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Steel Beasts Pro PE

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One thing I like a lot about the current SB itteration is the pause and resume function. Apart from letting "late comers" join the session, that can also be used as training tool. Instead of hectic battle fighting, you can pause, discuss the situation and then develop a fiiting course of action for your unit.

We will try that in a Coop session next week.

On 19jun15 we ran a french-german mission.

A mixed Infantry/light Cavalery combat team conducting an attack/hold operation forward of own units.

See the video here:

Not everything went perfect. Thats life...but we should try not to make the same mistakes twice :duck:

So we (PzBtl 911) invite to a training session.

We will use the same setup, and try to eliminate friction in the own force deployment.

We will use the pause and resume function to talk trought the single engagements and try to work out the "lessons learned" together.

As always, everyone is welcome. Session language will be english.(as good as we can ;-) )

Meeting time:

041900Zjul15 (4th of july 19:00 UTC/GMT)

TS IP: steelbeasts.org

PW: Kettenpolster

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This is a friendly, casual session. With missions running from 10 minutes to 30 minutes approx.

This is part of the Aggression series



Mission this Friday @ 20:00GMT.


It is a small engagement. There is a central objective. You must take it and hold it.. Either as a team or single player. You must hold it for 10 minutes (Like capture the flag). You will either have 1 tank/IFV/PC or multi-crew one of them. Blind AFV's are available. You lose your vehicle then you are out!



Winning conditions:

• You hold the objective for 10 minutes

• You kill all enemies

• Only an AFV can capture and hold the objective

Extra info:

Own map updates: Yes

Time limit: None

Leave map. You die!!!

Visibility: 2000m

Time: 12:00

Season: Summer

Wind Speed: 0 m/s

All smoke: Multispectral

Available units:

Note: Pc's & IFV's have dismounts.

• M1A2Sep

• M1A1(HA)

• STRV 122

• T62

• T72M1

• Challenger2




• Cougar 6x6 MRAP

• CV90-30/Fl

• M3A2(ODS) TOW-2B

• M2A2(ODS)





• 1.2T Technical (HMG)

• 125cc Motorcycle H

• M1025 HMMWV (HMG)


• UAV (Sperwer)

CV90-30/Fl dismounts have RPG29 Vampir

• Blind AFV's also included

Other vehicles will be added

Minimum Skill level: Beginner

Who can play?: Open to all

This will be a fun, casual mission. No brief or AAR.


** Notes **


SB Version: v3.025 32/64bit

Session Name: Vendetta

Created by: Asid

Multi-Crew: Yes

Single Crew: Yes

Mission Duration: Controlled by players

Head 2 Head / CO-OP: H2H

Date: Every Friday

Time: 20:00 GMT

Location: DOW TeamSpeak

Time (local): Here

TeamSpeak IP: , Port 9987

Room: Dogs of War


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One thing I like a lot about the current SB itteration is the pause and resume function. Apart from letting "late comers" join the session, that can also be used as training tool. Instead of hectic battle fighting, you can pause, discuss the situation and then develop a fiiting course of action for your unit.

We will try that in a Coop session next week.

On 19jun15 we ran a french-german mission.

A mixed Infantry/light Cavalery combat team conducting an attack/hold operation forward of own units.

See the video here:

Not everything went perfect. Thats life...but we should try not to make the same mistakes twice :duck:

So we (PzBtl 911) invite to a training session.

We will use the same setup, and try to eliminate friction in the own force deployment.

We will use the pause and resume function to talk trought the single engagements and try to work out the "lessons learned" together.

As always, everyone is welcome. Session language will be english.(as good as we can ;-) )

Meeting time:

041900Zjul15 (4th of july 19:00 UTC/GMT)

TS IP: steelbeasts.org

PW: Kettenpolster

My Course is over, its time to get back in to SB would like to participate.

You guys always run good missions with a good balance of fun and realistic tactics.

Edited by Dominic1231

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D.O.W. Saturday Mission 04/07/15 @ GMT20:00


You can watch it live. You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

DOW Fulda Attack Phase II by Cougar11

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :

Phase 1 of two missions where US forces 2ACR first scout to destroy enemy recon, identify obstacles and enemy positions. Phase 2 is the attack of a US battalion size unit 1AD, based on your recon information.





