yea... I am not a friend of nuclear stuff since chernobyl. That's why i started the conspiracies series... To show people how dangerous this energy could be... And I am strict angainst nuclear-bombs... Maybe I will grab a story of Hiroshima... But first this project have to be completed! Further I am a big fan of conspiracies all around the world^^

This time I agree with SWAT. I was inspired of the movie "The Hills Have Eyes".

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Yes i got this stuff with some script thingys... but it doesn't work sad_o.gif I hope that somebody can help me! Well I try to bring you some new sector in version 1.2 but I can't promise!

I found out, where was problem - I typed dammage instead of getdammage. And the delay is not needed (I tried it)

This has to work:


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player LoadStatus "player_status"

?(players_vehicle=="Player") or (players_vehicle=="scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef"):Exit

_vehicle = players_vehicle CreateVehicle position player

_vehicle setdammage players_vehicle_dam

_vehicle setfuel players_vehicle_fuel

player moveindriver _vehicle



<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (vehicle player==player) then {players_vehicle = "Player"} else {players_vehicle = typeOf (vehicle player);players_vehicle_dam = getdammage (vehicle player);players_vehicle_fuel = fuel (vehicle player)}

saveVar "players_vehicle"

saveVar "players_vehicle_dam"

saveVar "players_vehicle_fuel"

player SaveStatus "player_status"


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Still don't work... Any special names the car or the player must have?

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OK i will try it again... ahh yes.... you created a campaign for testing it?

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Well first thank you bobor SK!

And here i wanna release the very first Screenshot of Conspiracies Never Ending Fear:


You can see a investegation by us army forces. Everyone is a suspect in the covered zone.

BTW: I edited the storyline! You see a part of Montana in the screen!

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Looks cool, but i thought you guys were working on the precious worlds mod?

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