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Bridge Tank

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exactly! *idea*

if river is too big in ofp,you can form groups of those things.

sounds silly,but it was told that rivers are too big in ofp

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the turkish union mod made the fransiska , dunno if its correct spelling but it was a truck that could carry a tank or other vehicle on it and drive around with it, though it had a few limitations i don't remember exactly wich ones they where but maybe its something that can be worked out when armed assault hits the streets biggrin_o.gif

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the turkish union mod made the fransiska , dunno if its correct spelling but it was a truck that could carry a tank or other vehicle on it and drive around with it, though it had a few limitations i don't remember exactly wich ones they where but maybe its something that can be worked out when armed assault hits the streets  biggrin_o.gif

im sure it could be done... But i just cant be bothered atm as i have too many projects

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Alas, I lack the equipment, tools, skill and the experience. confused_o.gif   And therefore no way I could aproach the level or quality of the works of Messiah, Rockape of RKSL or anyone else for that matter.  notworthy.gif  I was simply pointing out a possiblity that may suit the community and generate encouragment for the individuals dicussing this possiblity and a I do for any addon maker.  I'm sorry I express such a viewpoint.

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@ platoon redhawk:

download O2 and see bresseb's tutorials.

my advice for you is that if you're a beginner in O2,start making this project from a big box. lets say 30x10x1m.

now make some lods.see o2 thread to find out what they are.

if thats done make a simple texture for it (black or grey)

texture the box.

now you need a config.

like the one with mi-26 ,but modified,so you could carry tank or apc on it.

put all this stuff into one folder and pbo it!


i forgot.

i was talking about the ferry not the bridge.

and you need a driver for it too.that means some extra work

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i've been searching for blueprints from the m3 u mentioned, but didnt had much luck...also searched for similar vehicles from other nations,but all i could find is some bad pics. not a single blueprint.

i think next week i can do a fast model and try to apply the cargo script on it. the bad thing is i'm not that good in scripting and dont have the guts to make authopsy to the big mi26 and search for the cargo script file. so if any of u guys that is reading this, ever messed around with the cargo script, plz let me know. it would save me couple of hours of work...

considering that we cant find any blueprint of it, i will creat a custom model. now what i dont know is which type of vehicle should i build. i can see 2 options;

1- a ferryboat-one bridge mounted on floaters, moved by a diesel engine. basicly its a class boat with the cargo script adapted.

2- a tracked vehicle with bridge mounted on top (like the m3), that would have float=true in script file. this option is much more complicated i guess, and wouldnt be very reallistic. i say this because the brigde platforms usually travelled pilled. so if i make for example 3 crossed sections, pilled on each other, i'll need to rotate 1 section 180ÅŸ to the front, the 2nd one rotates 180ÅŸ to the back and 3rd section wont rotate(its the central section of the bridge afterall). hope u can understand this deploy process.

now the bad part. in the geo lod (colision) i cant rotate any part of the model(that i know).so i have to decide if the geolod has a deployed briged or closed one. if i make the bridge closed, in the situations that i deploy the bridge and move around, for example in the midle of a town, the 15/20m lenght sections of bridge extruded in the top of the vehicle, will go trough inside houses or even terrain...unaceptable!

the oposite sucks to, because if i make the geolod with bridge deployed, and move around in a town, i'll be coliding all the time.

for the plp that never made an addon, the geometry lod is the 3dmodel inside the pbo that detects colisions, and the "visual" lods are totally independent...(sory for the old news to all the others...just making sure everyone understands my problem here...)

this seems thriling so any sugestions are more then welcome..

and yes lets try to make a vehicle of this kind. it will fill one of the few gaps that ofp still has.

my 2 cents


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