Excerpts of the battalion commander's (HAVOC 6) orders for...BLUEFOR (D.O.W.)


a) Enemy:

132nd Motorized Rifle Regiment Minus is conducting counter recon and defensive operations in sector. Enemy equipment is well supplied, and consists of modern Russian mechanized armor vehicles. They have no air assets, heavy anti-air, and heavy artillery support.

b) Own:

Alpha Troop 2ACR with 2 M3A2 Bradley, 2 M1A2EP, and support units are set south of the enemy lines, and are prepared to move north.

c) Attachments and detachments:

1 platoon (4) of Eagle IV with lemur sites from Danish forces, 2 sections of engineers (1 M113 with MICLIC, 1 Bradley ODS no MICLIC), medics, repair, ARV, FISTV, and mortars. Air support will be available for recon (1 Tiger representing KIOWA) (-400pts).


Alpha 2ACR is to conduct counter recon to destroy enemy forces between friendly positions and the enemy main battle positions. Alpha will recon area to determine avenues of approach, obstacles, and emplace observation positions for follow on forces of the attack.


Intent: Alpha 2ACR will NTL 0640 advance to defeat enemy recon and observation positions, recon avenues of approach, obstacles, enemy main positions, emplace observation positions, and other information as needed for the main attack.


** Notes **

SB Version: 3.025 32bit/64bit

Mission Name: DOW Fulda Attack Phase I

Created by: Cougar11

Modified by: N/A

Multi-Crew: Yes

Single Crew: Yes

Largest command: 1+ Companies

Smallest command:Crew Position

Mission Duration: 80-120 minutes depending on players and progress.

Minimum number players: 3

Date: Saturday Mission 04/07/15

Time: 20:00 GMT

Time (local): http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20150704T20&p0=%3A&msg=DOW+Saturday+Steel+Beasts+Meeting&font=sanserif&csz=1

Teamspeak IP: , Port 9987

Room: Dogs of War

Player Skill/Ability:

• Completion of at least 1 full tutorial of Leo2A5 or M1A2Sep, preferred also M2A2 and or CV-90.

• Working knowledge of Comms procedure.

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)





Eagle IV


M113 G3 ENG








You can just listen if you wish by using Teamspeak. You do NOT need Steel Beasts.


Teamspeak Download (windows): http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_windows_client_latest

Teamspeak IP: , Port 9987

DOW members, by invite, or request in advance prior to mission.

Our goal is to have the DOW Saturday session more immersive and realistic.


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Steel Beasts Pro

FOV90 + CR2's

Recent multiplayer mission with the Dogs of War.



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T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 05/07/15 @ 20:00GMT


You can watch it live. You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

DOW Death Valley Plateau PCs by Cougar11

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :

a mercenary company based in Scotland has taken control of the area of Rivers Edge and the bridge area of the Little Fork River in Pennsylvania near their US HQ. Enemy consists of mostly infantry with missile teams of a battalion size, but has a reserve force of stolen CV-90/30FI, AMX13/75, Centurion Mk5/2, and some Challenger 2s of about 3 companies. They have limited artillery support.

You must as TF Orion attack, secure, and penetrate the enemy infantry defenses, occupy the city of Rivers Edge, secure the three bridge crossings, and neutralize any affective fighting force in the area.

Largest command battalion size

Smallest vehicle or platoon

Single player or COOP 1-20 players

Recommend 4-15 players

Time 120-180mins + or -




a) Enemy:a mercenary company based in Scotland has taken control of the area of Rivers Edge and the bridge area of the Little Fork River in Pennsylvania near their US HQ. Enemy consists of mostly infantry with missile teams of a battalion size, but has a reserve force of stolen CV-90/30FI, AMX13/75, Centurion Mk5/2, and some Challenger 2s of about 3 companies. They have limited artillery support.

b) Own:PA National Guard units and German exchange troops in the area have been mobilized with the vehicles in use for their exercise consisting of M3A2 Bradley's, Leo 2E, M1A2, Leo2A4, M1A1, and Leo2A5. The units have been training for almost a month, are well supplied, trained, and have priority of fires of CAS and artillery.

c) Attachments: Supply, medics, FO, recovery, and repair units.


TF Orion is to attack, secure, and penetrate the enemy infantry defenses, occupy the city of Rivers Edge, secure the three bridge crossings, and neutralize any effective fighting force in the area.


