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Star Wars vs. Star Trek

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Lets face it, all this star crusher shit is just a rip off of the planet crusher from star trek, and it took a warp core explosion to its own propulsion system too kill that. THEN later on, they found that that planet crusher was only a prototype, and then came along a more powerfull version, which apart from also having the capabilty to eat j- class planets bigger than jupiter, had an anti-proton beam that could destroy a borg cube in 1 shot. Thay had to talk the pilot down from using that one on the federation.

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Oh please, close this damn topic. Everybody knows that the evil Empire rules and is unbeatable. Even the droid army of the Trade Federation could destroy the pathetic borg's or the pity fools of the StarTrek Federation.


A Battle Droid's Life

I am a battle droid commander. Intelligent and loyal, I follow my orders from the Trade Federation. Like all droids of the Federation, I'm controled by the Droid Control Ship, it's a huge ship that's heavily shielded.

Battle Droids with special duties are indentified by colored markings, such as me. Yellow: commanders, Maroon: security, Blue: pilots, standard troops have no special markings. As you noticed, I'm incapable of independent thinking, but luckily, color-marked droids are fully independent 'true' droids, then again without the control ship we would stop in our tracts. Officer droids are not fully independent because we still take orders from the control ship and send them to our troops. When awaiting for an answer from the central processor, and when it is too slow in coming, the droid simply revarts to the first directive it can derive of its own. I own an AAT(Armored Attack Tank) and a flying machine called a STAP(Single Trooper Aerial Platform)

The only weapons I carry is a blaster rifle and a yellow battle droid lightsaber, designed just for battle droids and a tiger striped boomerang and a few sharp blades hiden secretly. Battle Droids are a tan kind colour, and many people call them cute, must be the long nose >:__). For a battle droid I have a bad-temper and get easily upset when things don't go my way or when people start to attack me just because I'm a battle droid.


I'm sure you seen battle droids. But me, I wear a brownish Droid Robe. I carry a blaster rilfe and a yellow battle droid lightsaber. I saw many Jedi use this particular weapon, lightsaber, and learned something. I used to consider lightsabers as my enemies, but now that I have learned something from the Jedis' lessons, I know how to use one. I demanded the Federation to design one for me. Even through the lightsaber is created by a ''Force'' my lightsaber is slightly different, but still can cut things in half >smile.gif


my kind, destroyer droids, Droid Starfighters, da Trade Federation, my masters, Master-Millie, Jedi-Jade-Star, blaster rifles, da Droid Control Ship, something else, saying roger roger, oil, cats, kittens,

George Lucas

Favourite Words: Roger Roger, That doesn't compute, Hands Up, you're under Arrest



Jedi, Qui-Gon-Jinn, Obi-Wan-Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Jedi, Sith, Yoda, Jedi, people rasing their eyebrows, more Jedi, lightsabers, da Force, Jedi, people who dislike my kind, and of course, Jar Jar Binks

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What's really going on here is people that like one side and try to support what they like...no one can just do like I do and analyze both sides and make a realistic judgment of their abilities....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rogue2020 @ Jan. 31 2002,12:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What's really going on here is people that like one side and try to support what they like...no one can just do like I do and analyze both sides and make a realistic judgment of their abilities....<span id='postcolor'>

I agree Rogue. One simply can't just throw the two together and look at them within the same context. Personally, I like the Star Wars universe better because if its rich and diverse cultures, species and technology. I feel that Star Trek is kind of lacking in this at times (do almost ALL Star Trek species look simply like actors with different makeup??). One simply has to look at the bar in the original Star Wars on tatooine (Mos Eisley Cantina) to see what I mean. ST has also seemed a bit to idealogical for my liking. I remember in ST: First Contact, a woman asks Picard how much the Enterprise would cost and gives something a reply something like 'In the future, money has no meaning, everyone works to the benefit of society etc' Call me a pessimist, but the chances of humans every putting aside personal ambition, greed, jealousy and hatred for society as a whole seems pretty slim.

But from a pure technological standpoint alone, I have to agree that ST weaponry would outmatch SW quite easily IF THEY WERE IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. Although SW weaponry seems cooler at times, ST weaponry in plain statistics (imagined statistics I might add, and for both sides) would overpower them. Which ever way you look at it, the Federation would triumph in a space battle due to its superior technology. I can't say skill wise they Feds would beat the Empire, but I can't say the Empire would win either. I'm pretty sure you've all seen Stormtroopers make terrible n00b1e mistakes and the same for so called Fed Security teams. Stormtroopers are supposedly the Elite of the Imperial Army, yet they have trouble killing ewoks or chasing down a few fugitives in the Death Star.

