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Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

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Love the new unit's,however because of the resuming save game bug i can't use em! In fact i can't use any unit's period that use the new head model crazy_o.gif I'd better explain,when i replace my default models in my custom config they work until i resume a saved game! After that forget the new head's/faces they don't work. What you then get is a flashing face i.e screwed up face flashing rapidly crazy_o.gif .Any chance you could release a version of these unit's without the new head model? It would be great if you could because these unit's are very good. If not could you post an explanation of how to do it myself. Edit = this problem will apply to everone who try's to replace default unit's that use bis head models!

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You, my good sir, are a talented bastard. And i'm joking about the bastard part. These faces look as good as those from... well, i don't know! But they look great!

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Love the new unit's,however because of the resuming save game bug i can't use em! In fact i can't use any unit's period that use the new head model crazy_o.gif I'd better explain,when i replace my default models in my custom config they work until i resume a saved game! After that forget the new head's/faces they don't work. What you then get is a flashing face i.e screwed up face flashing rapidly crazy_o.gif .Any chance you could release a version of these unit's without the new head model? It would be great if you could because these unit's are very good. If not could you post an explanation of how to do it myself. Edit = this problem will apply to everone who try's to replace default unit's that use bis head models!

I have replaced these with BIS units no problem. Just make sure under SoldierWB add an eventhandler using one of the face scripts.

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I have replaced these with BIS units no problem. Just make sure under SoldierWB add an eventhandler using one of the face scripts.

Ok this is the line i have added into my config= eventhandlers:-init = "[_this select 0] exec ""\facestex2\basefaces.sqs""; Now correct me if i am wrong but that would be the line you have got in your's? Now the thing is try saving a game,then shut down flashpoint.Next restart and resume the game were you left off. Then observe the bug pistols.gif

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I have replaced these with BIS units no problem. Just make sure under SoldierWB add an eventhandler using one of the face scripts.

Ok this is the line i have added into my config= eventhandlers:-init = "[_this select 0] exec ""\facestex2\basefaces.sqs"";  Now correct me if i am wrong but that would be the line you have got in your's? Now the thing is try saving a game,then shut down flashpoint.Next restart and resume the game were you left off. Then observe the bug pistols.gif

Be sure to check you haven't got another init eventhandler under class Man: etc ...

By using your new SoldierWB:init line you're overwriting it. biggrin_o.gif Happened to me once and made me search a while.

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@ ])rStrangelove , thank's for you're help every time i have brought up this problem in other threads the makers have ignored it mad_o.gif . What you are saying is that i can only have the face script in the unit's event handler and nothing else right?

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@action man => I apologise for not replying, but you'll find this is the first time I've posted since I posted the patch up, so a bit of patience on your part wouldn't go astray.

The real reason your units face's aren't working in the custom config is because (I assume) you are missing an animation which is required for the same face to be used after a save game. Look in my config (unPBO the addon) and find the FSet animation. You are missing this from your config. It is needed so the faces will remain after a save game.

@Kyle => Sorry mate, I'll get on it should I have the time. I've found another bug in this version, so it seems my work is not yet finished...

@Salvatore_Lee => The civvies are doing well, I just finished updating the police units with parts of DeadMeat's updated police, so the riot police will have gas masks.

@Para-trooper => I meant to change the weapon dependencies to just LSR's pack, but that's my fault. I use LSR's pack for the MG's and AT weapons, which rock hard.

@Everyone else => thanks for the kind words. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the ArmA ACU units so I can fiddle with them.

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@ CameronMcDonald, Thank you sir for you're reply! I salute you notworthy.gif .I will give your'e solution a go a.s.a.p1 This thing as been bugging me ever since lumina's head model first came out.You are so far the only one who could have explained why1 Thank's again inlove.gif

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After all the work I've done with these heads I'm kind of intertwined with their destiny... good luck, let me know how you go.

- EDIT: Remember, EVERY unit with the FacesTex 2 head will need to have this animation defined, otherwise the bug will occur with all those that don't.

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I like the bulkier look. All the latest troops being released are all rake-thin, so this is a blessing. Thanks mate. (Also, your dxdll config is ace)

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Cameron i added the fset anim thing to my config and guess what huh.gif Hip hip hip hooray it works notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif No more saved game bug . I can't beleive i missed the fset anim thing after all this time! Now i have got a lot of catching up to do and start playing with lsr airborne grom's jons sf and all the other units which use the new head model,not forgeting of course you're very own face plant unit's which are ace! Thank you once again inlove.gif

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Noticed an issue using this mod and the ORCS motorized infantry and military recon pack. Im using the med res version. If they are in the same mission the framerate goes in the crapper. Its reproducable.

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@Action Man - glad to be of help.

@Gunterlund - interesting. What are your compie specs? I can use them both and I get a fine FPS (~40) even on a nutcase island.

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I know it's not cam's addon, but does anyone else have a problem with the Combat Javelin? I order my AT soldier to attack a T-80, I hear BOOM! and when I look at the AT guy, he and half the squad are replaced by a crater.

Also, any chance of a LSR_weaponpack only version of these troops?

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The AI don't know how to fire the javelin and end up killing themselves. I think the FFUR javelin is fixed tho.

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The AI don't know how to fire the javelin and end up killing themselves. I think the FFUR javelin is fixed tho.

Yeah, but the FFUR Javelin is "unfixed" if you shoot it yourself because it performs just like the "point & shoot" OFP Carl Gustav, which is shite imho confused_o.gif

Marine Assault Pack all the way yay.gif

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Yeah, the Jav troops kill themselves but good. The way to fix it is to modify CBT's Javelin, but I thought I'd be a good lad and stay with the original. I once made a script which fixed the Javelin (gave the missile a little boost to keep it off the ground) but didn't release it.

And I really should get around to an LSR USWP only patch. I gave the RTO's new headphones last night (looking phat!wink_o.gif so it seems I'm not finished on these hunks of hulking ACU goodness. Yay. yay.gif

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@Action Man - glad to be of help.

@Gunterlund - interesting. What are your compie specs? I can use them both and I get a fine FPS (~40) even on a nutcase island.

Hi Cam

I have a 1.8ghz amd with 1 gig ram... vid with 128m ram. Get about 4 fps with both addons. Tried removing them then adding them. Mainly happens with mot inf not naval inf.

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I know it's not cam's addon, but does anyone else have a problem with the Combat Javelin?  I order my AT soldier to attack a T-80, I hear BOOM! and when I look at the AT guy, he and half the squad are replaced by a crater.

Also, any chance of a LSR_weaponpack only version of these troops?

that is because the ai wont use the javelin correctly. They wont shoot high for launch. When missile drops out of tube it goes boom if not pointed up.

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@Action Man - glad to be of help.

@Gunterlund - interesting. What are your compie specs? I can use them both and I get a fine FPS (~40) even on a nutcase island.

Hi Cam

I have a 1.8ghz amd with 1 gig ram... vid with 128m ram. Get about 4 fps with both addons. Tried removing them then adding them. Mainly happens with mot inf not naval inf.

Cam has a friggen UBER computer he brags about it all the time. rofl.gif

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