Intent: Given by Player CO

a) Concept of Operation:

By Player

Call signs:

By Player


** Notes **


SB Version: v3.025 32/64bit

Mission Name: Death Valley Plateau PCs

Created by: Cougar11

Multi-Crew: Yes

Single Crew: Yes

Mission Duration: 80-180 minutes approx

Date: 05/07/15 Sunday

Time: 20:00 GMT

Time (local): http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20150705T20&p0=%3A&msg=T.A.N.K.S.+Sunday+%28Steel+Beasts%29&font=sanserif&csz=1

Teamspeak IP: , Port 9987

Room: Dogs of War

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)

Leo 2A4: Main Battle Tank













You can just listen if you wish by using Teamspeak. You do NOT need Steel Beasts.


Teamspeak Download (windows): http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_windows_client_latest

Teamspeak IP: , Port 9987

All Welcome


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Vendetta Multiplayer 10/07/15 @22:00GMT

This has a twist... Vendetta Dark... ;)

This is a friendly, casual session. With missions running from 10 minutes to 30 minutes approx.

This is part of the Aggression series



Mission this Friday @ 22:00GMT.


It is a small engagement. There is a central objective. You must take it and hold it.. Either as a team or single player. You must hold it for 10 minutes (Like capture the flag). You will either have 1 tank/IFV/PC or multi-crew one of them. Blind AFV's are available. You lose your vehicle then you are out!



Winning conditions:

• You hold the objective for 10 minutes

• You kill all enemies

• Only an AFV can capture and hold the objective

Extra info:

Own map updates: Yes

Time limit: None

Leave map. You die!!!

Visibility: Dusk

Time: 12:00

Season: Summer

Wind Speed: 0 m/s

All smoke: Multispectral

Available units:

Note: Pc's & IFV's have dismounts.

• M1A2Sep

• M1A1(HA)

• STRV 122

• T62

• T72M1

• Challenger2




• Cougar 6x6 MRAP

• CV90-30/Fl

• M3A2(ODS) TOW-2B

• M2A2(ODS)





• 1.2T Technical (HMG)

• 125cc Motorcycle H

• M1025 HMMWV (HMG)


• UAV (Sperwer)

CV90-30/Fl dismounts have RPG29 Vampir

• Blind AFV's also included

Other vehicles will be added

Minimum Skill level: Beginner

Who can play?: Open to all

This will be a fun, casual mission. No brief or AAR.


** Notes **


SB Version: v3.025 32/64bit @22:00GMT

Session Name: Vendetta

Created by: Asid

Multi-Crew: Yes

Single Crew: Yes

Mission Duration: Controlled by players

Head 2 Head / CO-OP: H2H

Date: Every Friday

Time: 22:00 GMT

Location: DOW TeamSpeak

Time (local): Here

TeamSpeak IP: , Port 9987

Room: Dogs of War

Edited by Asid1

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D.O.W. Saturday Mission 11/07/15 @ GMT20:00


You can watch it live. You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

DOW Fulda Attack Phase II by Cougar11

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :

2ACR has pushed to clear avenues of approach. 2AD follows and assumes the attack from AA Jump Point to destroy a Russian Battalion sized element. 2ACR encountered heavy resistance. They are set in a screen along a line 8 Kilometers to the North. Defend the screen line with Alpha 2ACR. Delta Company 2AD will screen the main force to the front, and breach or bypass as needed. Bravo and Charlie Companies will follow and support up to AA Jump Point. It is up to the commander of 2AD to decide how to attack north. Our forces have 140 minutes to complete the attack.




Excerpts of the battalion commander's (HAVOC 6) orders for...BLUEFOR (D.O.W.)


2ACR has pushed to clear avenues of approach. 2AD follows and assumes the attack from AA Jump Point to destroy a Russian Battalion sized element. 2ACR encountered heavy resistance. They are set in a screen along a line 8 Kilometers to the North. Defend the screen line with Alpha 2ACR. Delta Company 2AD will screen the main force to the front, and breach or bypass as needed. Bravo and Charlie Companies will follow and support up to AA Jump Point. It is up to the commander of 2AD to decide how to attack north. Our forces have 140 minutes to complete the attack.

a) Enemy:

132nd Motorized Rifle Regiment Minus is conducting defensive operations in sector. Enemy equipment is well supplied, and consists of modern Russian mechanized armor vehicles. They have no air assets, heavy anti-air, and heavy artillery support.

b) Own:

Alpha Troop 2ACR degraded, B/C/D 2AD, and support units are set south of the enemy lines in a screen line, or are prepared to move north.

c) Attachments and detachments:

2AD command and fires cell, 2 M113 MICLIC sections, 1 Bradley Engineer Section, and FISTV.


