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Conspiracies: The Experience

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That could be a way... But remember. you can go back to the previous sector. so the time will be earlier than in the next sector. Thats the problem in swichting .

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Its a shame realtime would be awesome it wont feel as real if you keep getting into a sector at the same time of day.

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yes sure! STALKERS! XD

No you can see one more Enemy in the vid below!

click here

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Ive been playing the Stalker BETA religiously since ive got it, no missions as such but just travelling around the Island into different areas and just the atmosphere alone is unreal. Realtime script is fantastic as it allows minimal loading times into different areas whilst the player still keeps the weapons etc throughout.

The Island looks fantastic and when Objectives are created I can see this being a very engaging and exciting campaign.

BTW nice video Sled biggrin_o.gif

Ive got afew pictures im sure you wont mind me releasing later.

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Again about the Pc specs . .

What kind of computer will you need to run CTE in reasonable manner ? (15-20 fps)


That's good to hear AJ smile_o.gif

Sled, just saw the video - WOW ! it looks very good ! can't wait to play it.

One thing thought, you playing a STALKER, could you remove the russian flag from his left arm ? cuz it's kinnda bugging that you are neutral but you are wearing russian unifrom confused_o.gif

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As far as pc specs im running a fairly medium spec pc, 256mb Radeon 9600, 1gig mem, 2800+processor and I experienced no problems what so ever with framerate throughout the campaign, with the view distance averaging around 500 and less through Im sure a lower spec pc will be able to manage it. smile_o.gif

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Sure it is possible... But not my task. But for such a little thing it is a big mission to clear them from the uniform. Because the RHS Pack is really big. You won't notic this if you play in 1st person view! wink_o.gif

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OK I updated our Weaponstore with pix! XD

click me PLZ! XD

If there are some more wishes post them here or in our foruM!

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.....wow,nice arsenal..im very impressed..

..and how we can use this weapons-will they be in ammo crates or at enemy,and we have to take it from them

-will some weapons be in one sector and other in incoming sectors

...the point is -will it be like in other games:at first u have some main weapons and when u go further u find the new and better ones?

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NO! If you are clever you can find some really good weapons at the beginning... No wait, you can find all weapons at different places. There is no specific order. You can find weapons in crates, from the enemies, from the other stalkers and traders.

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Ive just finished conspiracies part 1, and i must ask that you change the sector scripting from that, it was terrible and so linear, you run forward (didnt even need to kill enemies sometimes) and im in a diffrent area, best bit for me was the first zombie confrontation. I know i sound like a whining douchebag but it had such potential but the array of addon errors and mixed German + English hints now and then (and yes i had fixes) really did take alot of the atmosphere away. Also grass is weird i cant shoot through it unless its above the grass confused_o.gif

Still looking forward to The Experience tho.


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It was our 2nd mod. the experience will be much better for sure!

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nice work,but....

your using some addons,ok....but I think you could make gasmasks! crazy_o.gif

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and I think it wil be better to rip some needed addons from that packs,just get permission and make CONSPIRACIES-ADDONS.pbo file

It will be better and the filesize of consp. will be not 38x MB but for example 200MB smile_o.gifwink_o.gif

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I updated our forum with some special topic and threads. Take a look and show us what YOU think about it.

Especially the battleteks future thread should be well visited... You can vote which project you want to have next...

NOTE: Conspiracies The Experience is ready for 90%wink_o.gif

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Ok look here^^:

Gameworld: 100%

Story: 100%

Sound: 100%

Graphics: 100%

Sync: 100%


hehe just testing around! tounge2.gif

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While testing we found some bugs. They will be fixed in the next 2 days. I don't know exactly but i think this or next week is the release. Well it will be soon. Ahhh yes here a little secret Information: You can enter the Powerplant! :P

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I thought I could give you a little information blog before releasing CTE:


- more than 100 weapons

- very detailed environment

- you can enter the AtomicPowerPlant (Let's call it APP)

- there is one trader

- scipted weatherchanging

- no day and night cyclus

- the APP was build in scale 1:1

- including the vehicle-yard (not 1:1)

- selfmade music and music by very known artists

- possibility to change between the sectors

- more action and a bigger gameworld than in CP1 and CP2 together

- Intro-sequenz (7min)

- it is possible to use the open end of the campaign

- random generated enemies

- there are some anomalies

Since 7 month we are working on CTE now. And I kill myself if this isn't the best Conspiracies mod ever. And I kill me if someone don't like it! XD NO, Joke^^. But we spend a lot of hard work to it now. However I hope this little blog shows you that there are some real new features. I decided to deliver the SP and MP Missions later. So in Version 1.1 you are able to kill yourself with your friends. XD

Version 1.0 will including:

- The CTE-Campaign v.1.0

- all needed addons

- BTs DXDLL Config for CTE v.1.0

Patch to 1.1 will including:

- 5 Singleplayer Missions

- 4 Multiplayer Maps (TDM, DM, SNF) pistols.gif

Patch to 1.2 will including:

- 5 COOP Missions

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Too bad i have to go on vacation tomorrow, but ill definitely play it when im back! biggrin_o.gif

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