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The Amiga Games Memorabilia Thread

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Does'nt ring any bells here. However, Ghost'n'Goblins do.

The games I liked the most on the Amiga were Golden Axe and Moonstone (very bloody fighting game). It all started when I got hooked on Double Dragon on some arcade, then moved onto Golden Axe etc and finally over to the Streetfighter-series (but that was on the Megadrive).

Desert Strike was definately best on the Amiga (OK on MD and SNES, crappy on the PC). Too bad Jungle, Urban and Soviet Strike never appeared on the Amiga.

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The Rocketeer (? not sure about the title on this one)

-This game had lots of different aspects to it ('minigames' in a sense). I remember you had to take off by pressing the L and R mouse buttons with proper rythym.

That would be Rocket Ranger:


Another one from Cinemaware like Wings, It came from the Desert and Defender of the Crown.

My all time favourites, happy to see most of them already mentioned:

-F18 Interceptor

-Turrican (always liked the first game best)

-Eye of the beholder

-every single adventure  from Lucasfilm

-most of the Sierra Adventures, especially SpaceQuest Series


-Stuntcar Racer




-StarFlight2 (they don't make games like that anymore...)

-Might&Magic II (I never finished the last battle until years later on the last day of december in 1999 with the help of my old amiga with a heat error, my old save disk, a disk mon, a few sheets of paper and a PC with WinUAE)

This was a C64 sim game never released for amiga (i think) i saw at a friends place and the reason I wanted to own a computer myself:


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Of course the ST was better, it had Midi ports as standard and what was that big old box that powered the Amiga - a foot warmer?!?

Hahaha At least we are grown up and mature now (and of course the PC whips the consols arse! )

Anyway they were pretty much the same thing (70MHz vs 75MHz or something like that) so I had the pleasure of:

Kick off 2 - my mate broke two controllers in fustration at this

Midwinter - the constant swish swish of the ski's, the cable cars - the glider!!!

Hunter - The windsurfer!!! I remember travelling half way across the map to find a key only to find that i'd blown up the building containing said key a bit earlier.

M1 Tank platoon - You had to recognise the tank to get past the copy protection. Actually got quite skilled at this!

Cannon fodder - war never been so fun (till about 2001 anyway! )

North and South - Mum bought me this after convincing her it was an eductional game about the american revolution

Speedball 2 - bit hard towards the end (Brutal Delux wasn't it?) Ace music anyway.

Silent service - Bored me

Police Quest - Pixilated

Carrier command - Hard.

So yeah, a midwinter OFP mod is an excellent idea. Ahh, the memories!

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Good old A500...

Anybody remember Damocles? A 3d game where you had several planets in a star system where you could visit with different vehicles. The ultimate goal was to prevent a comet hitting one of the plants. Never seen such so large areas in 3d in any game and unprecidented freedom of movement. It was especially impressive to just sit and watch a sunset as all planets behaved realistically according to newtons's law and somewhere far away you could see the comet streaking...

Starglider 2 was a space/planetary 3d shooter which had graphics ahead of it's time. It was impressive to see vehicles tear into tiny fragments as you blasted them, unheard of in 3d games I think before that. Virus was also flashy with 3d graphics.

One 3d game which has a special place is Conqueror, a tank shooter which you could play with two joysticks, one operating the turret and the other driving. Terrain was similiar to Virus with different elevations and terrain types. You could also buy better tanks as the game progressed and  you could have a fleet of 16 overall if I remember correctly. Playable sides were Soviet, USA and Germany each having around 4-5 tank types at their disposal.

Carrier Command was truly great and one game by Psygnosis called 'Armour-Geddon' actually resembles it quite a lot. It had better graphics but not as large terrains as in Carrier Command but it made that up with research which you could use to produce better weapons. Never finished it though.

One game I didn't notice mentioned here is Fairy Tale Adventure, a truly colossal scale adventure game. You had three brothers which you could use venture in extremely large terrain. When one of the brothers died you'd play the next one and so on until they'd be killed or finish the quest. You had to fight bandits, wizards and others and at the same time take care of eating, sleeping and getting better weapons. Skills also improved during fighting and at the end you became almost invincible to anything. Resembles 'Diablo' in my opinion and Fairy Tale had very good graphics to it's day. I remember the ultimate goal was to rescue some sweetheart from wizard's clutches or something like that. Anyway it took damn long to finish.

