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Just how much has OFP affected you?

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I dont think theres a similar question so here goes:

Ok since Ive been playing ofp since Nov 2002 Jan 2003 roughly around that time, Ofp was really weird, it didnt feel like a game, it was more like a huge sandbox game to do anything, download anything (addons) and add them to the ofp world, When I realised I was totally hooked I did get quite a shock as I literally played it every single day for about over 9 hours a day, (thx BIS for taking my life away) smile_o.gif In early 2004 that was when I was in college and I was "uber" addicted to the addon collecting at the time, I checked for addons all the time during college hours, so thx to ofp it has made my grades not as good as they could of been whistle.gif

OFP has affected me in buying games as I see OFP as "the all in oner" I dont play Battlefield1942 and other open spaced games as ofp is bigger and more fun, I dont play or buy any games atall so ofp has saved me lots of money wink_o.gif

Thx to ofp I am now very unfit thx to all the hours I play banghead.gif There was once a phase where I virtually "lived" in the ofp realm playing it constantly for months on end, but.. There was "once" and this only happaned "once" I actually got bored of ofp completely wow_o.gif didnt think id see the day, due to the fact I played it just a bit too much lol, then I got back into it and was addicted as ever,

I think In the long run when arma and game2 is out sometimes I hope it wont be "that perfect" a game because I really fear they are going to take up most of my life crazy_o.gif

So im curious how ofp has affected everyone else tounge2.gif and how you think it will affect you in the future, Im also curious what you have learned from ofp too, goodnight.gif

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I didnt like it at first, it played weird, looked weird and was very frustrating, then i started the CWC campaign, i finished it in version 1.0 (omg, that recoil and a.i. were hard) crazy_o.gif .

Fired up the editor, it was beautyfull, a true dream come true.

This was back in 2001 smile_o.gif .

Saw the patches, the tools,the expantion, the addons, etc coming up.

Arma might be better, game2 might be the bomb but OPFR is special. Best value i ever got out of any product, i played GR for 2 weeks only, meh... OPF is the simulator hidden behind a game cover inlove.gif .

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Ah OFP - talk about my gaming life. My gaming existance started and will probably end with OFP - nuttin' else does it for me. <Wipes tears>

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Thanks to ofp i check for news every hour.That is so weird.

I haven't played OFP for a weeks and i don't feel like i'm missing something and that's a big step forward,because the situation was quite bad a few months ago. confused_o.gif

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I remember that some of my friends were asking me how can i play one game for so long, like: everytime we see you play a game its the same one. They didnt play OFP so i couldnt explain it to them smile_o.gif

Edit: OFP also affected my web browser's bookmarks: they are all OFP related! biggrin_o.gif

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*sarcasm* You mean there's life outside of OFP?!  crazy_o.gif  wow_o.gif  *sarcasm*

What does the word sarcasm mean?


No, just kidding. I haven't played OFP as long as I could have, but I really love it, and is much more interested in military stuff now, then before.

Quote[/b] ]OFP also affected my web browser's bookmarks: they are all OFP related! biggrin_o.gif

Almost all of mine to.

A few of militarystuff, unrelated to OFP, two about webdesign, one about forum, one about Wings 3D, one about kelly clarkson ( inlove.gif ). And thats all. But OFP/military links is taking over tounge2.gif

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heh heh well im for one sure that im additted to ofp still, everytime im on my computer i check out ofp.gamezone and the bis forum then sometimes in the mission editor but all thats slowing down now due to the fact that the game is 5 years old and ArmA is coming soon smile_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Ofp has affected me a lot, just like a few other games. (StarCraft, Age1 & 2, Half-Life)

Life has been tough from time to time, but Ofp has always been there for me wink_o.gif

When a game is as good as Ofp it'll affect you in one way or another. Kinda hard to explain what I mean, but they do become part of you life. ofplover.jpg

Btw, I even bought an Xbox - just to play Elite help.gif

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Well it kinda ruined my years in gymnasium all I would do in the breaks for the first 1.5 year was tjeking for OFP news then we go broadband at home so stoped tjecking news all the time. But I thort and still think alot about it. had OFp not been around i am prity sure I would have better grades in alot of classes. The funny thing is that I don't realy play missions all that much I just open the editor and just watch and test my own addons I can use a hole day just watching the recoile of my guns. kinda creepy realy or I am using o2 I can't live with out o2 even now where i am 200km's plus from my computer and OFP I regulary open o2 just too look on my models even if i can't edit so much because viewer dosen't work. I need my fix wink_o.gif . About the future i am slightly worried since i am calculating on starting an education after this summer and by that time Arma should be out I think an there is allready so meany things i wanna make or edit in Arma judging from the pic's.


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Hmmm... I got OFP back in 2003 (summer... got new PC 4 months later), and I've used it quite alot. For starters, OFP takes atleast 1/6 of my HD space so...

All those lost hours with OFP, be it playing, editing, photography (been taking my time quite alot lately)... I think you know what I mean.

Lately, my friends have started to... errr... "suffer", as I try to get a whole clan to get OFP or ArmA, lol.

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Quote[/b] ]Just how much as OFP affected you?