"And these blast points, too accurate for Sand People. Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise" Umm, yeah right, their performance makes me think that sometimes the droids in TPM

fight better than them. And who remembers the bit in Star Wars where the stormtrooper almost knocks himself out walking into a bulkhead? Not too impressive. But then again, although I haven't seen many TNG, Voyager or DS9 episodes, the security team in First Contact wasn't very flash either. Granted, they would've been apprehensive fighing the borg, but these people are meant to be trained dammit, and they way they acted, they were like normal actors trying to look militaristic and organized, and unfortunately, failed.

There I could go on for much longer, but I'll let others have a say before I continue (this post was rather mentally taxing).


The Supreme Being of Poultry.

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Yes yes of course Rogue...you are the intellectual giant that can step away and anaylze the arguement but got into a flame war the first time someone challenged you on your beliefs on the moon landing...yes yes of course....

Yes of course I like Star Trek, and yes of course I'm trying to support my view...BECAUSE I THINK THEY WOULD WIN....no other reason.

The problem with Star Trek, as in Star Wars sometimes, is they fail to fully show the diversity of the Federations ships (or Empires ships). The Federation, like any Naval service (which lets face it is what they are dispite all their grandstanding about "science") has numerous ships of different classes fitted to different roles. Just some of the ships include frigates, destroyers, minelayers, troop transports, guided missle vessels (destroyers, light cruisers, and heavy cruisers), fast attack, battlecruisers, Fire Support vessels (used to sit on the perimeter of a fleet action and pound the enemy ships), Strike Cruisers, planetary assault vessels, Aegis destroyers, Carriers, etc etc etc. The best we can hope for seeing in the shows is what they can afford (though Enterprise has shown more new ships in its first few episodes than TNG did its entire run....thank you CGI!). The Dominion War at the end of the DS9 run had the best fleet actions of any ST movie or show....yet were still lacking because it was limited to what models that were already made (Galaxy, Excelsior, Miranda aka Reliant). Plus the producers of the show show what is good and exciting, not sound tactics as dictated by other ST sources. Also they never show Federation Marines or their weapons though sources confirm they have all the equipment, assault vehicles, fire supoprt, artillary, tanks, etc etc.

Star Wars does show a wider variety of alien species, and worlds, but it is also a movie with a movie budget (ST movies stick with villians that the audience likes and rarely introduce new species....except the horrible Star Trek:Insurrection). I also like the darker feel of Star Wars (being the kind of guy I am), and don't watch Star Trek for the preachy speeches or shiny happy people attitude..I just find it a good sci-fi show. Enterprise though has taken a darker look and feel (though still a hopeful one) as it depicts the humans first going out. Probably one of my all time fav ST series. I also like the ship designs better than Star Wars (especially Romulan). Though granted the SW ships look a lot meaner...

I have always wondered why, if the Borg assimiliate so many species....they all look human....but then I just put it down to budget and that anti-christ Berman. There are non-humanoid species (Sheliak, Tholian, and a couple hundred "energy beings") but they RARELY get show time....

hehehe....I can picture a war between the Fed and Empire....Red Shirt against Stormtrooper....oh the comedy....or the supposed great battle droids.....if Natalie Portman (mmmm...Natalie Portman) and some bad acting 6 year old can take them out, I don't think the Feds will have a problem...

The whole money thing gets kinda boring too me as well. Espeically when they say that and then use something called "credits" to buy something...and the Ferengi and other worlds are still on a monetary based economic system...so how does the Fed trade with these empires? Bread and toilet paper?

Damn....I guess thats it for now...

BTW, would have replied yesterday but the damn forum was slow and messed up per usual...

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Also meant to say that there is a web site for a game called Star Fleet Battles, that has a bunch of SSDs (Ship statistic sheets for use with the game) for Star Wars ships as translated to that game....would like someone to take a crack at playing a game of that with the Fed vs. Empire...hehe...would be cool....

