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3D text and 3D drawing

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The following script writes text (static or moving) in the space.



<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


;by Mandoble


;Write 3D text in the space



;Initial pos, from where the text will be written

;Displacement angle of the text when moves (0-359, 0=N,180=S).

;Initial altitude of the base of the text.

;Horizontal speed of the text in m/s, 0 if still text (text will follow indicated disp. angle).

;Vertical speed of the text in m/s, negative if descending, 0 if still text.

;Angle of the text as it is written starting from initial pos (0-359, 0=N,180=S).

;Text array to be written, each member a character between "" (A-Z, 0-9, period, comma and space supported).

;Size array, each element in meters:

; [character width,character height,space between characters,size of each character particle]

;Shape for particles, either 2D shape (cl_fire,cl_water,cl_clasic,obrysove svetlo,koulesvetlo) or 3d object

;If above type is spaceobject or not (true for 3d objects, false for 2D shapes)

;Color array, each menber is a [R,G,B,A] array, you may add as many members as desired.

;Duration of the text in seconds, 9999 for a forever present text.

;Rotations per second of character particles



;Example step by step:


; 1 - Place the player near the coast heading East to the sea

; 2 - Place a gamelogic named lg_pos1 200m East of the player, at the sea

; 3 - Set time of day aroud 5:00 in summer.

; 4 - Execute the following line:

;[getPos lg_pos1,270,10,15,0,180,["H","E","L","L","O"],[10,10,5,5],"koulesvetlo",false,[[0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,0,0]],10,0]exec"mando3dwrite.sqs"


; Text will be displayed East of player, written from N to S and moving West at 15m/s.

; Fonts are 10x10m, spacing between fonts is 5m. Each font particle is 5m wide.

; The text will change from green to yellow as it advances towards the player


_posini = _this select 0

_angmov = _this select 1

_altini = _this select 2

_spdx = _this select 3

_spdy = _this select 4

_ang = _this select 5

_texto = _this select 6

_sizes = _this select 7

_shape = _this select 8

_space = _this select 9

_color = _this select 10

_dur = _this select 11

_rots = _this select 12

_pos = [_posini select 0, _posini select 1, _altini]

_wf = _sizes select 0

_dsx = _wf/5.0

_hf = _sizes select 1

_dsy = _hf/5.0

_sp = _sizes select 2

_sized = [_sizes select 3]

_rad = 0.0

_type = "Billboard"

?_space: _type = "SpaceObject"

_vel = [_spdx*sin(_angmov),_spdx*cos(_angmov),_spdy]

_errorcmd = "Unsupported commands - "

_errorfonts = "Unsupported characters - "

_nfonts = count _texto

_nfont = 0


_font = _texto select _nfont

?_font == "A":goto "write_a"

?_font == "B":goto "write_b"

?_font == "C":goto "write_c"

?_font == "D":goto "write_d"

?_font == "E":goto "write_e"

?_font == "F":goto "write_f"

?_font == "G":goto "write_g"

?_font == "H":goto "write_h"

?_font == "I":goto "write_i"

?_font == "J":goto "write_j"

?_font == "K":goto "write_k"

?_font == "L":goto "write_l"

?_font == "M":goto "write_m"

?_font == "N":goto "write_n"

?_font == "Ń":goto "write_ny"

?_font == "O":goto "write_o"

?_font == "P":goto "write_p"

?_font == "Q":goto "write_q"

?_font == "R":goto "write_r"

?_font == "S":goto "write_s"

?_font == "T":goto "write_t"

?_font == "U":goto "write_u"

?_font == "V":goto "write_v"

?_font == "W":goto "write_w"

?_font == "X":goto "write_x"

?_font == "Y":goto "write_y"

?_font == "Z":goto "write_z"

?_font == " ":goto "write_spc"

?_font == ".":goto "write_pto"

?_font == ",":goto "write_cma"

?_font == "0":goto "write_0"

?_font == "1":goto "write_1"

?_font == "2":goto "write_2"

?_font == "3":goto "write_3"

?_font == "4":goto "write_4"

?_font == "5":goto "write_5"

?_font == "6":goto "write_6"

?_font == "7":goto "write_7"

?_font == "8":goto "write_8"

?_font == "9":goto "write_9"

_errorfonts = _errorfonts + format["%1",_font]


_rad = _rad + _sp

_pos = [(_posini select 0)+_rad*sin(_ang), (_posini select 1)+_rad*cos(_ang), (_pos select 2)]

