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Conspiracies: The Experience

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Hey guys^^. 3 months ago we started to work on CONSPIRACIES: THE EXPERIENCE. Now the old Recon Ops Campaign forum moved to another hoster and this forum is now CON: TE. I hope it's nice to hear:). So the first screenshots and some really little news are available there! So check it out! xmas_o.gif

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Well it's nice to see that here are still so active people in this comunity, but with all respect, wouldn't it be better to finish one project and then start another? the only thing i can see are two undone projects.. huh.gif But i wish you luck, i gues you'll need it. wink_o.gif

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AAAAWESOME!!! hopefully you fella's will put as much effort in as the last few conspiracys, because they are the most atmospheric ofp campaigns ever, keep on truckin' smile_o.gif

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Sure we will^^. This Conspiracies Part is older than Recon Ops... We always working on 2 projects. We have got enough workers but if somebody are interested in helping us... You can contact me!

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OKay, added a featurelist in our forum!

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Wow nice to hear that your still working, i had a lot fun while playing the other Conspiracies parts. Good luck. Btw what kind of jobs do you have to offer?

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Very important for this part are scripters and testers. But if you are good in another thing, tell me!

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Maybe i could make some artifacts for u. I will post at your own forum in german then.

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Got a website for Conspiracies now... Its still under construction but it will be finished soon! smile_o.gif click here

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You need some testing to be done Ive got alot of free-time on my hands smile_o.gif

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@Sentry2003: If you translate it... ^^ My english is not the best thats why^^

@AJ: Contact me in ICQ and we will see!

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no comment^^


Alex-X-x and I posted a review of the AlphaVersion. Its in german but you can see some nice pictures! smile_o.gif Check it out!

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Some very interesting featureS:

- you can switch between the sectors now

- very detailed nature

- no linear storyline

- no linear gameplay^^

- realtime time (ROFL)

Got some new Addons here

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Uh,its nice to see your mod again but.........

you was telling us that your mod is ended?

well,now I dont beliveve you anymore!!!! biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

anyway,nice job

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Conspiracies:The Experience looks bloody nice,glad to see sled88 back in action.

Hope so that will be as good (better) then 1st and 2nd part.

Also great improvements like switching between sectors with all gear u used in previous sector.

This is going to be sweet! pistols.gif

Nice job sled88! notworthy.gif

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Looking fantastic! Tell us more about the shadows wink_o.gif

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This looks amazing! I havent played the first ones but they looked great biggrin_o.gif. Also will there be an english version?

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Yes there will be a english version! and a russian version too!

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Yes there will be a english version! and a russian version too!

Great, I can't wait! thumbs-up.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Is this really going to be a new mod with new addons or is it just another bunch of already released addons like your earlier releases?

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Some Addons are already released and somestuff is exlusive for this mod!

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