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nice one blake! I used to play fairy tale a lot years ago with my m8s, damn the music rocked in that ! you could cheat in a way tounge2.gif cos when the amiga does that churring loading sound it means its loading enemies" then that evil music starts and u have to run like hell! rofl.gif classic game that, sounds soppy for those who havent played it wink_o.gif

edit: blake how the hell did u complete it i never ever have found a way to complete it, i just randomly explored, (once I ended up on a turtle that u can travel to sea with smile_o.gif

A great car game I used to have on the amiga was Street rod II, did anyone else have or play this?? I spent countless years playing this until it broke, (got the emulator rom now thank god) its based in the 70s and u buy second hand cars from the newspaper, and do them up (you actually have to manually unscrew everything biggrin_o.gif ) and like new transmission, engine parts, tyres, (these wear out) chop the roof add stickers to ur car, or respray ur car, you have to regularly drive to the gas station (omg im talking like an american tounge2.gif ) and fill up, and then u can hit the street, and ask passing by cars if they want an illegal street race, or drag for money, awesome game

found some good pics here:






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We may laugh at them now, but I just spent a moment thinking about how the art work for those things must actually have been done. Holding on to that thought makes those pictures look a good deal more impressive, escpecially the mustang.

I never played Carrier Command on the Amiga but I played it on the PC and I really liked it. The concept didn't really come alive however until Rage released Hostile Waters a few years ago. The original Carrier Command had all sorts of nice features like having to dock your tracked amphibious vehicles onto the carrier, and seeing your planes disappear beneath a trapdoor below deck when they landed. Other things I liked were being able to control the carrier's guns to fight off enemy airborne units, which was particularly important when you spooked the enemy carrier.

Another nice feature was the ability of the tracked vehicles to carry re-fuelling packs so they could refuel vehicles which had run out of fuel in the field. Not sure if all these things were on the Amiga version though?

Seeing as I have now finished that document I was working on I'll try and get some pictures done smile_o.gif

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edit: blake how the hell did u complete it i never ever have found a way to complete it, i just randomly explored, (once I ended up on a turtle that u can travel to sea with smile_o.gif

Well I don't quite remember what steps you needed to finish it, it's after all over 15 years since I played it smile_o.gif But one thing is certain, you had to visit at least couple of islands with the turtle and solve some quests there. Eventually you got a giant swan which you could use to get across impassable mountains to the main villain's castle and after walking across some obscure labyrinth you'd finally get the chance to slay him and get the girl. Not exactly original from todays viewpoint, but it was damn well done and polished game.

Btw the evil music you mean is this.

I've also got some nostalgic Amiga game music over here. Rocket Ranger, Pirates for example.

Lords of the Rising Sun was great strategy game set in the feudal middle-age Japan, I think Shogun:Total War owes very much to it and in my opinion does not surpass the music and unique atmosphere found in the Amiga game. LOTRS is probably the best Cinemaware game on the Amiga, after that comes the excellent It Came From The Desesrt and Rocket Ranger. Never got into King of Chigago or Three Stooges that much. Wings was good but somehow not as flashy or original as other older Cinemaware titles.

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Well I don't quite remember what steps you needed to finish it, it's after all over 15 years since I played it smile_o.gif But one thing is certain, you had to visit at least couple of islands with the turtle and solve some quests there. Eventually you got a giant swan which you could use to get across impassable mountains to the main villain's castle and after walking across some obscure labyrinth you'd finally get the chance to slay him and get the girl. Not exactly original from todays viewpoint, but it was damn well done and polished game.

Btw the evil music you mean is this.

OMFG! all these years of playing fairy tale yet I have never ever heard of this swan thing and castle! thx it should help me complete it smile_o.gif o and thx for the evil music, downloaded ^^

@ chris330: those features u mentioned were in the amiga version of carrier command wink_o.gif

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Ha, I remember playing Desert Strike and Cannon Fodder on my cousin's Amiga. Those games rocked! pistols.gif

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@ blake: ive just downloaded all the music thx, that defender of the crown music i remember so clearly, I used to just watch that gold logo with the shine reflection thing going across, and i used to imagine it was soldiers with swords shadow going past with hearing tht music (yes im a sad person) whistle.gif

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I loved Desert Strike, though I played it on Super Nintendo and I played Jungle Strike on a Sega.