_nfont = _nfont + 1

?_nfont < _nfonts: goto "write"

_error = false

? (_errorfonts != "Unsupported characters - "):_error = true

? (_errorcmd != "Unsupported commands - "):_error = true


hint format["%1\n\n%2",_errorfonts, _errorcmd]



_command = ["U","U","UR","UR","DR","DR","D","D","UL","L","L","L","JDR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","DR","DL","L","R","JDR","DL","L","L","L","JR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","R","D","JD","JD","JD","L","L","L","UL","JDR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","DR","DR","DL","DL","L","L","L","JR","JR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","R","DL","JDL","L","L","JD","JD","JR","R","R","R","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","R","DL","JDL","L","L","JD","JD","JR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","R","D","JDL","R","D","DL","L","L","R","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","D","JDR","R","R","R","U","U","D","JD","JD","D","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["R","R","U","U","U","U","L","L","R","JR","JR","R","DL","JD","JD","JD","R","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","DR","R","U","U","U","U","L","L","R","JR","JR","R","R","JD","JD","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","JD","R","UR","UR","D","JD","JDL","DR","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","D","JD","JD","JDR","R","R","R","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","DR","UR","UR","D","D","D","D","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","DR","DR","DR","U","U","U","U","D","JDR","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","DR","DR","DR","U","U","U","U","UL","JU","L","L","DR","JDR","JDR","JDR","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","DR","D","D","DL","L","L","UL","JDR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","R","DR","DL","L","L","DR","JDR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","DR","D","D","DL","L","L","UL","JDR","JDR","DR","U","JUR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","R","R","DR","DL","L","R","JDR","DR","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["R","R","R","UR","UL","L","L","UL","UR","R","R","R","D","JD","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JR","JR","U","U","U","U","L","L","R","JR","JR","R","DL","JD","JD","JD","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","U","U","U","R","JR","JR","JR","D","D","D","DL","L","L","R","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","JU","U","U","DR","JD","JD","DR","UR","UR","U","U","D","JD","JD","JDR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","U","U","U","DR","JD","JD","UR","DR","DR","U","U","U","U","DR","JD","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["UR","UR","UR","UR","L","JL","JL","JL","DR","DR","JDR","DR","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","JU","JU","JU","DR","DR","D","D","U","JU","JUR","UR","UR","JD","JD","JD","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["R","R","R","R","UL","UL","UL","UL","R","R","R","R","R","JD","JD","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["U","R","D","R","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JD","UR","U","R","D","R","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","U","U","UR","R","R","DR","D","D","DL","L","L","UL","JDR","JR","JR","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JR","R","U","U","U","U","DL","DL","JR","JD","JD","JR","JR","R","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["UR","UR","UR","UL","L","DL","D","JD","JDR","R","R","R"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["R","R","UR","UL","L","R","JUR","UL","L","L","R","JDR","JDR","JDR","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","JU","U","U","U","JDR","JD","JD","R","U","U","D","JD","JD","D","UR","JU","D","JDR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["R","R","UR","UL","L","L","U","U","R","R","R","R","JD","JD","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","JUR","R","DR","DL","L","UL","U","U","UR","R","R","JDR","JD","JD","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","JU","JU","JU","R","R","R","DL","DL","D","D","R","JR","JR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JU","UR","R","UR","UL","L","DL","DR","JD","JD","R","UR","DR"]

goto "writefont"


_command = ["JR","R","UR","U","U","UL","L","DL","DR","R","DR","JD"]

goto "writefont"


_cmds = count _command

_ncmd = 0


_cmd = _command select _ncmd

_cmdok = false

?_cmd == "JDR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JDL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JUR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JUL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JU":_dx=0.0;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JD":_dx=0.0;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "DR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "DL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "UR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "UL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "U":_dx=0.0;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "D":_dx=0.0;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "L":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "R":_dx=_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?!_cmdok: goto "errorcmd"


_rad = _rad + _dx

_pos = [(_posini select 0)+_rad*sin(_ang), (_posini select 1)+_rad*cos(_ang), (_pos select 2)+_dy]


_ncmd = _ncmd + 1

?_ncmd < _cmds:goto "writeseg"

goto "nextfont"


_errorcmd = _errorcmd + format["%1 ",_cmd]

goto "continuarcmd"

The following script allows you to draw any figure (static or moving) in the space.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


;By Mandoble


;Draws 3D figures in the space using drawing commands.

