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This one is from the Army Test and Evaluation Center:


So is this one from OFPOR?


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There ya go...nice find on the pics. I knew they had some. The Navy paints SH-60s to look like Russian helos as well at Top Gun. I have pics of that somewhere as well.

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There ya go...nice find on the pics. I knew they had some. The Navy paints SH-60s to look like Russian helos as well at Top Gun. I have pics of that somewhere as well.

Thanks I've also found modified NTC Huey's


This is what the capture under the photo says: " Huey disguised as a soviet-made helicopter". That made me think: What type of helicopter? Don't think the Ruskie's have anything similair to the Huey confused_o.gif

What's more important in OPFOR by the way? Training against equipment that has the same characteristics as oposing forces or training against equipment that has the same looks as oposing forces?

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Both. The Huey is configured like a Hind and is treated like one on the battlefield. NTC does have some authentic Soviet equipment used in training, though. On my rotation they had BMPs, MT-LBs and a BRDM-2. Most everything else are visually modified M551s, M113s and HMMWVs. They also use M-1s for the Opfor (calling them KVTs - Krasnovian Variant Tanks).

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IIRC, one of the american Hinds is the result of a little french incursion in Lybian territory in 1987.

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For anyone who's interested in OPFOR at Irwin. Here are some pics of the Ruskie equipment they use from a site I came across:




The site

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A lot of that stuff belongs to Irwin's military intelligence unit and is used for familiarization, but not actual training in "The Box". When I was there in '98, all of that stuff (except the MTLBs, BMPs and BRDM) was on static display or in a long-term motor pool.

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Ah, the joys of FDF, no need for any specific OPFOR equipment in order to be realistic. Just remove the finnish insignia off your own stuff.. yay.gif

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As much as I hate to say it, Hellfish is totally 100% right. See the photos I've put at the link below for the truth. I can't remember when they were taken but it was probably before 2001. What happened to this small museum type area is unknown to me.


Exceptions can be found at exp folder in which I've posted pictures from OPERATION KERNEL BLITZ (can't remember if it's spelt correctly)... on Camp Pendleton... I think '97. Not sure what happened to the vehicles though. They look to be from the Army though because of the convoy lighty thingies.

E: ^^ that above bit is a lie, i cant find the pics gotta get them again

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That last vehicle, what is it? a recovery vehicle on a T-55 chasis?

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No, it's some kind of plowing device, I get the nomenclature, I believe it's a russian truck on a T55 chassis. There is one just like it in the Jaques Littlefield collection but only it has a big radar dish on it.

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Hmm the only info i could find on it was froma site called T-72: Balkans on fire

Designation: BTM-3

Type: Fast entrenching vehicle

Crew, men: 2

Weight, tons: 31.6

Dimensions, m: transport mode: 7.4-3.2-.35 digging mode: 10.9-3.2-3.5

Number of guns/caliber, mm: none

Engine: 380 hp

Max. speed, kmph: 36 / 0.8 (when digging)

Cruising range, km: 560

The fast trench-digging vehicle BTM-3 is designed to dig defensive and communication trenches in soils of up to IV type. The BTM consists of the basis vehicle and digging equipment. A heavy artillery prime-mover was used as the vehicle basis. When the vehicle is moving in transport mode, the gear box provides five gears for forward movement and one for backward. As soon as the vehicle starts digging trenches speed is decreased.

The BTM can dig trenches in curves with a minimum radius of 25 m. The vehicle can switch from transport mode to operating (digging) mode in 10 minutes. When digging at 3rd gear, the BTM can approximately dig an 800 meter long man-sized trench in one hour.

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Well there is a story in the New Zealand Herald's (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=2&ObjectID=10364224) world section about a moldovan being charged for selling 21 Mig-29's the the USA too cheap, they lost $55million(USD)! Apperntly the US bought them so they could'nt be sold to Iran. So where are they now? Hard to hide 21 Mig 29. Also read a story some time ago about the MI-28, this article said the Green Beannies had 2 of them for trial purposes because they can carry troops while armed like an apache. I will try to find this article and post links. Could possibly have been old collectable magazines.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Well there is a story in the New Zealand Herald's (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=2&ObjectID=10364224) world section about a moldovan being charged for selling 21 Mig-29's the the USA too cheap, they lost $55million(USD)! Apperntly the US bought them so they could'nt be sold to Iran. So where are they now? Hard to hide 21 Mig 29. Also read a story some time ago about the MI-28, this article said the Green Beannies had 2 of them for trial purposes because they can carry troops while armed like an apache. I will try to find this article and post links. Could possibly have been old collectable magazines.

They scrapped them if i remember correctly - will i know some Mig 29s turned up in a few museums int he US too so maybe thats the answer?

As for the Mi-28s. Its a two man attack helicopter just like the apache, i think you're confusing it with the Mi-24 Hind which will carry 8 trrops plus a decent weapons load, like the Apache.

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I thought the Mi-28 had a small compartment for SAR operations? IIRC it could fit 1-2 men.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
I thought the Mi-28 had a small compartment for SAR operations? IIRC it could fit 1-2 men.

I dont think so but i could be wrong - Although i cant imagine where they would fit. There isnt much space i the fuselage after you account for avionics and fuel tanks.


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IIRC there is a small compartment on the left hand side that was designed for a small combat team (4 men max.) to travel in(aparently real uncomfy tho smile_o.gif ). Wouldnt suprise me if they filled the hole full of electronics now.

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from Wikipedia

Quote[/b] ]While the Mi-28 is not intended for use as a transport, it does have a small passenger compartment capable of carrying three persons. The planned purpose of this is to enable the rescue of downed helicopter crews.

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Now that feature would had been useful in one helicopter coop I made, nothing more annoying than shipping downed fellow pilots back to the airfield one-by-one. yay.gif

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