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While I understand that many have strong opinions against representing children in videogames, I personally don't mind as I'm aware that it is just a videogame and, being of a fairly docile mind, am not going to go out on the streets and kill the nearest child I see.

Quote[/b] ]This is of course just an opinion, but I find it much more disturbing that violence against men is considered perfectly okay, or at the very least politically correct.

Exactly, so whilst all you lot bitch about how bad killing a woman or child is in a game, you happily go around snuffing out thousands of virtual male lives without a care in the world.

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I wouldn't mind civilian children in the game, as long as they are not armed I doubt anyone will shoot at them other then the first "hehe, cool" time. I don't shoot unarmed civi's either, so I don't see a problem with including children and women.

The same would go for everyone, men, women and children, if they have a gun and pose a threat to friendly forces, they are being taken out. Just like in real life.

Sure, killing a man requires passing a psychic thresshold, and killing an armed woman or child would require even more of a persons mind, but if it's either you or the woman/child, then that helps you decide a hell of a lot faster.

They're not a requirement for the ultimate sim imo, but they would add realism.

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This is the old question. Virtual or real?

On one hand you can say: they are just polygons.

Sure you can say that but on the other hand: Why do these polygons have the form of a men/women/child?

I often thought about this subject. Children in ofp would increase the realism, but i'm not sure if i need this last peace of realism.

If men are dying for something, they chose so. A child didnt take a decision for itself, for the reason that it isnt able to, or why do children have parents telling them what they should do and what better not?

But ofp is a game. These children are just polygons without a life, without being brainwashed and indoctrinated to kill. Although we want to simlate realism, dont we? So we suppose that the child had/has a real life...

I dont need children in ofp. Even if the addon maker had in mind that you have to save the children in missions or something like that. The mission maker pulls the strings of the puppets...

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If you have kids (like myself)...that might make you not want to have children in your game. To me, it's just wrong, so I wouldnt d-load any children type addons. (my opinion)

But small people like elves as mentioned up above are good to go. pistols.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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If men are dying for something, they chose so.

Not if he was drafted (/at gunpoint) etc...

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Well i don't know how much realism it would add, i'd rather see some fat or midgety models if someone is straying away from the default body stature.

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If men are dying for something, they chose so.

Assuming they aren't civilians, conscripts or otherwise involved against their will.

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couldnt a simple search have prevented the need for another 'children in ofp' debate on these forums:

30 seconds worth of searching

and like that thread, I assume this will continue with a pointless debate about the morality of having children in ofp, people arguing for and against the concept of children in a computer game you can shoot, and then onto the dull squabbles that are born from such 'debating', rather than discussing the addon idea itself... (obviously my recent behavior on a certain thread makes me no judge nor jury in terms of squabbaling, but you get the idea tounge2.gif)

(wanders off and hides goodnight.gif )

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I have some reasons why there shouldn't be kids in Flashpoint.

1. They are smaller, and therefore harder to hit at distance.

2. They would complain about being made to carry support weapons like MGs and rocketlaunchers.

3. If one decides to jump on a nade for the good of the squad, it probably wouldn't make much differnce.

4. Children smell.

5. Being children, they wouldn't have driving licenses and therefore couldn't drive vehicles.

6. Every operation would have to be over by 1pm, for dinner, 7pm for tea, and they couldn't do night ops because of their bedtime.

7. Too much space would be taken up on transport vehicles for things like lego bricks, skateboards and teddy bears.

8. Children have no respect for their elders, the chain of command would be buggered.

9. It would be difficult for hardened soldiers to deal with tantrams and hissy fits in the field.

10. Ration packs filled with chocolates, sweeties, fizzy drinks and sherbert are not really nutritional.

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To get ontopic rather than the morale debate...

I was working on a child addon some time ago (asl sign language interpreter)

I am a little rusty and what have you.Whole new animations are not necessary,just needs a new pivot list (link.lst etc.. can't remember the name)

Some recoding I think is involved (for the animations)

Major coding to add the new class

After reading last post I realize some AI for child maybe needed.(more scared,run alot etc..)

A person could really go all out and make a nice child addon.

I'm awaiting Arma,Game 2 or other

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Please keep this ontopic, dealing with addons rather than moral debates. We have threads for that sort of thing in OT, in one of the political threads.

It would be a shame to lock this topic and/or PR people for going offtopic.

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Some excellent points their Architect, although:

10. Ration packs filled with chocolates, sweeties, fizzy drinks and sherbert are not really nutritional.

British 24 hour ration packs have chocolate, boiled sweets and "Lemon/Orange Powder", which is effectively sherbert... biggrin_o.gif

As CsonkaPityu said I would prefer having skinny/fat, tall/short models than a default child addon.