;You place the pen in the space, then the pen paints or not and moves.

;'J' commands moves without painting (jumps).

;The available movements of the pen are: Up,UpRight,Right,DownRight,Down,DownLeft,Left and UpLeft




;Initial pos, from where the text will be written

;Displacement angle of the text when moves (0-359, 0=N,180=S).

;Initial altitude of the base of the text.

;Horizontal speed of the text in m/s, 0 if still text (text will follow indicated disp. angle).

;Vertical speed of the text in m/s, negative if descending, 0 if still text.

;Angle of the text as it is written starting from initial pos (0-359, 0=N,180=S).

;Drawing commands array to be executed:

; "U","UR","R","DR","D","DL","L","UL" and

; "JU","JUR","JR","JDR","JD","JDL","JL","JUL"

;Size array, each element in meters:

; [Horizontal distance between particles,vertical distance between particles, size of particle]

;Shape for particles, either 2D shape (cl_fire,cl_water,cl_clasic,obrysove svetlo,koulesvetlo) or 3d object

;If above type is spaceobject or not (true for 3d objects, false for 2D shapes)

;Color array, each menber is a [R,G,B,A] array, you may add as many members as desired.

;Duration of the text in seconds, 9999 for a forever present text.


;[getPos lg_letras,270,10,15,0,180,["U","U","U","R","R","R","UR","UR"],[2,2,5],"koulesvetlo",false,[[0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,0,0]],6]exec"mando3ddraw.sqs"

_posini = _this select 0

_angmov = _this select 1

_altini = _this select 2

_spdx = _this select 3

_spdy = _this select 4

_ang = _this select 5

_command = _this select 6

_sizes = _this select 7

_shape = _this select 8

_space = _this select 9

_color = _this select 10

_dur = _this select 11

_pos = [_posini select 0, _posini select 1, _altini]

_dsx = _sizes select 0

_dsy = _sizes select 1

_sized = [_sizes select 2]

_rad = 0.0

_type = "Billboard"

?_space: _type = "SpaceObject"

_vel = [_spdx*sin(_angmov),_spdx*cos(_angmov),_spdy]

_errorcmd = "Unsupported commands - "

_cmds = count _command

_ncmd = 0


_cmd = _command select _ncmd

_cmdok = false

?_cmd == "JDR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JDL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JUR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JUL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JU":_dx=0.0;_dy=_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JD":_dx=0.0;_dy=-_dsy;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "JR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=false;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "DR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "DL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "UR":_dx=_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "UL":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "U":_dx=0.0;_dy=_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "D":_dx=0.0;_dy=-_dsy;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "L":_dx=-_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?_cmd == "R":_dx=_dsx;_dy=0.0;_write=true;_cmdok = true

?!_cmdok: goto "errorcmd"


_rad = _rad + _dx

_pos = [(_posini select 0)+_rad*sin(_ang), (_posini select 1)+_rad*cos(_ang), (_pos select 2)+_dy]


_ncmd = _ncmd + 1

?_ncmd < _cmds:goto "drawseg"

_error = false

? (_errorcmd == "Unsupported commands - "):exit

hint format["%1", _errorcmd]



_errorcmd = _errorcmd + format["%1 ",_cmd]

goto "continuarcmd"

Enjoy biggrin_o.gif


Mando3DWrite modified, a new argument added indicating rotations per second of character particles.

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Cool stuff! smile_o.gif

I think a similar thing has been released some time ago.

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Looks like a nice script, never seen something like this before smile_o.gif

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excellent biggrin_o.gif

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After finding out the object "micuda", I added a new argument to mando3dwrite.sqs to indicate rotations per second of character particles.

If you want to see something funny (no addons needed), create a test mission and:

1 - Place the player near a beach heading East (looking at the sea).

2 - Set the time to 10:00

3 - Trigger the following code:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

[[(getPos player select 0)+300,(getPos player select 1)+65,0],270,-10,15,1,180,[".","F","L","A","S","H","P","O","I","N","T","."],[10,10,5,4],"micuda",true,[[1,1,1,0.7],[1,1,1,0.7],[1,1,1,0.7],[1,1,1,0]],20,1]exec"mando3dwrite.sqs";[[(getPos player select 0)+300,(getPos player select 1)+65,0],270,-10,15,1,180,[".","F","L","A","S","H","P","O","I","N","T","."],[10,10,5,10],"koulesvetlo",false,[[0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,0,0]],16,0]exec"mando3dwrite.sqs"


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