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StarFleet Battles...isnt that a Homeworld mod or something? Atleast I think I saw a HW mod (ST vs SW) with a name like that once. I tried downloading it back then, but the files seemed to be down or corrupt or something, so I couldnt really check it ingame sad.gif

Akira: what SW games u got?

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Star Fleet Battles is a turn-based board game (the old hex-counter type....like the first Harpoon game) made in the early 70s with tons of add-ons since then....its the original game that the computers Starfleet Command is based on (SFB games would generally take a few weekends to play for one battle)...people have made models for SFC of Star Wars ships....go here to look:


I replaced one of the races in there with SW ships...and beefed them up to try and make it realistic...

Also go here for the SSDs I was talking about....scroll down almost all the way for the Star Wars ones....


I don't have any SW games right now...but I have played Jedi Knight, Rebel Alliance, Tie Fighter (good game) and its derivatives, Force Commander (great game....would have been better if could play a full Empire campaign or Rebel Campaign instead of switching). I want to get the new SW game that just game out...Galactic Battlegrounds or something like that. Just cause I like Star Trek doesn't mean I don't like goin' around in ISDs and smackin' people around! biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Jan. 31 2002,17:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Force Commander sucks.<span id='postcolor'>

I found it quite entertaining....pretty good graphics...C&C type game which is alright....like I said...just wish it didn't switch halfway through....also wish you could say "You have failed me for the last time" and strangle someone....but oh well...

If SW came out with a game like Starfleet Command I would be all over it....as long as you didn't swtich in the middle tounge.gif

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Force Commander is nearly as bad as Galactic Battlefields. The best SW game ever is probably either XwA or Jedi Knight and I have almost all SW games.

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Force Commander was really bad IMO...esp. those new ground units they designed for the Rebel Alliance, just to even out the forces...argh. I've had tonnes of StarWars games over the past years...but the ones I still play are XwA and Rebellion. The latter really is hugely under-rated game IMO. It might not look like much, but the gameplay is really sweet (and it has some of the best RTS AI ever).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

Yes yes of course Rogue...you are the intellectual giant that can step away and anaylze the arguement but got into a flame war the first time someone challenged you on your beliefs on the moon landing...yes yes of course....

<span id='postcolor'>

Because I know where it goes I have been down this fucking road...the mentality affects me in ways I have never seen with another human...I have a unique mind....it's a good thing yet bad...no one knows it and no one ever will beyond simple messages like this.....but overall I say it didn't happen..no pissed off shit no telling people they are stupid just like oh it never happened....then people are all pissed "OH YOUR FUCKING STUPID WE BELIEVE IT WE DON"T CARE WHAT"S AGAINST IT WE DON"T GIVE A FUCK".....I just can't deal with the mentality of ignorant people....the truth is I don't know if the moon landing happened or not......I don't really give a fuck....I don't give a flying fuck if we landed on a fucking rock..

But ok you want another conspiracy that is just plain true....but I don't have enough relevant info to have a discussion on it....the world trade center stuff was all planned....it has been being planned for the last 4 years....this is fact that you realize once you start looking at factors........

Oh I didn't add being planned by the US..

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Ive got an original first addition version of starfleet batlle's, its a really fun game. Does anyone play starfleet command? thats what starfleet command is based on, damn i love that game, i play it all day at school, because i get good edumacashuns at sko0l.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But ok you want another conspiracy that is just plain true....but I don't have enough relevant info to have a discussion on it....the world trade center stuff was all planned....it has been being planned for the last 4 years....this is fact that you realize once you start looking at factors........

Oh I didn't add being planned by the US..<span id='postcolor'>

Do you mean the theory where US planned the terrorist attack to justify the war against countries that are potential terrorist hideouts? And while they are at war with the terrorist countries they do something else while nobody is watching.

Edit: Note to myself: This is a thread about Star Wars vs. Star Trek and not about September 11th.