...I know what a BMP is now tounge2.gif

Seriously, though.  Much of my life is centered around checking news and forums (I'm glad to see I'm not the only one).  OFP has taught me 3D modelling and scripting...and how not to rely on cheat codes whistle.gif  OFP has also taught me what a military game really is.  I don't think I have bought another game since I bought Resistance, and I don't plan to buy another until Armed Assault comes out.

Quote[/b] ]ofplover.jpg

wow_o.gif   Can we get this added to the emoticons?!


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My friends never understood why I keep playing the same game for nearly 4 years now. I've really tried to explain to them why OFP is THE GAME for a thousand times now but somehow they just don't get it help.gif It's so weird tounge2.gif

Another thing they totally don't understand is why I sacrfice so much freetime and energy to make high quality modells of military hardware and than publish them FOR FREE inlove.gif

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Lol, the last 2 replies pretty much sums it up... as with Student pilot, I had no idea of what a BMP was. One of my friends had the game already back in 2001 or '02, and he explained it to me during the breaks... was I surprised when I saw the game? Wee... Although most of my friends who have tried OFP admit that it's one of the best games they've tried, still they don't play it anymore. A thing which I'm trying to change. biggrin_o.gif

Although I don't play only OFP, it's not that important. Although I spent half my time in net reading the forums or checking for news at ofp.info...

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ofp is life

ive even dedicated my 25 gb hard-drive to ofp......which has jus got 100 mb of space left....... biggrin_o.gif

the flexibility and interactivity of ofp engine has kept it alive till today..........but the dedicated and hardworking community has played an important part too

long live BIS and best of luck carrying the legacy forward

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"Brainwashed" maybe? tounge2.gif

It's kind of odd, all the people I played Flashpoint with (before quite a few of us stoped playing OFP so much), most of them still, as lots of other do, check OFP forums/news sites..

Subliminal messagining in the game? wow_o.giftounge2.gif

- Ben

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forgot to mention its affected my msn so bad I had to make a new msn for "non ofp players" wink_o.gif

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Hi i'm GOON and i've been an OFP addict since 2001... sad_o.gif

Started out as a casual user...played the BIS missions...

Then came the "Editor"....and all the fansites...then the addons from the community....everything was moving so fast..... sad_o.gif

A few months later and I realize I was hooked....

No one ever told me it would be so bad....

Up late at night with eyes burning red....work the next day with little sleep...things were bad.... sad_o.gifsad_o.gif ARE bad.......

I too hope that game2 is not as sweet....

Maybe then i'll be able to escape the monkey on my back.... wink_o.gif

In all seriousness...i agree best bang for the buck ever!!!

And 5 years!! later I still cant stop !!!!

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Guest Ti0n3r

Ok, I admit it;


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*stands up and walks to the middle of the circle of 'addicts' in self help session*

Iv been addicted since i played the first demo released oh so long ago... then brought it as soon as it came out

ever since then no game has satisfied me quiet like OFP. Although now i dont have much time for gaming OFP is usually my first choice when i do.

Every other game since OFP has jus seemed bland and linier.. the only other game i got on my HD at the moment is X-COM (ufo defence) half-life 2 (for the mods ect...) and OFP with several other OFP mod shortcuts on my desktop (15 wow_o.gif )

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To be honest , in the days of gayspy and all that,it was a frustrating time trying to play OFP , not the games fault i know,but

even with all that i still wanted more and more , the original game wasnt all that good icon_rolleyes.gif .it was the community missions and videos that kept me addicted, i remember before fraps, people would actually host cutscenes.like the famous monty python sketch,( funniest ever ). of course none of this would be possible without Bis and there open policy on software like O2 etc. ty smile_o.gif

but how has it affected me well here is my pic, i dont notice much change ,i think i look normal ?


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Damn you BIS, what have you done to our lives mad_o.gif ?

How could you create something so sublimal, so superior, so vast and enchanting.. what were you thinking confused_o.gif .

Oh well, whats done is done inlove.gif .

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OFP has had an impact on me. I first bought it back in 2001. Since then I have given away 3 copies and bought 3 copies. I just can't get rid of it. The only game in my harddrive is OFP (until the other BIS games are released) and will remain that way. It is one of my three hobbies and one of the couple of things I collect. Why buy diecast models when you can view them in 3D and even play them? OFP related games (VBS/OFP2/ArmA/Game2) will be the only games/sims I play from now till the end.

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OFP has basically been my main computer game life, around the time i first played the demo (when it came on a PCZone disk) I had been playing Half-life + mods, Commandos behind enemy lines, Doom and Wolf3d. (these were the only games I had) My first feeling was that it was really wierd, i couldnt quite grasp the fact the Crossair moved round on the screen instead of being fixed like in every other FPS game i had.

I also didnt realise that it was possible to bring up the ironsite so i took down my enemys on ambush by zooming in with right click. I never even managed to win that mission until recently! (my squad always kept on getting killed and i had to run all the way back to that check point)

I loved it though i would sometimes go off exploring the island in that demo it was great fun.

I never actually bought OFP up until early 2002 though (which i regret) as i had a Pirated copy of v1.00, this did me fine until I looked on the internet and discovered that there were addons. At which point I went out and bought a copy and upgraded to 1.20 or somthing along the lines of that. Addons that would look awful today looked amazing back then biggrin_o.gif

Its still a great game, the longest one i have played regulaly.

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