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Al Simmons

Camp Craft

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When i was thinking about what kind of addon i could make next, i recon that there are no addons (nothing found at ofp.info or ofpc.de) including campcraft objects. So i decided to make a new addon including new fires (Smokeless heating fires, hole fires...) some new shelters, field latrine, cooking stuff. If you have suggestions what to add please feel free to answer.

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I guess i should explain why this addon would be useful.

1st: The BIS Fire is not realistic in the tactical way (too much smoke, much too bright)

2nd: This objects are just for athmosphere and for a realistic woodlands/forest camp, for example: Infantry Group scale (10-12 men) or for resistance camps.

3rd: For moviemakers which whant to create highly atmospheric cuts.

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How about a Lantern?  A stationary latern and then a latern you can carry and they both can light up.

What you think? possible?


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yeah a static lantern would be possible, but iam not sure about the portable one.

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Maybee some modern tents, small ones, but also civilian ones... Little dome tents...

A camping gaz bottle with cooking device...

chairs and table made with wood...

also a nicer firepit with stones...

maybee a map made with stones and stuff, like written on the ground...

pile of backpacks, large military ones maybee also civie stuff...

homemade tent made inbetween 2 trees made with wood and leafs and shit...

maybee a fishing rod, or more then one in a rack, as if they are waiting for fish...

great idea!

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Pic of improvised Tentlike Shelter, there are 2 versions, first you see below, second will have some bushes around it for camo.


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heya like the idea, although perhaps the tents are a better option than the bivi idea, unless its for military peeps, in which case camouflage ones would be the best option.

tent wise, it would be easy to get images for texturing etc eurohike, north face etc and of course the old icelandic types with wood frames


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Yeah this pack is concentrating on the military sector of camp craft. Maybe in another version iam adding some civvie tents. Heres a pic of the Lean-to fallen tree shelter


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Guest Ti0n3r

If you wanna use BIS trees I think you should go for Resistance ones smile_o.gif

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This sort of addon could open up hundreds of possibilities. Even if most of the items could be used for a more recreational activity rather than tactical it would be quite useful.

Here are some ideas;

A standard OD cot on black metal hardware, one the unit can actually lay down in (as a static vehicle let's say).

Same idea except this time on a hammock (military style or civillian) hanging in between two trees.

A medium sized metal heater/stove with smoke stack, similar to ones used in WWII or later by Swedish Military.

I think it would also be great to have several civillian and military styled tents available (like the domed type with rainfly or French Mil. Surplus tent).

It is great to see that you will have a lot of survival themed shelters. I cannot wait to see this project expand more!

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Thanx in this days iam concetrating on the improvised/survival gear, but i will add military stuff too. Nice idea with the hammock i will catch that up.

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One thing that everybody ignores. The generator. All the military camps have to have one. It runs on gasoline (or GI's urine), makes noise and some smoke. A must for a military camp. Definately needs a shitter in the camp. There is an addon with military tents (command tent, field kitchen, lodging), so no reason to make more. But all these other little things are usefull. So, in my opinion you need to make a generator (with power lines), shitter, perhaps detention tent (field prison), large briefing room tent, armory for weapons and ammo storage. Thats all I can think of.

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@ .COMmunist

I think you missunderstand what this addon is planned to used for. The main objects are made for small (max. Group sized ) hides/Camps so theres no need for a generator or a briefingtent.

AFAIK all needed objects/buildings for a bigger Camp/Base, for company/bat sized units are released by Mapfact (Barracks Addon).

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Well still an little ammo storage tent would be nice, or like a home made camoflagued observation tent thingy, that you can stick ontop of a high point.

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Well for observation purposes i planned two objects, iam not sure if i will config them as vehicles (so u can move them as "driver"), first is a camouflage fan (Tarnfächer) for camo to one side and second a camouflage basket for camo to all sides.

Heres my last pic for today, the hammock belgerot has requested.


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hmm - i already mentioned it in a similar discussion in a mapfact thread when being asked what is missing on objects:

A so called 'Donnerbalken' that's the german word for a field

toillet  tounge2.gif



You will find it in every field camp where there's no civilized infrasturcture given.  rofl.gif

~S~ CD

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One point about the camo. In my 4 years as a infantry man in the german army i never ever took industrial made camo nets or something like that with me. So i decided to make the camos in this addon looking like there have been made out of natural materials.

BTW: Heres a screen of the shiter (Donnerbalken) in its first "clean" version wink_o.gif


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hehe - nice one Al, don't forget to add the flies later on - maybe by making it ecp compatible - i think they got flies there. Not to mention something else to be inside. biggrin_o.gif

~S~ CD

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smile_o.gif iam not sure if i adding some more "objects" to this one, but the flies are a nice idea.

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hey sorry i know this isnt a help forum but i have heard your name before and need help. i am trying to use o2 but tex view wont let me convert jpg to paa i have tried another way but when i try and open the file in o2 as a blueprint it wont work

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hey sorry i know this isnt a help forum but i have heard your name before and need help. i am trying to use o2 but tex view wont let me convert jpg to paa i have tried another way but when i try and open the file in o2 as a blueprint it wont work

Off course - you need to convert jpg into tga first - and then

with TexView from tga into pac (or paa if you have alpha channels).

~S~ CD

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I think BRSSEBs OË› Tut handless this theme. But if you want to convert .jpeg to .paa/.pac with TexView you have to check the correct size, first. It must be 128/256/512/1024... px or mixes of those in scale.

But use the search next time, iam sure you werent the first who asked.

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Al Simmons told me, that he is out of this thread for the next 7 days.

He will answer to all questions, when he´s back

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