martinovic 0 Posted May 4, 2006 I think YOU should! There is no need for a suicide option. It's dumb and futile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M4XSs 0 Posted May 4, 2006 After all that refers to BIS. And I think they wouldn’t include it. But at least they know that some people wanted such thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted May 4, 2006 If we a suicide option wouldn't we need a take-a-piss option too? And a take-off-your-boots option? We need to support realism here! Lotsa soldiers take off their boots after a long patrol! It's realistic! Lets hope BIS use all their time inplenting these really cool and realistic options instead of boring stuff like more scripting commands!Anyone that didn't see I was sarcastic ought to get shot. Exactly what I was going to say. Please guys, come with just ONE good argument to include a feature so pointless as this? For debugging you can simply make a radio alpha which does "soldier setdammage 1". Why would anyone kill themself? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reddy 0 Posted May 4, 2006 You reflect so simply and linear Situations: - you play CTI and your base is being attacked. What are you doing in OFP? You begin shooting earth to respawn on base - you play C&H map and tank has respawned, you have to get in that, but you are deep in a forest far from respawn. Guess what do you do... - you play CTF map, enemy flanked you and you have info they are going to take your flag, you need to defend it but you are far from respawn. You shoot the earth again... I cant describe the whole list of situations, because ofp maps are so different, and in theory number of game types is infinitness. I dont want to have an action in menu, I want to have a special button. Now you ask why should it be an animation. I answered you before, because it must pass some seconds before sui is committed, because maybe player do it not to be killed by enemy. And enemy must see that player is going to kill himself but not pointing his gun at him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GBee 0 Posted May 4, 2006 You reflect so simply and linear Situations: - you play CTI and your base is being attacked. What are you doing in OFP? You begin shooting earth to respawn on base - you play C&H map and tank has respawned, you have to get in that, but you are deep in a forest far from respawn. Guess what do you do... - you play CTF map, enemy flanked you and you have info they are going to take your flag, you need to defend it but you are far from respawn. You shoot the earth again... So all your reasons for wanting a suicide option are to cheat in multiplayer?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metal Heart 0 Posted May 4, 2006 It's a very cheap move that belongs to games like quake, enemy territory etc, not ofp. At the very least, they should make the respawn take twice as long when you kill your self. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aus_twisted 0 Posted May 4, 2006 If you really need to kill yourself quickly just fire a AT rocket into the ground next to you, I'm pretty sure you would die doing so in real life to LOL. I dont see the point of this thread, it will be possible to kill yourself in ArmA just like OFP. It comes in handy like explained above when you need to respawn quickly to a certain location. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GBee 0 Posted May 4, 2006 It's a very cheap move that belongs to games like quake, enemy territory etc, not ofp. At the very least, they should make the respawn take twice as long when you kill your self. Or you you respawn 1km+ behind your base Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aus_twisted 0 Posted May 4, 2006 So all your reasons for wanting a suicide option are to cheat in multiplayer?? Cant see how it can be classed as cheating when everyone has the option to do it, it's not like it's some hidden secret. If the mission makers dont want people killing themselves to respawn then they can simply increase the respawn timer which would then also give players a longer wait who actually got killed by the enemy. But I'm sure it's probably possible to have 2 respawn scripts, one for a enemy kill and another for a friendly fire or suicide etc which could have different timers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GBee 0 Posted May 4, 2006 If it weren't cheating, would BIS and mission makers have added a suicide option, complete with documentation etc? For that matter, why not add a return to base teleport option? Because OFP/Arma are reality based games maybe? Because such actions go against the ethos of the game? Cheating means to do something outside the rules of the game. Just because everyone can steal money from the bank in monopoly doesn't mean it isn't cheating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmakatra 1 Posted May 4, 2006 So all your reasons for wanting a suicide option are to cheat in multiplayer?? Cant see how it can be classed as cheating when everyone has the option to do it, it's not like it's some hidden secret. If the mission makers dont want people killing themselves to respawn then they can simply increase the respawn timer which would then also give players a longer wait who actually got killed by the enemy. But I'm sure it's probably possible to have 2 respawn scripts, one for a enemy kill and another for a friendly fire or suicide etc which could have different timers. Don't you think that's a lot of work for content that you'd rarely use? Besides, ricochetes are in ArmA. So are hand grenades. And so are big AT-weapons. How can you think that you can avoid not to kill yourself? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted May 4, 2006 You reflect so simply and linear Situations: - you play CTI and your base is being attacked. What are you doing in OFP? You begin shooting earth to respawn on base - you play C&H map and tank has respawned, you have to get in that, but you are deep in a forest far from respawn. Guess what do you do... - you play CTF map, enemy flanked you and you have info they are going to take your flag, you need to defend it but you are far from respawn. You shoot the earth again... I cant describe the whole list of situations, because ofp maps are so different, and in theory number of game types is infinitness. I dont want to have an action in menu, I want to have a special button. Now you ask why should it be an animation. I answered you before, because it must pass some seconds before sui is committed, because maybe player do it not to be killed by enemy. And enemy must see that player is going to kill himself but not pointing his gun at him I rest my case Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kernriver 4 Posted May 4, 2006 You reflect so simply and linear Situations: - you play CTI and your base is being attacked. What are you doing in OFP? You begin shooting earth to respawn on base - you play C&H map and tank has respawned, you have to get in that, but you are deep in a forest far from respawn. Guess what do you do... - you play CTF map, enemy flanked you and you have info they are going to take your flag, you need to defend it but you are far from respawn. You shoot the earth again... -No, you run to your base and kill the enemy -Hmmm, let me guess, run and pray that you'll make it? -No, you run to your flag and do the best you can... I'm being a little sarcastic here, but do you want a war simulation or some arcadish game? If it's the latter, go play another game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
martinovic 0 Posted May 4, 2006 Quote[/b] ]If you really need to kill yourself quickly just fire a AT rocket into the ground next to you, I'm pretty sure you would die doing so in real life to LOL. In real life RPGs and most shoulder fired rockets (and most grenades) have a "minimum range" that if you shoot within, the round you shot does not explode - if i know it right (which is a big if here). Heres a .pdf with the description of an RPG-7 launcher, it says that the rocket is fired from the initial tube with a lower speed and the PG-7 launches from it ignites 11 meters away from the launcher. I think the grenade doesn't blow if you hit something before 11 meters is up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted May 4, 2006 Why not just head for the coast and drown yourself? If you've got AI, you can order them to shoot you - or you can kill some and become renegade. If you're in combat, just stop firing back... Sprinting off a steep cliff could do it, or if you've got a vehicle simply crush yourself or jump out while moving at a high speed. If there are any nearby, jump off of a tall building. Get someone else to kill you, or walk up to a burning vehicle (if it's scripted to kill you). If all else fails, call upon Chuck Norris... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kernriver 4 Posted May 4, 2006 If all else fails, call upon Chuck Norris... Or better yet, Steven Seagal LOL I call him "Angry", his face is always so frowned Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thrush213 0 Posted May 5, 2006 why would this be needed? blow yourself up with grenades, or jump off a mountain. or better yet...retart the damn game!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted May 5, 2006 why would this be needed?blow yourself up with grenades, or jump off a mountain. Seems like useful advice to me, and all that is needed to answer the question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites