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Pretty Artillery

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Hi all wasnt sure if i should start a new thread or not but screw it. After a couple of days of work and some help from Dinger I have manage to rework DKMM M109A6 Paladins into the UA system. There are 4 flavours, 2 Woodland and 2 Desert. 1 of each has full animations that came with the original addon, and the other 2 have no animations. They are obvious when you look in the editor which is which.

The most important thing to make this addon work (apart from UA1.0) is you NEED the original file. Without it total failure! This is a "bridge" addon as dinger calls it so dont be shocked when you find the addon is only around 42KB when unpacked for the rar file, which is only 28kb.


Well I hope someone atleast has some fun with it. Read the readme for a little more info. If anyone wants to host it go for it. Any bugs with regards to the UA implementation let me know, bugs with model sorry not my area and if someone does update the model, i will change this addon if needed. Have fun!


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I was playing arround with them yesterday, and I tried to get that to work. This is great and exactly what I needed!

SUPERRR! bananas for you man!



Ive just tried them, they work very nice! With the animations its great!

But I wonder is there any thing in the config that I could change to get a better targeting? They spread out the shells too much. I just shot 10 shells at an area and still didnt hit the target... The problem is probally with the COC system itself, but maybee somebody knows if I can change it.

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To test targeting, try placing the Zero Bias Error game logic on the map. If you're still seeing trouble, place the Zero Precision Error logic down too. Then every shell should hit the targeting point.

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Good job, works very well!

Now someone fix the few bugs on the M109 and release the final.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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VERY nice... but it doesnt have any engine sound :/

probably just a minor config glitch, but still wink_o.gif

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no engine sound on M-109 came from dkm arty beta release...

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alright... should be quite easy to fix then....

anyone got a good engine sound for the M109?

and a secondary question...

the M109A6, does it have a L49 or a L52 barrel?

if it have a L52 barrel the range should be 28000/32000m compared to 24000/26000 with L49 (the greater distance being with "base bleed" ammunition and the shorter with normal ammunition as the "base bleed" function reduce the drag wich creates a vacuum just behind the projectile (base bleed fills the gap with a small non propelling flame, wich looks similar to a tracer when shooting))

im not sure wheter it is the A6 or A9 version wich has a L52 barrel, but i belive it is the A9 version.

after a brief search i found the answer to my second question.

the A6 is the one with a L52 barrel (not L55 as i first wrote)

and thus it should have extended range to 30000m with normal ammunition.

however, that cant be done without changing the UA code, and this is just a "bridge" addon wich have the same values as the original UA M109 (A3 i belive) wich has the L49 barrel

great addon anyway, looking forward to the TOS-1 wink_o.gif (if you decide to make it UA capable)

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anyone got a good engine sound for the M109?
Quote[/b] ](schu) 1961 beschaffte die Bundeswehr die Panzerhaubitze 155mm vom Typ M109. Fahrwerk und Wanne waren unmittelbar aus dem ebenfalls von FCM gebauten M113 abgeleitet.

^^ Saying that the M109 uses the M113 "wanne" (however the lower part carriying engine and tracks is called in english) which should also mean it has a similar engine? *ducks*

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probably got a bit bigger engine wink_o.gif

anyway, anyone got a engine sound that fits a heavy armored vehicle like the M109?

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The sound of the LLW /KMM Leopard 2A6 is awesome! That really gives a good impression your riding in a large armoured vehicle!


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It's all about the M109!  banghead.gif  What about the TOS?  huh.gif Will that be made UA compatible too?   wink_o.gif

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Hi all, thanks for the positive feed back. I will look at doing the TOS-1 UA compatable in a little while, I have a new toy I've been dying to play with and now that I finally have it I wanna play with it, so in a couple of days maybe i might start on the TOS-1.

Now to answer some questions, as far a targeting is concered as dinger said try adding the Zero Bias Error and Zero Precision Error logics. The rounds are made in the same way as the original rounds, so any deviation in shells is native to UA, which was based on rl variations

@the_shadow The info I have on the A6 version says that the avarage range on an un-assisted round is between 22000m-24000m and with a change in round and firing charge an estimated 30000m or so is possible. So i made the shells based on the standard shell/charges not the ER shell/charges. With the arrival of UA 1.1 i will try to change that, if its possible. Also othe types of rounds will be added smile_o.gif

As for any sounds changes and or model changes, Im not an addon maker, trying to learn, but with all my time constraints I just not getting the practice. I know about some model and sound issues, but as i said not really my area. Sound not a problem and im sure i've got some neat sounds for them around somewhere, but i didnt want to re-release the whole addon just for some sound updates with no model changes. Sorry. If anyone is reworking this addon let me know and I will try to supply you with what i do have smile_o.gif

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The TOS is an awesome weapon. Ive tested it and well it finishes off anything I target it at. Great work on both addons!

The m109 is super because of the animations, and also the barrel having recoil.

Is there a way to make the whole unit bounce arround a bit more when it fires a shell. because on the telly right now you can see many pics of the M109 being fired, the israelis use it. And you see the whole vehicle bounce arround from the recoil...?

But thats just a minor thing offcourse. thumbs-up.gif great work, this also makes for some great missions.

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I am having some trouble.I have installed DKM's Arty,the new DKM CoC Arty file and Coc UA1.0.I have played a mission or two of CoC before,so I know how it works with all the radio commands.But how do I get the DKM arty to work with UA?Also I have no anims at all with the DKM/CoC M109's.

NM,got it to work.But why does it fire straight like a tank,can it raise its barrel.

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Is a setting in the COC system...

You can shoot directly if its possible, or you can shoot at high angle.

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How does one access the settings?

Edit:got it!

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With a range of only 3500 meters, the TOS-1 is a direct fire system only, outside the scope of UA.

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Not outside the scope of OFP though. 3500m is quite a distance, so I disagree that it's outside the scope of UA.

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Hi all, well the TOS-1 is finally ready, it took me ages(well monday night, wednesday night and tonight) to figure out how to get the damn FX to work properly, but after some hours i've finally got it!

Now a couple of questions before i release it, again do I release 2 versions, one with and one without all the fancy animation? And if yes to that, do i leave in the opening/closing panals on the launcher itself on the non-animated version? These are only textures so i dont see a reason not to atleast have these in both versions.

Anyways its almost all ready, just gonna play with it a bit more so be on the look out tomorrow perhaps (saterday in oz) and i would highly suggest NOT firing off the whole barrage at once, tends to slow ones computer down quite badly smile_o.gif

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I set a green light for both versions, animated (with those hidden textures), and none animated.

Besides good job!

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Only the animated. Why would somebody needs a lower quality one?

low spec computers? huh.gif

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Hi all


Ok its finally ready, have fun and make sure you dont have any friendlies around the area, otherwise you will deep fry them smile_o.gif Again any bugs with the UA part of the addon let me know and i will fix what needs to be fixed. I hopefully havent made this too strong/weak and is roughly close to what it would be in UA.

Again original DKMM_ARTY addon and CoC UA 1.0 are needed to run the addon properly. And yes i did do 2 addons 1 with and 1 without animations.

Have fun.


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Here are a couple of movies using the TOS-1. Note one shows rockets hitting the trees on launch.. Now I know why this is a tank :-)

TOS Launch

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