A few weeks ago I thought about creating a Desert Strike campaign on DMA Libya. Since the Apache can't hold passengers I figured you could radio a BlackHawk to come and pick them up for you. Problem is I can't remember every objective and level from desert strike any more. That and I'm working on three other missions currently.

Some one should do that though, it would be pretty cool.

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Not really about Amiga games but we made a music video using an Amiga as the editing tool.. It was terrible, the video that is smile_o.gif

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Anyone remember Soundtracker™ ? That was my main music composer tool on Amiga.  biggrin_o.gif


There's a game called Operation Harrier which plays the same as Jungle Strike: <click>

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I saw some genius mention It Came From The Desert on here. One of my favourite Cinemaware products, my favourite part being the intro. Lovely mix of adventure/rpg and action aswell as strategy elements when you got control of the national guard.

A fantastic version of this could be done in Flashpoint.

Unfortunately my copy is MIA. Bugger.

Loved the game though, a really good product and a total classic wink_o.gif

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I saw some genius mention It Came From The Desert on here. One of my favourite Cinemaware products, my favourite part being the intro. Lovely mix of adventure/rpg and action aswell as strategy elements when you got control of the national guard.

A fantastic version of this could be done in Flashpoint.

Unfortunately my copy is MIA. Bugger.

Loved the game though, a really good product and a total classic wink_o.gif

OMG! that It came from the desert I and II is really spooky that horrid horrid music (anyone got the mp3 for it?) this game has absaloutly amazing atmosphere, way more atmospheric than most modern games, one thing I couldnt work out how to kill the ants confused_o.gif where do I aim?

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You shoot their antenna off! You have to shoot both antenna off to get them to die. Problem is when you fire the gun the bullet tracer appears much higher than the end of the pistol and there is nothing to help you aim this, it's all guess work.

You normally got two chances. The first time the ant would walk onto the screen from left or right and then turn and face you. After a short period of time it would either run off or it would charge at you and then re-appear right infront of you. You only had a few seconds to get him before you ended up in the hospital and found yourself having to plan a break-out as soon as you had finished talking to nurse Judy.

The hosptial breakout was the cue for some superb sounds. The most notable being:

"There he goes!"

Anyone who played this certainly remember that. Also if you managed to get the wheelchair you could go faster biggrin_o.gif

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Yeah, It Came From The Desert definately had it all, knife fights with thugs or G-men, 'chicken' on a straight highway, strategy, mystery solving, action, horror, probably one of the most versatile games ever. And the atmosphere created by graphics and music was absolutely magnificent.

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Or any other cinemaware game for that matter. yay.gif

Truly a company that should have survived. sad_o.gif

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Cinemaware was reformed 4 years ago by the original founders. So far the only thing the've released that I know of is Robinhood Defender of the Crown. Everything I've heard obout it has been bad though.

If you go to Cinemaware's official site they have te original defender of the crown, Wings, Chicago mobsters and all those free for download. I downloaded the CGA version of Defender of the Crown, which was the version I had as a kid on the family T1000. It ran fine except for crashing when ever the jousting screen came up. Bummer.

Dig that music though lol. To this day I still have all the Defender of the crown music stuck in my head.

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Had to nip down to the chemist today to get some cream for my nose and managed to pick up a real classic, though not one necessarily computer game related.


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OMG! that It came from the desert I and II is really spooky that horrid horrid music (anyone got the mp3 for it?)

Here you go: It came from the desert music

Well it's midi and there is at least one sample from the orig. amiga mods mapped incorrect but ... who cares.

Another one that would make a great mod in OFP like the suggested Midwinter and It came from the desert:

Who am I?

(If you ever played it you will recognize it in an instant, you heard that tune all the time while playing)

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Another one that would make a great mod in OFP like the suggested Midwinter and It came from the desert:

Who am I?

(If you ever played it you will recognize it in an instant, you heard that tune all the time while playing)

Well, I've definitely played it,but be buggered if I can remember what it was ..... sad_o.gif

How about Paradroid and Sentinel .... smile_o.gif

Paradroid first came out on the C64, you're lowly droid bot trying to gain control of a huge out-of-control spaceship by "taking over" other droids and using their different powers. A side scroller, and very addictive.

Sentinel was a weird 3D game where you had to avoid the slowly rotating gaze of the big "Sentinel" as you frantictly teleport around the landscaped map. Very different ......

And Demo Disks !!!!! Why arent they around for the PC !! biggrin_o.gif lol

I must still have 30 odd demo disks, amazing music, amazing graphics.

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