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Mapfact.net releases DAC

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You have to add the vehicle class names of the soldiers into the config_units .sqs file of DAC (it is described in more detail somewhere in the readme).

In this way you can also add friendly units; as for extraction choppers I don't think it is possible in the way you imagine it. Aircraft in general can be generated by DAC too.

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I will like to add only Vietcong units and some vehicles like AAA or Pt-76, will like Silola told me how to do this.

I will use the choppers with a script to insertion/extraction

Only need to know what name I need to use for the addon units ( is the name of the PBO file?? )and Where I need to insert it That's all

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sorry ... I am very busy for the moment, and I can offer therefore no intensive assistance to you.

It is a large advantage to read first the Readme in order to be able to understand the DAC better.

Quote[/b] ]I have a Vietnam Experience installation, can I use DAC on that island with that addons??

In principle you can use DAC on each island. Depending upon object density,

the parameters for the waypoints must be possibly adapted (DAC readme page 23 - 25).

Quote[/b] ]Any way to add friendly units?? and with Choppers? You know Vietnam is a helo war!!

Yes, you can create DAC zones for each side, thus also for your side (DAC readme page 7).

And yes, you can also create DAC zones for helicopter (DAC readme page 5).

Quote[/b] ]I will like to add only Vietcong units and some vehicles like AAA or Pt-76, will like Silola told me how to do this.

Only need to know what name I need to use for the addon units ( is the name of the PBO file?? )and Where I need

to insert it That's all

You must register the unit types in the script “DAC_Config_Unitsâ€, so that DAC can generate these units.

Have a look at this script, around to see like the units there are registered.

For each unit category gives it its own array that you must fill with the units of your choice.

Either you change an existing configuration, or you add a new configuration within the script.

Each configuration needs a clear number (ID), which you register then in the script call for a zone.

(DAC readme page 7)

Quote[/b] ]I will use the choppers with a script to insertion/extraction

For this feature you must look for its own solution, since it is too specific.

If DAC generates helicopters with cargo, a further group is generated automatically,

which jumps off with parachutes, if it is requested for support (AI only). That's all.

I hope that I could help you a little bit. And please read the Readme smile_o.gif



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Currently reading the readme, I will change the default units by the new ones, but how can I know the name of the addon units?? I solved the chopper problem with a script

Thank's for your work is GREAT!!

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but how can I know the name of the addon units??

Normally the class names of the addon's objects are in the readme.

If it is not you can place the desired units in the editor, save the mission and look the class names up in the mission.sqm file.

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Rgr with the names, I got a init field that give me the name of the unit.

Tried to edit the Unit script of the DAC folder in my mission folder, but DAC gives me an error.

What script exactly I need to edit?? The one inside the general mission folder or the one in the specific mission folder??

Can someone write an example please??

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I don't know what your problem is.

You have to add the units' class names to the arrays in the file Silola said (DAC_Config_Units.sqs), then you have to pass the number of this array in the DAC call in the trigger's onActivation line (what parameter this is can be found in the readme, the DAC documentation is excellent).

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I tried to edit this file in order to get some talibans units appear. The DAC start correctly, but not a single Taliban unit appear. What I'm making wrong??

Here's the file, can you please take a look and tell me why doesn't work??


BTW: Do you have MSN, maybe we will solve the problem a lot more quickly by MSN.

Mine capitanstratos1 at hotmail dot com

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I've got a minor problem with spawn camps:

I have 2 zones; z3 is an infantry zone with 2 infantry groups and a few waypoints; z1 contains a spawn camp and 2 infantry groups.

z1 and z3 are linked and I want the groups form z1 to go into z3. Furthermore I want the groups from z1 to be respawned several times:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[z1,[1,0,0],[2,2,0,4],[ ],[ ],[1,1,10,1,100,99],[2,11,4]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[z3,[1,0,0],[2,2,30,4],[ ],[ ],[ ],[2,11,4]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs"

The infantry from z1 uses the waypoints of z3 but as soon as the groups die, they are not respawned (even after several minutes).

