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Small things

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With Arma coming closer I would like to ask BIS to make some small changes to the game engine that can make a big difference:

These features could not (yet) be accomplished by the modding community. I am sure BIS can do it and it should not be a big deal.

I suggested these features several times before (since the beginning). Now I want to summarize them while ARMA is moving closer.

 1)  If you play a mission where you play an unarmed person (same if you are only armed with a pistol) you have a real disadvantage and I do not mean the lack of firepower here!  You are not able to run fast, sidesteps are slow and running uphill is all impossible. The effect is that as a mission builder you will avoid to have a player without a rifle. I love the new pistol but I still avoid using them because they make me slow.

- I think people without a rifle (or with pistol) should be able to run with the "W" key toggle to walk with "F" key

- using the "E" key should make them run faster than with a rifle!

- Sidesteps should be just the same speed.

I know that this probably needs new animations (maybe not) but I think it would make the game feeling a lot better!

Now we have the new pistols and the new drop function and I wish one day I can drop the rifle to flee the battlefield!  

 2)  It would have been nice if the "free look" key (*) would enable you to look freely around in the plane /heli (also when using Joystik).

One of the patches made also the coolie had function worse.(you should be able to constantly look to the side while flying, the view should not snap back)

 3)   All in all:

Make all help markers and symbols switch off-able.

I only want to see what I would see with my own eyes in a real environment!

It would make the game more pure and emmersive!

Game play like in the OFP Photographs threat!

(OF course it should still be possible to use them. I understand some people think it is better to use them)

OFP was one of the first games where you where able to switch off most of the icons on screen.

except some:

-Target indicator

-way point indicator

-some cross hairs (tankgunner, M2...)

Please make them all switch off-able also all fuel bars and even worse damage bars.

I would love to look at real gauges! (you can in the cars)

 4) alternate mission ends:

In every mission there should be the option to retreat when outgunned. (like in the original "ambush" mission or the "alone in the woods" mission). It should also be possible to end not accomplished missions, for example when not able to destroy a target.

Of course some of these or a certain number of these failed missions could lead to an early campaign end.

 5) Helicopter pilots should not auto eject when their helicopter is destroyed.

It looks strange and standart helicopter crews do not even have a parachute. The rotor would not allow to eject.

Thats it for now.

I´m saving the more complex suggestions for Game2

Nice to see multiple gunners and artillery made it into ARMA!

Keep up the good work!!!!!!      smile_o.gif

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I agree with point 1, its quite anoyying as I experienced this in OFP:E in the mission where you play as a pilot and need to escape. I just ran to the north hills and it took me at least 15min to run up the hill o_. without a weapon.

And btw, I think this is with a pistol aswell.

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Free look toggle does work in planes/helis but only with mouse. You are so right about that snapping back thingy though, it makes looking around with POV hat useless. Also, selecting targets is so much easier with mouse, you can just point and click to select any target (active or passive). Track IR might be quite useful when flying since most of us don't have three arms, I'm not sure if you'd be able to point and click targets though.

Considering that it would most likely be easier to run without a rifle, not being able to sprint when you're holding a pistol is quite strange indeed.

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Hopefully these issues will have been fixed with the new animations and I'm sure that BIS is aware of it! You have a good point and I fully agree with you, but I think you've overlooked something: Forum Rules

locked.gif  readthis.gif  nod.gif   smile_o.gif

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.......  2)  It would have been nice if the "free look" key (*) would enable you to look freely around in the plane /heli (also when using Joystik).

One of the patches made also the coolie had function worse.(you should be able to constantly look to the side while flying, the view should not snap back)....

You can hold down alt for the same effect, it very usefull, and when you let go of alt it returns to normal..... like it way better than the (*) toggle button....

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Dude, it doesn't work when you use joystick to fly and pov hat to look around. And who would wan't to hold one hand on a button all the time when flying anyway.

With mouse both (hold to look and toggle look) work fine and are both useful for different situations.

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I agree with point 1, its quite anoyying as I experienced this in OFP:E in the mission where you play as a pilot and need to escape. I just ran to the north hills and it took me at least 15min to run up the hill o_. without a weapon.