Alpha 2ACR is to set in screen of enemy forces to the north, provide intelligence for main attack, and destroy any enemy force encountered.

2AD will move to AA Jump, and attack through identified enemy positions to the north.


Alpha 2ACR & 2AD

Intent: Alpha 2ACR will NTL 0940 will provide a screen to the north, and gather any information as needed for the main attack.

2AD will move north to AA Jump Point, and attack through enemy positions to the north.


** Notes **

SB Version: 3.025 32bit/64bit

Mission Name: DOW Fulda Attack Phase II

Created by: Cougar11

Modified by: N/A

Multi-Crew: Yes

Single Crew: Yes

Largest command: 3+ Companies

Smallest command:Crew Position

Mission Duration: 80-140 minutes depending on players and progress.

Minimum number players: 3

Date: Saturday Mission 11/07/15

Time: 20:00 GMT

Time (local): http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20150711T20&p0=%3A&msg=DOW+Saturday+Steel+Beasts+Meeting&font=sanserif&csz=1

Teamspeak IP: , Port 9987

Room: Dogs of War

Player Skill/Ability:

• Completion of at least 1 full tutorial of Leo2A5 or M1A2Sep, preferred also M2A2 and or CV-90.

• Working knowledge of Comms procedure.

Dogs Of War Vehicles : (in mission)





Eagle IV


M113 G3 ENG








You can just listen if you wish by using Teamspeak. You do NOT need Steel Beasts.


Teamspeak Download (windows): http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads&type=ts3_windows_client_latest

Teamspeak IP: , Port 9987

DOW members, by invite, or request in advance prior to mission.

Our goal is to have the DOW Saturday session more immersive and realistic.


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New Steelbeast 3.0 version is one the way.


According to Ssnake it will be released "this week".

Mainly will contain bugfixes and limited Track IR support.


Should be available for Download at   http://www.esimgames.com


It is planned to be the last update for SB 3.0. Price is 0€ or 0$


So I guess the next "upgrade" will be Steelbeasts 4.0 sometimes in 2016  :-)

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Man, I'm pretty excited for TrackIR support.

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Don't know what the value of Track IR will be. Never used it. Just makes me wonder: you move your head but the monitor will still be at the same spot ;-)

OR might be a better system to model "eye view". We'll see...


Anyway: here are the release notes for version 3.027



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t´s time again for an official LNoT. And the planning already started a while ago. Everything missing is: YOU!
And we will simulate on a very fine date... the 25th anniversary of the German Unity.

German online community “Panzerbataillon 911(v)†invites everyone interested to join the legendary battle of combined arms on Saturday, 3rd of October 2015 starting at 1800h UTC.

What do you have to expect?

  • App. 6 – 8 hours of tactical COOP simulation in up to four scenarios
  • Fighting and cooperating within a Eastern German tank regiment
  • Enlistment on staffing lists (steelbeasts.org)
  • Skilled and well equipped enemy of the German Federal Army
  • Tons of tanks, APCs, IFVs, recovery vehicles and perhaps some Choppers
  • Special skin packs for LNoT (DD)
  • Up to four scenarios on the high-detailed Hannover-Weserbergland map
  • Standalone SB Pro PE and TS3-Server
  • Organized administration crew
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Not to forget: Lots of fun

Connection information:
SB Pro PE Server IP:
TS3 Server IP: (PW: kettenpolster)
Game version: v3.027 64-bit

To enlist to unique positions within the Battlegroup, please contact the organizer via PM to Falli(911) http://www.steelbeasts.com/sbforums/...o=newpm&u=5327

Staffing Lists direct links:
Mission 1:

Mission 2:

Mission 3:

Mission 4:

All participants of LNoT 2015 can use the following ribbon for their signatures:

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Correct the annoucnement post.

The game will of course be played with the latest version: 3.027 64 Bit

My mistake in copy-pasting


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Esim proved me wrong again(coderining the version for the long night of tanks). The released a hotfix yesterday, so the gameversion will be 3.028

Get it here: http://www.esimgames.com/?page_id=1390

It fixes a few more bugs and the slide show at the end will be working again

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I will try and keep the posting up. The info i do post is in support of the Dogs of War Vu :)

D.O.W. Saturday Mission 26/09/15 @ GMT21:00

You can watch it live.  You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

Initial Entry by Apocalypse

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :
Your Company is responsible for seizing an initial foothold in the area, and securing the vital highway intersection as well as a Rail Yard that will facilitate further offensive operations.


