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Voice communication in AA and games general

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Hi.I have a question for you seasoned online-FPS campaigners out there wink_o.gif Is it possible to implement voice-over-net in AA?Like roger wilco,so people can communicate with each other?It would be cool to have different voicechannels in AA-like with text-which one can set up individually-so one can team up with another guy in a game and only he hears the com.Also global,to the officer over radio-and maybe in virtual world so you have to be close to the person speaking.If there is a bandwidth problem,maybe that could be solved in low quality,but-ofcourse-understandable sound.

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i do not know if i understand your question in detail but you should know that there is in the existing ofp game already an ingame voice program implemented. try it out.

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...Also global,to the officer over radio-and maybe in virtual world so you have to be close to the person speaking...

Lol, the would be like using an instantaneous Wav2Lip tool, it would be great, maybe sugest this in the Game two forums, that would be amazing, to combine VON with Lip.

Quote[/b] ]A lip file accompanies a sound file meant for spoken words in a mission. The file lip-syncs the month of the charter to the spoken words in a sound file. It shares the same name of the sound file and must be in the same folder.

For those on the unknown.



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What I would like to see is a game engine with variable channels representing the various levels of command.

So, you have an infrasquad channel for the squad leader and his squad.

You have an intersquad channel between squad leaders, presumably one of them would be commanding if the players wanted to get that complex (ie. WGL coop).

That way the squads could talk amongst themselves without everyone hearing everything that everyone says.

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Quote[/b] ]there is in the existing ofp game already an ingame voice program implemented

Only through DirectPlay. And almost all servers use sockets.

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The localized voice comms (coming from the speaker) was implemented in OPF at one point IIRC. Though It's been so long since I've played MP (great addons+crappy CPU=craptacular performance) don't know if it exists in latest version.


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It would be good to have some like Battlefield 2, where you can speak to your squad and team easily...unlike the current one in OFP..

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