And btw, I think this is with a pistol aswell.

Yup, definitely. I'm sure everyone agrees with this. I always wondered why civilians couldn't sprint. You'd think they'd really be able to haul ass without having to carry all that gear and weapons, especially with a couple of Russkie grunts on their tails!

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I agree with point 1, its quite anoyying as I experienced this in OFP:E in the mission where you play as a pilot and need to escape. I just ran to the north hills and it took me at least 15min to run up the hill o_. without a weapon.

And btw, I think this is with a pistol aswell.

With a pistol you can run as fast as with a rifle, but you wont get tired wink_o.gif . Disadvantage is that it looks like cr*p tounge2.gif

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Hopefully these issues will have been fixed with the new animations and I'm sure that BIS is aware of it! You have a good point and I fully agree with you, but I think you've overlooked something: Forum Rules


mate, guy who posted those things got a point there, so STOP back-seat moderating, I hate when people does that, Placebo is controlling the pages good enough and can warn in case, so cease this attitude please...

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Dude, it doesn't work when you use joystick to fly and pov hat to look around. And who would wan't to hold one hand on a button all the time when flying anyway.

With mouse both (hold to look and toggle look) work fine and are both useful for different situations.

yeah sorry....i guess i didnt read right...

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Quote[/b] ]These features could not (yet) be accomplished by the modding community. I am sure BIS can do it and it should not be a big deal.

Every single thing you mentioned CAN be accomplished by us, you don't know what you're talking about.

We can easily edit the anims to include sprint, jog, and walk sets for handgun, unarmed, and even AT stances.

The free look key DOES allow you to look around in aircraft, you just don't know how to use it. Also with joysticks, if you know how.

If you know how to edit GUIs then you could get rid of any of the so-called "clutter" that you don't wish to see. Again, already possible.

Already a feature, and very possible to do if the mission creator knows what they're doing. Maybe you just don't pay attention.


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Quote[/b] ]The free look key DOES allow you to look around in aircraft, you just don't know how to use it. Also with joysticks, if you know how.

How about sharing this information, I haven't seen it mentioned in the few threads I've read about the pov hat problem.

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Quote[/b] ]Quote  
Quote[/b] ]Quote  

These features could not (yet) be accomplished by the modding community. I am sure BIS can do it and it should not be a big deal.

Every single thing you mentioned CAN be accomplished by us, you don't know what you're talking about.

We can easily edit the anims to include sprint, jog, and walk sets for handgun, unarmed, and even AT stances.

The free look key DOES allow you to look around in aircraft, you just don't know how to use it. Also with joysticks, if you know how.

If you know how to edit GUIs then you could get rid of any of the so-called "clutter" that you don't wish to see. Again, already possible.

Already a feature, and very possible to do if the mission creator knows what they're doing. Maybe you just don't pay attention.

You see I choose my words carefully not to be misunderstood by saying not (yet).

I know the modding comunity can do impressiv stuff.

But why would you want to drop by and tell me we can change these things if you do not know how? I think I payed attention to these things over the last years and disscussed them with some of the biggest, realism orientated mods and they do not seem to be moddable.

I did not know you have these great modding skills, but let me hear?!

I edited my first post to suggest helicopter pilots should not auto eject.

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It is possible to change the speed of an unit without modifying an animation file, but it requires a modification of the config.

Get your config (use a mod folder so you don't edit the main config)

Look for :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CivilRunF:CivilWalkF












That's it, now when you have no weapon you can sprint a bit quicker than the soldier sprinting with their equipment on them.

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It is possible to change the speed of an unit without modifying an animation file, but it requires a modification of the config.

Get your config (use a mod folder so you don't edit the main config)

Look for :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CivilRunF:CivilWalkF












That's it, now when you have no weapon you can sprint a bit quicker than the soldier sprinting with their equipment on them.

Altough i havent tried it, it expect that it will look a little strange, IMO that anim is too fast already. Maybe someone (*hint hint*) should make a better anim!  wink_o.gif

EDIT: Looks better then i expected! smile_o.gif

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