Date: Saturday Mission 26/09/15
Time: 21:00 GMT
Time (local):       http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20150926T21&p0=%3A&msg=DOW+Saturday+Steel+Beasts+Meeting&font=sanserif&csz=1

For the rest of the mission, and additional info please click here - Dogs of War Mission

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D.O.W. Saturday Mission 03/10/15 @ GMT21:00

You can watch it live.  You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

Predator Strike by Apocalypse

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :
Elements of the 111th Motorized rifle Division have moved into the operations area, and are defending in sector securing three key areas. Coalition forces must attack in sector to defeat Russian forces, and secure three objectives.


Date: Saturday Mission03/10/15
Time: 21:00 GMT
Time (local):       http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20151003T21&p0=%3A&msg=DOW+Saturday+Steel+Beasts+Meeting&font=sanserif&csz=1

For the rest of the mission, and additional info please click here - Dogs of War Mission 

Note: These posts are made in support of the Dogs of War Vu and GrogHeads

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T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 04/10/15 @ 21:00GMT


You can watch it live.  You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

Operation Hardball by Apocalypse  


This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :

Russian forces have moved South to secure key maneuver terrain in the valley. They are defending in sector, and coalition forces must attack North and push the enemy forces out of the area.



Date: Sunday 04/10/15

Time: 21:00 GMT

Time (local):      http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20151004T21&p0=%3A&msg=T.A.N.K.S.+Sunday+%28Steel+Beasts%29&font=sanserif&csz=1


For the rest of the mission, and additional info please click here - Dogs of War Mission

Note: These posts are made in support of the Dogs of War Vu and others interested here

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D.O.W. Saturday Mission 10/10/15 @ GMT21:00

You can watch it live.  You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

DOW North Korea Invasion 2015 by Assassin 7

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :

North v South. Will the attack come? Where will it come? Many questions. One answer. Destroy the aggressor!





Date: Saturday 10/10/15
Time: 21:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here

For the rest of the mission, and additional info please click here - Dogs of War Mission 

Note: These posts are made in support of the Dogs of War Vu and people who are interested on this forum.

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T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 11/10/15 @ 21:00GMT

You can watch it live.  You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

The Pocket by Apocalypse  
This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :
During the last 48 hours friendly forces have conducted a massive offensive operation, but bypassed the area due to operational needs.

Clear the enemy resistance and seize the two towns along Highway 5 so that we may open this vital highway and continue offensive operations. The enemy is defending with a Battalion-sized element composed of T-72M4's, BMP-2's, and dismounted infantry using RPG-29s and AK74's.



Date: Sundayy 11/10/15
Time: 21:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here

For the rest of the mission, and additional info please click here - Dogs of War TANKS Mission 

Note: These posts are made in support of the Dogs of War Vu and People here

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D.O.W. Saturday Mission 17/10/15 @ GMT21:00

You can watch it live.  You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

DOW Operation Lynx by Cougar11

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :
American forces have moved into and secured the operational area near a makeshift airfield, and are defending in depth. Canadian forces are tasked with attacking to defeat the American forces in sector, and secure the airfield.


Date: Saturday 17/10/15
Time: 21:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here

For the rest of the mission, and additional info please click here - Dogs of War Mission 

Note: These posts are made in support of the Dogs of War Vu and people who are interested on this forum.

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Been a while since I had the time to write an AAR (need quite a long time to get one done)


Game was run on 09 october with players from Sweden the UK, Australia and Germany. 

Swedish CV90 company(+) in flank attack and the stopping an enemy counterattack.








AAR published a SimHQ



If you want only the AAR video file:




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T.A.N.K.S. Multiplayer 18/10/15 @ 21:00GMT

You can watch it live.  You do NOT need Steel Beasts. http://www.twitch.tv/dogsofwarvu

Deep Strike by Apocalypse  
This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.


Mission Summary :
Battalion scouts have identified a hole in the lines of the Donovian Military Forces. Penetrate this line and attack North to seize key terrain in three key objectives (use dismounts to clear specified buildings).



Date: Sunday 18/10/15
Time: 21:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here

For the rest of the mission, and additional info please click here - Dogs of War Mission 

Note: These posts are made in support of the Dogs of War Vu and people who are interested on this forum.

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