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Conspiracies: The Experience

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i know how to greatly increase FPS.

When running dxdll turn off the Object Reflections and Reflections, then you still get the cool ""Zoneness"" with the post processing with higher fps.. smile_o.gif

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Jep^^ Its enough to turn off the object reflection. Whats your first impression Matt? smile_o.gif Could you post a little impression to our forum? Got a special thread for it!

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Okay, installed (dxdll excluded), nice intro, but then...

got totally lost after exploring the Hind (that had a visible muzzle flash) no hints what I have to do, where I have to go,

running all over the island, looking at the nature (some floating trees) no one wants to speak to me, no one wants to shoot at me...

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Yeah wait uploading the map!


click to enlarge

well you start in s1 and you got lost in s2 hope i helped you^^

Not all sectors are in there^^ some are hidden tounge2.gif

You see you must go back to sector 1 and continue your trip from there!

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Yes I started in S1, went to S2, returned to S1 and then running around until skipping it somewhere in S20...

What i have to do after returning into S1 huh.gif??

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Your mission is it to find the Powerplant so search for it everywhere... Go to the next sector maybe 3 or 4 and continue you search!

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well i started, i expolred the first town, shot 2 resistance guys as they shot at me, took there weapons, moved to the 2nd zone and keep dieing as i try to raid there camp/base thing lol.. but its fun biggrin_o.gifthumbs-up.gif

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Very cool so far (just been to s1&s2). I like the freedom to explore, but we have no direction when we start.

Now that you informed us we have to find the powerplant and gave us a map of the island, I now have some direction......

Don't have time to play more now, but I will later tonight.

Good job so far smile_o.gif

BTW, what dxdll settings do you use for this mod? (Desaturate/Glare/ect...)

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Guest Ti0n3r

Nice. Now I know what I'll be doing today, besides some FFUR '06 coops smile_o.gif

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Looking at that map i went the wrong way biggrin_o.gif

i went = S1, S3 but to get to S4 i need to go back through S2 then to S4 lol so biggrin_o.gif

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Great stuff so far. I'm at sector 16 at the moment, but went straight from S1 to S3 then S10 and so on. Was going to go back, but ran into a zombie in S9, and decided I'd rather shoot humans for now wink_o.gif

Is there a key for that map, so we know what all the symbols and letters mean?

Also, I noticed that the blurry DXDLL effect now occurs in the other OFP mods I have on my computer. Is there any way to get rid of it, and keep it only for Conspiracies?

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I am realy surprissed. No lags, good athmosphere and intesive firefights.

I went from S1>S3>S10>C1(found here FN F2000 GL) >S10>S11>S12>S13>S14>S Industrial

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Guest Ti0n3r


That's cause your old DXDLL files were overwritten.

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Just Press Active Key and P smile_o.gif

Wow this is great..

I went to zone one, killed some resistance guys, when i decised to travel to zone three, found a small base killed the resistance, took there rpgs, svd, and some pistol ammo, then went back to zone one, shot a mule, then when i went into zone two i saw the helicopter in the distance and something was eating the pilots lol ..

Zombie Thingy Pic

Look only if you want to

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OMG! is it suppost to beep like that or is my computer going to blow up?

did anyone else get a beeping sound in zone 2huh.gif?

Is it just me or is there a big big green cloud of smoke coming my way :/  crazy_o.gif in zone 2

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Jep its a Anomaly^^

So please download patch v1.01 from the first post of this thread!

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Cool stuff guys!

Thanx for the hard work!

The series was always powerful in terms of atmosphere and creep factor! notworthy.gif

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Ok, my first impressions

30 min to dwnld, easy set up, good point

I just started the 1st sector, kill the 2 guys... then I decied to move arround, I made a big journey over the island without changing sector... I was wandering and wondering, by the hell why there's nothing, really nice island but nobody... I just missed the gate to go to the other sector...

so after 30 minute I loaded and start again movin' from sector, now i'm in the North Eest station...

good atmospher

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Anomaly (I can never spell that word tounge2.gif ) you say...

So, like that well... urmm... floating truck parts thing in the second village? That was wierd! wow_o.gif

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Anomalies, yeah the dismantled floating truck was really impressing...

we feel the atmospher like in the movie STALKER

Just to mention 2 things

I was in sector 14, the one with the plant, warehouse and railtracks, then I took the exit to the North or North way (follow the rails) and I arrived in the center of the island at source city, is it normal?

other point, in source city, near the truck with the soldiers there is a big building maybe the city hall, you are supposed to enter in by a kind of stair ramp but you just pass throught the textures...

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You mean S-Ind. Yeah if you go north there is a secret town you can find a secret bunker there. Don`t care about the map INGAME. Only use the map i created for Conspiracies. The map ingame is not correct!

BTW: Any further probs here? smile_o.gif


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Okay sor far as I understand this you will enter a new sector only then if you are near the street. If you walk far away you can cross the borders of the sectors without triggering any event.

I entered a sector with a hugh fog (don`t know the number) and got the missing addon MFCTI116 message.

Soon after that I was reteleported to border S2/S3 huh.gif?

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WTF? I dont use this addon... strange i will take a look! you dl the patch?

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Anyone found the powerplant so far? biggrin_o.gif

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