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heheh architect, thats kept me amused for today smile_o.gif

Like others, rather than a child model, I'd rather see the ability make different sized soldiers, rather than the army of clones there are now... perhaps with Arma we will see the end of the 5'11", arian breed, and have some short, tall, fat, thin soldiers smile_o.gif

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* D E L E T E D * mad_o.gif

Cheers Mess, I missed Mr Fubar's bit.

As for being "off-topic", I disagree, its very much related I'm sorry.

And using Thatcher as a come-back is WEAK wink_o.gif How can you claim the "Iron Lady" was female ! hehehe

Cheers to The-Architect for his nice take on it all rofl.gif

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Please keep this ontopic, dealing with addons rather than moral debates. We have threads for that sort of thing in OT, in one of the political threads.

It would be a shame to lock this topic and/or PR people for going offtopic.

a little hard of reading are we Gnat? tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]Males mainly start and fight Wars. Not women nor children.

May I introduce you to Maggie Thatcher?

Surely, cant we discuss the feasabiluty of making OFP models into children/smaller people without this pointless argument? If people feel the need to step on their virtual soap box and rid the world of all its evils, perhaps find somewhere else to do it, rather than smutting this thread with an endless argument which has no reasonable outcome other than the closure of the thread, and PR's...

so, is it entirely feasable that a smaller soldier model can be created?

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Please keep this ontopic, dealing with addons rather than moral debates. We have threads for that sort of thing in OT, in one of the political threads.

It would be a shame to lock this topic and/or PR people for going offtopic.

Follow moderator's instructions please else be post restricted.

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It's totally possible to make children in OFP. The ones that have been made were very-half-done feeling, the only animations that were done are the running/walking forwards ones, I don't think they could hold weapons, or crouch etc, which is somewhat understandable, it'd take a lot of patience to convert all the animations, for something realtivly useless in most missions (They might be usefull for cutscenes, and certain missions, but for the most parts simply

As for the moral issues (Yes yes, sorry etc) : There has been far too much arguments over "Games caused my child to [shoot/steal] [someone/something]", and in all honesty, it's crap, the only children who would have negative effects from it are ones who have previous problems.. If you look at any of the people who've shot people which was blamed on games, you'll see they were hardly normal cheerey little angels before.. OFP has men, woman, even various animals, I've played OFP, erm, shall we say "quite a bit", along with maany other games (Some far more violent than OFP), and I've never killed/ran-over/strangled/etc anyone/thing..

- Ben

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I would assume that in a real world conflict the presence of children would be of tactical importance to a commander and an individual soldier.Weather that tactical consideration is any different to the considration given to civillians in general i'm not sure.You'd kind of think it would be in todays media driven world,Civillian casualtys are bad but child casualtys are worse.So in that respect if your aim is to create a military/combat simulation you are gonna want to provide as many realworld elements as possible.I guess the question is,do children create a different tactical consideration above that already provided for by the presence of civillian adults.

EDIT. Sorry forgot to say the most important thing in respect of the thread. The only ones ive ever seen where in the singapor mod which someone already mentioned,I dont remember any animation issues but i didn't realy use them beyond just a general look at the mod.

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I guess the other big question is:

Anybody's interest sparked to create ofp variations of children?

Also, for the ones that do exist already, any links to those addons for posting?

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I was working on a child addon some time ago (asl sign language interpreter)

You ever finish the asl unit? Sounds interesting for other types of setings, charachters for missions or stories in OFP.

If you finished it I'll download it.


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No it isn't finished,it is a large project and I would be very interested in finishing it for OFP based game.

The addons purpose is to follow my son ingame , the addon is to look at my son and interpret any ingame language,be an advisor that my son can ask questions.

Designed mostly for civilian missions, although my son is no stranger to the games full simulation and has been playing OFP for 4 years and even helped make/break addons.

I have both a 3 year old girl and 5 year old boy that are deaf (natural born to my wife and I,and we are both hearing parents)

I am very interested in finishing this addon, I hope that ARMA is similiar and I can import and finish

Otherwise I am very interested in helping a professional team (BIS!wink_o.gif create an addon along the lines of a sign language interpreter

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My mother is a speech language pathologist, so I got a little sign language education while growing up. Wonder if it would be a similar type addon like that of the guitar player becasue it's got a lot of hand motion to it. Wish I knew anything about addon making. Hope to see it for download someday!

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Of course for fingerspelling ,it is totally a new hand animation only

For ASL words,its a combination of facial,arms,hand and even body movements.Very serious animations.

I havent tried the guitar addon,is it just waving his arm or actually picking the strings and playing notes and chords?

(lol i also played guitar many moons ago)

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