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NO jets in ArmA?

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Yees, lets all jump to conclusions from.. scratchy at best litrature.. Untill we can all hold/hug the game box, it's generaly a bad idea to start complaining something is missing.. The game is changing all the time, most of the screenshots are outdated, not that it stops people mauling them as soon as they show the slightest imprefections..

*Looks up to see my ranting hat has repeeared* How did that get there? icon_rolleyes.gif

Seriously though, not putting jets in would be moronic, and theres no reason why.. Unless codmasters hold the copyright to jets in video-games, which I kinda doubt tounge2.gif

- Ben

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i think the f-22 in one of those videos is from game 2 footage but i think Aa will have jets of itws own too. smile_o.gif

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omg tounge2.gif I was just gonna make this thread, beat me to it lol, well I have my full faith on placebo that there will be jets wink_o.gif

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Nah, I don't think F-35 will be included in ArmA.

I guess the old A-10 will be include or/and the F-22 or the F-16.

Su-25 and the MiG-29 on the east side maybe?

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Yup...easiest way to distinguish would be rear base,F-22 has two exhausts,F-35 has only one.

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I'd take proper transport planes over 5 jets anyday.

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More sensible to have slower moving attack aircraft than mach 1.2 + monstors.

Anyone ever seen the simposons episode where crusty hijacks the right flyers, and the f-14's 'try' intercepting it... 'oop, we're past it'

having lets say 5 Kay distance is nowhere near enough time for a fast jet to prosecute an in and out attack.

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That`s right with that view distance...^

Flying was bad in ofp, planes were bad and unrealistic...

I wouldn`t mind if the role of jets in arma was limited only to CAS (and I mean some really decent cas here, better AI and blah blah blah)

There`s something promissing, however...I hope the development of the VBS/LVRS thingy will affect Next Generation Pc Games somehow...Would be really, really nice...

Btw have you seen the vbs1 predator movie? Sweet:)

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PS: Firingsquad @ April 28
Quote[/b] ]...right now we're looking at something like 50+ vehicles (everything from civilian cars, humvees, APC's, tanks, helicopers, planes) and around 40 different weapons.

Behold the power that is Placebo smile_o.gif

I'm sure it's really not necessary to start a new thread everytime there is a speculatory question which will be answered eventually (if not already).

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