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An end to 'The Shine'?

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BIS should post only screens of the sky to show us only finished features. Because your abashment about screens from unfinished ArmA are boring and useless.. goodnight.gif

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(Shhh... That's the hidden agenda of this thread tounge2.gif don't give it away!!wink_o.gif

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I like the art in ArmA quite a lot. I don't see what everyone's fussing about.

Even the soldiers that were looking a little like plastic models weren't that bad. Normal maps, on the whole (from what I have seen in other games), are very blunt. They make the model look like it has a lot of detail, but they are quite harsh. The only subdued normal map I've seen was the fisherman's face in The Lost Coast, or whatever it was called.

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The picture you were all moaning about was 3 months old.

Let's leave the drama there for now smile_o.gif

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WOOT! Placebo posted on my ArmA thread and it's *NOT LOCKED* (is there a community award or something for that? icon_rolleyes.gifrofl.gif )

This was supposed to ease peoples fears by highlighting the good elements in the released pics, not be another source of (for lack of another term) Fanboy v.s. Critic bashing. Sorry if it's backfiring... confused_o.gif

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Well I don't see the problem (anymore), there was a problem with the lightning and apperantly it has been fixed to a degree that it looks ok when compared to the other vehicles etc). The T72 for example looks fine.

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BIS should post only screens of the sky to show us only finished features. Because your abashment about screens from unfinished ArmA are boring and useless.. goodnight.gif

that is logical when all are waiting for months for this game, that they absorb and analyize every tiny info about the game and spamm their toughts about armed assault in the armed assault forum


that soldier looks fine ... and it must be an very old screen when you look at the water My Webpage

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Ooooold screenshot wink_o.gif

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Yup, veeerryy old. tounge2.gif Look at the cool water in the pic in the first post even (top left), very nice now.

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WOOT! Placebo posted on my ArmA thread and it's *NOT LOCKED* (is there a community award or something for that? icon_rolleyes.gifrofl.gif )

The award is "idiot moderator of the week" as I forgot to click the close button once I'd replied, sorry for the confusion smile_o.gif

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