What's wrong with my setup, why is there no respawn?

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not good sad_o.gif

Make an attempt:

[z1,[1,0,0],[2,2,1,4],[ ],[ ],[1,1,50,0,100,99],[2,11,4]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs"

or try this:

[z1,[1,0,0],[2,2,1,4],[ ],[ ],[1,1,50,1,100,99],[1,1,4]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs"

Only to see that it runs in such a way.



edit: spawn settings in DAC_Config_Creator ?

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[z1,[1,0,0],[2,2,1,4],[ ],[ ],[1,1,50,0,100,99],[2,11,4]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs"

or try this:

[z1,[1,0,0],[2,2,1,4],[ ],[ ],[1,1,50,1,100,99],[1,1,4]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs"

West standard units don't work either. And I have tried the other thing too.

Unless I am completely blind I cannot see any major difference between my parameters and the ones from the DAC spawn demo mission 1 (apart from the unit addon and side parameters).

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">DAC_KI_Spawn = [30,30,0,0]

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I now can be very sure that the respawn does not work because of the side selection parameter in the last array of the DAC call:

[z1_1,[2,0,0],[1,1,1,4],[],[],[1,1,30,0,100,15],[2,11,4]]exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs"

I've copied the on activation line from the DAC_spawn_1 demo mission and only changed one parameter at a time and tested.

After I had changed the side from 1 to 2 (West to Resistance) the respawn would no longer work huh.gif

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Hi Nepumuk,

I examined the responsible script and yes... it's a bug confused_o.gif

You must edit the following script:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">DAC\KI_1\DAC_Waiting_for_End.sqs

At the beginning of the script the following variables must be initialized: _rCamp = []; _dc = []

Not tested, but it should function smile_o.gif



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It seems to work, thanks Silola.

Will you continue supporting DAC for Ofp and release a "patched" version of DAC which fixes bugs like this one?

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Of course I will support DAC V1.0. I will help the people, if they have problems with DAC.

I do not know yet whether I release an improved version for OFP icon_rolleyes.gif

Highest priority for the moment has the version V2.0 for ArmA, which will very soon released whistle.gif



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I am currently making a mission with DAC in, it is a fairly large mission so i am using the activation and deactivation. However, upon completing the mission enough for beta testing (imo), i tested it, and where DAC had worked perfectly before i placed some units and triggers, it now doesn't. It works after a fashion, with only 2 of the 4 zones activating and being measured at the beginning of the mission. After it has done initializing, there is still the measuring zones bar at the bottom, however instead of the numbers counting down, there is a bunch of gibberish which i dont understand at all. Please help.gif !!

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Couldn't find an answer to my question, so I decided to ask here, although it might be a little offtopic, so sorry about that confused_o.gif

So, is there any large missions, or even CTI missions using DAC? I tried out the demo and I was excited about how many skirmishes there are at same time on the map, so then I wondered how cool it would be if it were on a larger scale. I don't know is it possible, because I practically know nothing about scripting icon_rolleyes.gif

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Played atleast some BAS ones online (took ~30 mins), and maybe few FDF and WGL ones, atleast. So, yeah, there are missions using it.

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So, is there any large missions, or even CTI missions using DAC?

I found that one quite entertaining, it uses WGL too.

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Making one last MP mission for OFP, recycling the second half of a mission I made that was so hard no one ever made it past the first half. I was worried because I wanted DAC to generate enemy and civilian units but wanted only the enemy to have AI. I did a quick grep of the DAC scripts and discovered that AI is disabled for civilians. Silola, you thought of nearly everything when you made DAC, it can be so perfectly configured to personal taste. I think it is one of the greatest scripting accomplishment in the history of OFP(alongside CoC CE & NS2). I look forward to making my first MP ArmA mission someday, and trying out DAC2.

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