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I usually play both star wars and star trek games, and until lately the star wars ones have been of a better quality, but the two games i will deifnatly be buying on the days they come out- STAR TREK: BRIDGE COMMANDER and STAR WARS: GALAXIES. These games both look exelent, and are worth a look.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (christophercles @ Feb. 01 2002,14:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">two games i will deifnatly be buying on the days they come out- STAR TREK: BRIDGE COMMANDER and STAR WARS: GALAXIES.<span id='postcolor'>

Me too. smile.gif

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Hey am I the only one that sees the Evil Empire as the British Empire (all of the minions have english accents) and the young fresh faced Rebels are the Americans (practically all of them have American accents)

Thats just my take on the whole star wars thing tounge.gif


Not to mention the Empire having the big powerful navy, and being all oppressive and naughty tounge.gif

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Hmm that is also an interesting observation. What with the evil dictator naughty boy (the emperor) and the mass genocide of the empire (blowing up the planet)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rogue2020 @ Feb. 01 2002,07:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

Yes yes of course Rogue...you are the intellectual giant that can step away and anaylze the arguement but got into a flame war the first time someone challenged you on your beliefs on the moon landing...yes yes of course....

<span id='postcolor'>

Because I know where it goes I have been down this fucking road...the mentality affects me in ways I have never seen with another human...I have a unique mind....it's a good thing yet bad...no one knows it and no one ever will beyond simple messages like this.....but overall I say it didn't happen..no pissed off shit no telling people they are stupid just like oh it never happened....then people are all pissed "OH YOUR FUCKING STUPID WE BELIEVE IT WE DON"T CARE WHAT"S AGAINST IT WE DON"T GIVE A FUCK".....I just can't deal with the mentality of ignorant people....the truth is I don't know if the moon landing happened or not......I don't really give a fuck....I don't give a flying fuck if we landed on a fucking rock..

But ok you want another conspiracy that is just plain true....but I don't have enough relevant info to have a discussion on it....the world trade center stuff was all planned....it has been being planned for the last 4 years....this is fact that you realize once you start looking at factors........

Oh I didn't add being planned by the US..<span id='postcolor'>

Hey buddy it wasn't a flame on you. Was just pointing out a fact. Granted flames were flying on both sides during that discussion.

I can't say for certain if the moon landings happened cause I wasn't there. But in my little opinion there is more evidece towards than against. If that makes me one of your proclaimed "ignorant people" oh well. Thats life.

And you should start a seperate thread about the US planning the 9/11 attacks. Not here. I'd be happy to discuss that with you if the flames could be at a minimum.

Do you listen to Art Bell? I love that show. Little pissed off that the internet broadcasts you have to pay for now though sad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (christophercles @ Feb. 01 2002,13:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ive got an original first addition version of starfleet batlle's, its a really fun game. Does anyone play starfleet command? thats what starfleet command is based on, damn i love that game, i play it all day at school, because i get good edumacashuns at sko0l.<span id='postcolor'>

SFC is one of my all time favorite games. I play it all the time, and I just recently got OP finally! X-Tech here I come!

I used to have SFB but I didn't know one person that would play with me sad.gif Oh well. I'm glad that they made SFC....do you go on the Taldren Forums at all? I usually surf between these forums (when I can get on...everyday around 12 CST the forum slows down for me and I can't get on) and the Taldren Forums.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ Feb. 01 2002,15:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">IMHO the Empire has more features from nazi-Germany than from the British Empire.<span id='postcolor'>

The Empire is clearly modeled on the Nazis....right down to the prejudice of inferior beings, the genocide, and militaristic attitude. Hell they had STORMTROOPERS for the love of god.(we won't even get into the misplaced stereotypes in Phantom Menace).

Much like in Star Trek the Romulans are modeled on the Romans/Japanese and the Klingons on the Mongol Hordes.

Too bad the Emperor didn't have a little Hitler mustache.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ Feb. 01 2002,01:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But ok you want another conspiracy that is just plain true....but I don't have enough relevant info to have a discussion on it....the world trade center stuff was all planned....it has been being planned for the last 4 years....this is fact that you realize once you start looking at factors........

Oh I didn't add being planned by the US..<span id='postcolor'>

Do you mean the theory where US planned the terrorist attack to justify the war against countries that are potential terrorist hideouts? And while they are at war with the terrorist countries they do something else while nobody is watching.

Edit: Note to myself: This is a thread about Star Wars vs. Star Trek and not about September 11th.<span id='postcolor'>

umm no it's something about some plan for the us to conquer the world or something...like I said I really don't have that much info on it.....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ Feb. 01 2002,01:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">two games i will deifnatly be buying on the days they come out- STAR TREK: BRIDGE COMMANDER and STAR WARS: GALAXIES.<span id='postcolor'>

Me too.  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah i'm gonna buy bridge commander....I have about 6 star trek games but one star wars.......

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