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GAZ 3937 Vodnik

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sounds good granQ !!! one and a half week left until i am free !!!!

but before freedom, there are 300min of math tomorow so please hold your thumbs for me  wink_o.gif

good luck and its perfect, because i cant start now either.

Still have to drink some more beers here on the beach (2 weeks) then i will be free (home in sweden again)

Basicly, if the model is visual complete when i get home it would rock because then we should be able to work at the same time, you on textures me on selections. If its not, no problem.. we solve that. I can also work on the coding.

guess got inside left..

My guess you will have a great addon of armed assault standard released before Armed assault smile_o.gif

And i guess you guys all can help out getting the greatest engine sound for this car, cause we cant be happy using the gaz or brdms one, right?

anyway, take a break and focus on the math now..

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Hi people,

after being lazy for some weeks i decided to continue my vodnik.

Does anybody know about the specs of the upcoming ArmA models (polycount, texturesizes, etc.)???

Secondly, i converted to linux. My modeling program is already working, but has anybody ever tried to run oxygen under some kind of emulation like wine???



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Guest Ti0n3r

~6000 is what BIS have used for their stuff.

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Lots to do in reallife atm... also maya is making trouble under linux - BUT VODNIK IS NOT DEAD^^ !!!

So please dont worry ;-)

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damn these are used in BF-2  crazy_o.gif

Does that make them bad?

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damn these are used in BF-2 crazy_o.gif

I think just about everything in BF2 has been made into a OFP addon at some stage xmas_o.gif

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I dont think this project is dead (yet). I am just completly busy with university und RL...

There is simply not enough time to finish the textures atm.


please dont be dissappointed, i will definetly finish this baby one day... !!!!

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I dont think this project is dead (yet). I am just completly busy with university und RL...

There is simply not enough time to finish the textures atm.


please dont be dissappointed, i will definetly finish this baby one day... !!!!

I definitely am holding on to that promise with hope, cl10k... smile_o.gif

Oh and with ArmA now out maybe you could ask granQ to convert it to ArmA when it's done? That way you'll definitely put BIS to shame on coming through with something that's long been hoped for by the community in OFP, announced by BIS for ArmA, but not been followed through... thumbs-up.gif

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